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De svenska hushållen och boendeutgifternas utveckling - En scenariobaserad approach

This essay makes an attempt to answer whether the mean Swedish household is vulnerable to changes in economic variables. This is made with a simplified version of housing expenditure relative to the household’s disposable income which creates a quota. First a history review is made which helps clarify the reasons of this quota moving in certain directions. The history lesson also provides importan

Early life and its implications for astrobiology : a case study from Bitter Springs Chert, Australia

Forskning kring tidigt liv möter svårigheter utöver de som forskning kring senare liv ställs inför. På grund av att de tidigaste bergarterna inte finns bevarade har viktig information om jordens tidiga förhållanden för evigt gått förlorad. Dessutom var de tidigaste livsformerna små och morfologiskt enkla, vilket betyder att abiotiska pseudofossil lätt kan infiltrera fossilarkivet. Ett centralt temEarly life research faces additional challenges than those of the study of later life forms. Due to the de-materialization of the earliest rocks, valuable information about the early Earth is forever lost. Furthermore, early life was small and morphologically basic, effectuating abiotic pseudofossils to infiltrate the fossil record. A central theme is the close connection early life research share

Dynamisk skjuvreometer för reologisk undersökning av bitumen

The Rheology of asphalt binders is crucial for the function and durability of road pavements. In the American road concept Superpave, which has been in use for about 20 years, old empirical methods has been replaced with a rheological measurement technology in the form of DSR. With this technology, the functional properties of binders are described in basic rheological terms. The department of Tec

The Gender Digital Divide

Gender not only pervades how people use the ICT, but also influences whether or not and how much they use them. This study, making use of the latest possible secondary data, studies the possible gender digital divide among users of ICT in both developed and developing countries. I move the study of gender digital divide from an early narrow perspective of ICT access and usage patterns among biolog

Macro-regions in the global cloud of trust. A study of competitive identity creation within the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

With a new regionalisation process in Europe a number of macro-regions are appearing. The same as countries or cities, macro-regions aim at developing or increasing the competitiveness in the global markets not only for products or funds, but also for ideas, influence and reputation, for trust and attention. The model of competitive identity – the brand management model for nations, cities and reg

Academic spin-off formation failure: the role of individual goals and attributions in learning from failure

Failure in entrepreneurial initiatives is often considered beneficial for entrepreneurial learning, as entrepreneurs learn from such experience through reflection on why it occurred. However, the actors involved are heterogeneous, implying they may interpret failure differently, and, consequently, their learning outcomes may also differ. Using attribution theory as the main theoretical framework,

Livet som Gaijin- En studie om hur utlandssvenska kvinnor ser på sitt liv i Japan

The aim of this study was to examine how Swedish women who are living in Japan as expatriates experience their life by studying their social networks and the relationships they formed. By interviewing six Swedish women, using semi-structured interviews, it was possible to identify three major themes that seemed to have a major role in how the women viewed themselves and how they described their ti

Konfidensskattningar och informationstyp: redskap för att bedöma korrekthet i vittnesutsagor

Enligt tidigare forskning inom vittnespsykologi minns människor handlingsrelaterad respektive deskriptiv information olika. De skattar också olika grad av konfidens beroende på informationstyp. Vidare visar forskning att konfidensskattningar hos ett vittne kan vara en viktig informationskälla vid korrekthetsbedömningar av de rapporterade minnena. Studier visar även att individer skiljer sig åt gälAccording to previous research, people remember action details and descriptive details differently. They also express different level of confidence for different kinds of memory details. Moreover, research shows that confidence expressed by an eyewitness can be important information when evaluating the accuracy of memory reports. Research also shows that individuals differ in terms of how they eva

Creative school and the Cultural Business – a Case Study on Skissernas Museum in Lund

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to examine the impact of the Governments contribution Creative school (Skapande skola) on a cultural business by a case study of Skissernas museum in Lund. By investigating the difference in work process between the projects implemented with and without Creative school I can identify the impact of the contribution on Skissernas museum. The biggest difference b

P-boken och e-boken: En komparation och värdeanalys av bokmarknadens mest centrala format

P-boken har länge varit det centrala mediet för förmedling av idéer. Med digitaliseringen uppstod e-boken vars form skakade den tryckorienterade förlagsbranschen i grunden. På den anglosaxiska marknaden äter e-boken marknadsandelar i en rasande fart. I Sverige har e-boksmarknaden, trots landets höga internetpenetration, inte tagit fart men förlagen bävar inför p-bokens ovissa framtid. Idag likstäl