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Your search for "*" yielded 533357 hits

Transfer and typological proximity in the context of L2 processing

In this article, the issue of cross-linguistic influence in second language acquisition is examined from a processing perspective. Applying Processability Theory as the theoretical framework we claim that second language (L2) learners can only produce forms they are able to process.We thus argue that the first language (L1) influence on the L2 is developmentally moderated. Data were collected from

MR imaging of upper abdomen following cholecystectomy. Normal and abnormal findings

PURPOSE: To describe the normal MR appearance after cholecystectomy and the findings in patients with postoperative complications using fast pulse sequences in abdominal MR imaging. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a prospective study of 119 patients, 64 were examined with MR after cholecystectomy. In total, 56 patients with uncomplicated cholecystectomy were examined with MR 1--5 days (mean 1.6 days) aft

Evangelium Cyrillicum Gothoburgense : A Codicological, Palaeographical, Textological and Linguistic Study of a Church Slavonic Tetraevangel

Popular Abstract in Swedish Evangelium Cyrillicum Gothoburgense, ECG, ett tetraevangelium som förvaras i Göteborgs universitets-bibliotek, har studerats i flera avseenden. Den kodikologiska studien visar att handskriften har restaurerats tidigare och att några sidor fattas i början och i slutet. Vattenmärket är ett vildsvin, vilket daterar ECG till 1605-1625 med stöd av ett identiskt vattenmärke iEvangelium Cyrillicum Gothoburgense, ECG, a tetraevangel treasured in Göteborg University Library, has been studied from several aspects. A codicological study showed that the MS bears signs of earlier restoration and that some leaves are missing at the beginning and at the end. The watermark is a "boar", and the date of ECG is believed to be 1605-1625 on the basis of an identical watermark in ano

Scattering-matrix formalism of electron transport through three-terminal quantum structures: formulation and application to Y-junction devices

In this paper we present a formalism for the calculation of electron transport through three-terminal junction devices, which have received attention due to their recently demonstrated non-linear electrical properties. The formalism, which is based on the scattering-matrix method, takes quantum interference effects fully into account. Furthermore, the formalism provides numerical stability in the

On the nature and expression of prejudice as seen in judgments of pictorial stimuli.

In Study 1 (N = 120), pictures of violent behavior taking place within or between ethnic groups were rated under different instructions. A strong cross-over effect was found: interracial violence was reported as relatively more threatening under the instruction that the study concerned anxiety, whereas violence among Whites was reported as more threatening under the instruction that the study conc

The small sample properties of the reset test as applied to systems of equations

The RESET test for functional misspecification is generalised to cover systems of equations, and the properties of 7 versions are studied using Monte Carlo methods. The Rao F -test clearly exhibits the best performance as regards correct size, whilst the commonly used LRT (uncorrected for degrees-of-freedom), and LM and Wald tests (both corrected and uncorrected) behave badly even in single equati

Engagemang i Lutherhjälpen : studier av motiv och drivkrafter hos frivilligt aktiva

Popular Abstract in Swedish Del 1. Introduktion I kapitel 1 presenteras arbetets problem, syfte och metod. Det arbete som olika frivilligorganisationer och deras medlemmar utför har de senaste åren uppmärksammats alltmer. Detta ökade intresse finner man såväl i Sverige som internationellt. Fokus i detta arbete riktas mot drivkrafterna bakom frivilligt engagemang. Det övergripande problemet är varfThis thesis focuses on the incitement to commitment and voluntary work. The overall problem is the question why you get involved in voluntary work for an organisation like Lutherhjälpen, the organisation for international development co-operation of the Church of Sweden, one of the largest NGOs of the country. The theoretical perspectives are seen from the position of the increasing pace of change

Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Flows in a Diesel Engine

This paper presents a study of the turbulence field in an optical diesel engine operated under motored conditions using both large eddy simulation (LES) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The study was performed in a laboratory optical diesel engine based on a recent production engine from VOLVO Car. PIV is used to study the flow field in the cylinder, particularly inside the piston bowl that i

Lysine adducts between methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride and collagen in guinea pig lung

The formation of adducts between methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (MTHPA), an important industrial chemical and potent allergen, and collagen from guinea pig lung tissue was investigated. Collagen peptides were obtained from the lung tissue by homogenization, defatting, washing, and digestion with collagenase. In experiments in vitro, lung tissue was exposed to 8.4 mumol (50 microCi) of 14C MTHP

Protein expression and cellular localization in two prognostic subgroups of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: Higher expression of ZAP70 and PKC-beta II in the non-germinal center group and poor survival in patients deficient in nuclear PTEN

Patients diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) show varying responses to conventional therapy, and this might be contributed to the differentiation stage of the tumor B-cells. The aim of the current study was to evaluate a panel of kinases (ZAP70, PKC-beta I and II and phosphorylated PKB/Akt) and phosphatases (PTEN, SHP1 and SHP2) known to be frequently deregulated in lymphoid malig

Caring and relations : On emotional interaction in home help

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad händer i samspelet mellan vårdbiträden i hemtjänsten och äldre människor de hjälper? Hur förhåller man sig till varandras förväntningar på relationen? Vilken inverkan har den äldres familj och vårdbiträdets arbetsgrupp på den äldres och vårdbiträdets relation? Detta är centrala frågor i denna avhandling, som handlar om omsorgssituationen i hemtjänsttagarens hem utiThis dissertation examines the interaction between municipal home-helpers and care re-cipients from a social psychological perspective. One of the starting points is a critique of some classical works in the caring science inspired by women’s studies for not taking into consideration that care-giving work constitutes social interaction. The aim is to analyse how elderly people and the home-helpers

Effects of condensing agent and nuclease on the extent of ejection from phage lambda

We have recently demonstrated, that DNA ejection from bacteriophage I can be partially or completely suppressed in vitro by external osmotic pressure. This suggests that DNA ejection from phage is driven by an internal mechanical force consisting of DNA bending and DNA-DNA electrostatic repulsion energies. In the present work we investigate the extent to which DNA ejection is incomplete at zero os