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Course analysis for Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces, FYST19, Spring 2019, 7.

Statistik 10p ekologi BIO 580 Helsingborg HT 2004 Kurssammanställning FYST19 ” Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces” VT 2019 Kursansvarig: Jan Knudsen Övriga lärare: Uta Hejral Betyg: 12 VG, 9 G, 2 U In addition one student got sick. The exam was calculated based on the result grade from the written exam (2 hours and 45 min long) weighted by 2/3, A written project report (weight 2/9) and the oral pre,%20FYST19,%20Spring%202019,%207.5%20credits.pdf - 2025-03-10

Course analysis for Spectroscopy and quantum description of matter, FYST20, Spri

Kurssammanställning FYST20 “Spectroscopy and quantum description of matter” Kursansvarig: Mathieu Gisselbrecht Övriga lärare: Stacey Sörensen, Jan Knudsen, Lukas Wittenbecher and external researchers from MAXIV: Gunnar Örhwall, Maxim Tchaplyguine, Balasubramanian Thiagarajan. Betyg: 2 st VG, 5 st G, 2 st U (one or two assignments missing) I - Kursutvärdering - Totalt antal svar: 4 (44 % participat,%20FYST20,%20Spring%202020,%207.5%20credits.pdf - 2025-03-10

FYSA12 Mechanics CourseAnalysis VT20 NEW

FYSA12 mechanics course analysis VT2020 Course Analysis for Classical Mechanics in FYSA12, VT 2020 Course responsible: Ruth Pöttgen Other teachers: Elizabeth Blackburn Number of students registered: 70 (including students that needed only individual elements/labs) Number of replies to survey: 34 Course Representatives: Leana Cazorla Zebaztian Pålsson Students taking the exam: 37 Grades: U: 13, G: - 2025-03-10

FYSA13 Course analysis VT2020 NEW

Course analysis for “Physics: Introduction to University Physics, with Optics, Waves and Quantum Physics, FYSA13” VT 2020 Course responsible: Lukasz Michalak Teachers: lecturers: Vincent Hedberg (optics and waves) and Lukasz Michalak (quantum physics); exercise supervisors: Megha Gopalakrishna and Zhen Zhao; lab supervisors, geometrical optics: Helen Edström, Lassi Linnala and Smita Ganguly; lab s - 2025-03-10

FYSC12 CourseEvaluation VT2021

FYSC12 course evaluation spring 2021 Postal address Box 118, 22100 Lund, Visiting address Professorsgatan 1, 22363 Lund. Telephone +46 46 222 7633, +46 46 222 00 00 E-mail Website Depar tment o f Phys ics Div is ion of Nuc lear Phys ics Prof . D i rk Rud o lph Course Evaluation FYSC12, VT21 During the introduction of the VT21 lecture series, two - 2025-03-10

FYSC12 HT20 course analysis

FYSC12 course evaluation autumn 2020 Department of Physics Division of Nuclear Physics Dr. Luis Sarmiento Postal address Box 118, 22100 Lund. Visiting address Professorsgatan 1, 22363 Lund. Telephone +46 46 222 1707, +46 46 222 00 00 E-mail Website Course Evaluation FYSC12, HT20 At the beginning of the HT20 lecture series, the need for course r - 2025-03-10

FYST25 Kursanalys VT2020

FYST25 Kursanalys VT2020 Kursanalys FYST25/EXTP90/NAFY017 Fasta Tillståndets Teori, VT2020 2020-06-05 Kursansvarig: Andreas Wacker Övriga lärare: Tor Sjöstrand Kursrepresentant: Mattias Åstrand Betygsfördelning: NatFak: G: 3, VG: 6 ; LTH: fyra: 1 ; PHD: G: 6, (6 aktiva deltagare tar muntan senare) Utvärdering I. Sammanfattning av kursvärderingen Totalt antal svar: 18 av sammanlagt 22 aktivt deltag - 2025-03-10

Course Analysis for FYSA12 2

Course Evaluation for FYSA12 Course Analysis for FYSA12, VT 2021 Course responsible: Elizabeth Blackburn Authors of this document: Elizabeth Blackburn (EB) and Christian Brackmann (CB) Number of students registered: 58 (of which 37 are new students) Number of replies to survey: 11 Course representatives: Umashi Fernando, Sherwan Jamo Abdi This report was discussed with the course representatives o - 2025-03-10

MSc MCS - Internship plan

internship plan MKVN11    Department  of  Communication  and  Media     MKVN11,  Media  and  Communication  Studies:  Advanced   Internship,  30  credits             Information  about  the  applicant       Surname/Family  name:     Given  name/First  name:     Civic  registration  number:     E-­‐mail  address:     Postal  address     Telephone  number:             Information  about  the  intern - 2025-03-10

MSc MCS - Student evaluation

studentutvärdering -en Department of Communication and Media MKVN11 Media and Communication studies: Advanced Internship Student evaluation Student Information Surname/Family name: First Name/Given name: Internship information Organisation: Supervisor: Period of Internship: What have been your main tasks during your internship? • • • How would you assess your internship, as a whole? Very good Good - 2025-03-10

MSc MCS - Supervisors evaluation

Handledarutvärdering -eng Department of Communication and Media MKVN11 Media and communication studies: Advanced internship course Supervisor's evaluation Information about the intern: Last name/surname: First name: Information about the internship: Company/organisation: Supervisor’s name: Supervisor’s title: Time period of internship: Has the intern been adequately present during the internship? - 2025-03-10


Programme syllabus Master of Science Programme in Strategic Communication Faculty of Social Sciences SASKO, Master of Science Programme in Strategic Communication, 120 credits Masterprogram i strategisk kommunikation, 120 högskolepoäng Second cycle degree programme requiring previous university study / Program med akademiska förkunskapskrav och med slutlig examen på avancerad nivå Decision The pro - 2025-03-10

SSK001F Reading list

Microsoft Word - SSK001F reading-list-strategic communication-2.docx Page 1 of 3 READING LIST 2021-12-14 Reading list for SSK001F, The Emerging Field of Strategic Communication, 5 credits, third cycle The reading list was approved by the Board of Strategic Communication 2021-12-14 and is valid from the spring semester 2022. Aronczyk, M., Edwards, L., & Kantola, A. (2017). Apprehending public relat - 2025-03-10

StratComLetter-Master 2025

Department of Strategic communication Summary sheet and Letter of Intent (Statement of Purpose) - Master of Science Programme in Strategic communication Admissions for 2025 Please fill in the summary sheet and write your letter of intent with your own words. It is important that the letter reflects your personal experiences and understanding. Use the word limit wisely for each question since this - 2025-03-10

Guide for applicants HT innovation support 2022

PowerPoint-presentation Guide for applicants in the call for funding for the development of innovation ideas at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology 2022 Ideas develop society – realize yours! Provide the following information Name Email address Department Employment status and period of employment Attach a confirmation letter declaring that the application is submitted in consultation w - 2025-03-10


APPLICATION FORM SUSTAINABLE IDEA EXPLORATION (2022) The aim of this grant from Lund University’s Sustainability Fund is to bridge the gap between basic research and innovation/utilization of research results. Projects that can be supported must be intended to support a new hypothesis based on your existing research data, for the development of novel services, methods, products, processes, or tech - 2025-03-10


APPLICATION FORM SUSTAINABILITY FUND’S PRE-SEED (2022) The aim of this grant from Lund University’s Sustainability Fund is to bridge the gap between basic research and innovation/utilization of research results. Projects that can be supported must be intended to support a new hypothesis based on your existing research data, for the development of novel services, methods, products, processes, or te - 2025-03-10


1 ENTREPRENEURSHIP TOOLS A TOOL BOX FOR HELPING RESEARCHERS CREATE IMPACT FROM THEIR RESEARCH AWARENESS COMPETENCE REALISATION BY SCIENCE FOR SOCIETY 2 INTRODUCTION Science for Society is a platform for teaching entrepreneurial skills to junior re- searchers (PhD students and postdocs) and for increasing their awareness of how and competences to putting their research into use, both as commerciali - 2025-03-10

Guide for applicants HT innovation support 2023 - Skrivskyddad 0

Guide for applicants in the call for funding for the development of innovation ideas at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology 2023 IDEAS DEVELOP SOCIETY – REALIZE YOURS! Information to be provided in the application • Name • Email address • Department • Employment status and period of employment • Attach a confirmation letter declaring that the application is submitted in consultation wit - 2025-03-10