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Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion Using Cartesian Grid and Boundary Corrections
Transport through nanowire quantum dots
Consumer perceptions of sustainable packaging: Limited by lack of knowledge?
Packaging has great potential to contribute to sustainable development. This is due to its primary role to protect products. This paper reports on how Swedish consumers perceive and select food packages in general, and how environmental aspects of conventional and organic food packaging are perceived in particular. The study is based on a consumer survey. The findings indicate that contrary to res
Försäkringsbranschens informationsplikt enligt nya FAL
How long is ‘now’? Time, narration and eschatological promises of ‘Messianic salvation’ within international law of, in and after war
This paper examines how the International laws of, in and after war are, as a Schmittian political theology, instructed by a Christian eschatological concept of time. The paper uncovers how Christian remnants are present in both international law and in our Nordic societies, suggesting that we ought to consider carefully how our understanding and narration of time is furthering the eschatological
Does workplace bullying change cortisol concentrations? A longitudinal study among Danish employees.
Evidentiality in Lithuanian
Abstract is not available
Demokratievåg kan nå Kina
Framtagning av lösningsprincip för verifiering av rätt sida vid snabb sidbläddring
Rural Reforms and Agricultural Productivity in Laos
Antibody-based microarrays: From focused assays to proteome-scale analysis
Steen Bo Frandsen, Holsten i helstaten
Motivation and the standardization of work: Industry revisited or a victory to professionalism?
The standardization of work processes has become an increasingly common feature in the public administration, aiming at both efficiency and equal treatment of citizens. Combining this standardization with employee motivation is considered a challenge. This challenge is explored, based on a survey among officials at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Results reveal that, contrary to expectations,
Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and ectoines using a halophilic bacterium
Halomonas boliviensis is a moderate halophilic bacterium, isolated from a soil sample around a hypersaline lake Laguna Colorada in the Andean region of Bolivia. The organism is capable of growing over a wide range of NaCl concentration (0-25 %, w/v), however with an optimum of about 4.5 % (w/v) NaCl. It is able to accumulate two useful products: poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and ectoines (ectoine
Indicators for Ecolabelling : Opportunities for GEN Members to demonstrate and benchmark advancements in performance and effects
Framtagning av ny linjeringsmaskin
Associations between asthma and traffic exposure in Scania, using modelled concentrations of NOx, distance to road and self-reported data.
Samma problem - olika lösningar
Advanced electrolytes based on polymers and LiClO4 for electrochromic windows
6th International Meeting on Electrochromism, August 29th - September 2nd, 2004, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic.