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Gaia-NIR-Chiappini-pdf sent 0

Gaia-NIR-Chiappini-pdf_sent CRISTINA CHIAPPINI Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam Queiroz, Barbuy, Perez-Villegas, Khalatyan, F. Anders, B. Santiago, S. Nepal, Montalban, Souza, Valentini, Miglio, Guiglion, Mosser, Bossini, and many other great collaborators • Probing hiding regions of the MW • Improvement on proper motions for Gaia stars • Reset of optical Reference Frame and extension to - 2025-03-10

2024 - Art of Astrometry

Studying the Milky Way’s dynamics using (limited) astrometry alone Paul McMillan, University of Leicester (Collaborators: Daniel Mikkola, David Hobbs, Teresa Antoja and the Gaia Consortium) Why use just astrometry? A lot of dynamics work focuses on this sample Why use just astrometry? We are the 98%! Basic maths 5×1.5×10! 6×3.3×10"≫ In other galaxies… Usually only have one component of velocity (l - 2025-03-10

2024-06-24 project 0

2024-06-24 project The motions of nearby stars and the local mass density Alexander Mustill ( Senior Research Fellow Lund University ESA/ATG medialab NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC/Caltech) Motions of nearby stars • The dominant bulk motion of stars in the Galaxy is their rotation around the Galactic centre on circular orbits • Stars also have a - 2025-03-10


2024.06.26 - Galactic N-body Simulations [The Art of Astrometry and Computation @ Lund workshop] Óscar Jiménez Arranz Division of Astrophysics Lund University The Art of Astrometry and computation Galactic N-body simulations Credit Image: Angel Uriot Astronomy time scales are gigantic in comparison to human time scales Astronomy time scales are gigantic in comparison to human time scales Astronomy - 2025-03-10


InstructionsPresentation Instructions For Presentations Each student will give a short presentation on the results of their projects. The max time is 15 minutes each so your presentation should be no more than 12 minutes to leave time for questions You slide should include: • Your Name and Affiliation • A brief summary of your thesis work • Explain if and how the workshop connects to your research - 2025-03-10

Summer meny engelska 2024

S M A L L CO U R S E S Please inform us of any allergies or food intolerance before you order So we can advice accordingly. H A S H B R O W N S .................................................................................................................................................... 89 KR Served with egg, mayonaisse, dill, lemon and sourdough bread B I S H O P S S H R I M P S A N D W I C - 2025-03-10


The Art of Astrometry and Computation This project is a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network funded under grant agreement no. 101072454. MWGaiaDN Project Presentation The Art of Astrometry and Computation Devika Parathattil Babu Lohrmann Observatory Technical University of Dresden Astrometric Properties of Gaia Quasars Motivation: ➢ QSOs are used to fix the orientation an - 2025-03-10


JoseLuis Jose Luis Gragera Más Exominor bodies vs Exoplanetary atmospheres Jose Luis Gragera Más Exominor bodies vs Exoplanetary atmospheres Jose Luis Gragera Más Exominor bodies vs Exoplanetary atmospheres Thesis: Cometary Impacts & the building of planetary atmospheres Supervisors: Eva Villaver, Alexander Mustill and Santiago Torres IAC/AEE, Lund University and ISTA Thesis: Cometary Impacts & th - 2025-03-10


Lund Presentation Structure and Dynamics of the Magellanic Clouds Marie Schölch Supervisors: Mercè Romero-Gómez & Xavier Luri Institut de Ciències del Cosmos (ICCUB) Universitat de Barcelona This project is a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network funded under grant agreement no. 101072454. PhD Thesis Work ● Tool for mock catalogues of Gaia data ○ python tool for adjustable - 2025-03-10


The Art of Astrometry and Computation Lund 24-28 June 2024 Natsuki Funakoshi Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL), University College London (UCL) This project is a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network funded under grant agreement no. 101072454. Mullard Space Science Laboratory My PhD Thesis First project: kinematics of spiral arms • Completed and submitted to MNRAS in - 2025-03-10

ShuyuWang-Leiden University

Shuyu Wang Leiden Observatory, Leiden University Supervisor: Anthony G. A. Brown June 28th, 2024 | The Art of Astrometry and Computation, Lund Background image credit: Spacecraft: ESA/ATG medialab; Milky Way: ESA/Gaia/DPAC; CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO. • The tilting of the Milky Way (MW) disc could result from the infalling misaligned gas, interaction between the infalling gas a - 2025-03-10


T H E A R T O F A S T R O M E T R Y A N D C O M P U T A T I O N Lund, 24-28 June 2024 William Beordo I N T R O D U C T I O N University of Turin Observatory of Turin (OATo) – Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) William Beordo PhD Student Supervisors: Dr. Mariateresa Crosta (INAF-OATo) Dr. Mario Gilberto Lattanzi (INAF-OATo) P H D P R O J E C T I) The dynamics of the Milky Way and disc galaxie - 2025-03-10

Poster ehealth

PowerPoint-presentation  eHealth can support safe self-treatment within child and family-centered care.  Future research may consider organization perspectives and health economics. The needs for treatment of children at risk of long-term illness are challenging health care systems throughout the world. Safe eHealth is suggested to have benefits in terms of increased communication, health econom - 2025-03-10

BECC call for proposals postdocs 2019-2021

Microsoft Word - BECC call for proposals postdocs 2019-2021 Announcement of funding for up to 7 BECC post docs The BECC boards at Lund University and Gothenburg University have decided to strengthen the interdisciplinary development of BECC research by announcing funding for six 2-year post doc positions at Lund University and 1 at Gothenburg University. This effort aims to favour BECC’s research - 2025-03-10

Joint BECC and MERGE Short Project Call 2021

Joint BECC/MERGE Short Project Call Introduction The complementary expertise and methodologies used by MERGE and BECC scientists has the potential to make significant contributions to our understanding of climate change and its links to biodiversity and ecosystem services, and to inform national and international policy and assessments based on the best available science. A series of stimulating d - 2025-03-10

Work plan for organizers of meetings and conferences in BECC

Work plan for organisers of meetings and conferences in BECC Normally, 1-½ year before the actual meeting, a group and a theme are put forward by the BECC board/themes. The group should as far as possible represent the different research fields within BECC and have a gender balance. General During the first meeting responsibilities of the members should be spelled out, including someone responsibl - 2025-03-10

Call for proposals for research funding in BECC 2021

2021-06-01 Call for proposals for research funding in BECC for the years 2021-2022 BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate) welcomes proposals for research funding within the vision and aims of BECC. This is a joint call between Lund university (LU) (up to 7 million SEK) and University of Gothenburg (UGOT) (up to 2 million SEK) and aims at a continued consolidation of the c - 2025-03-10

Call for proposals for research funding in BECC 2022

Microsoft Word - Call for proposals for research funding in BECC_2022 2022-04-06 Call for proposals for research funding in BECC for the years 2022-2023 BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate) welcomes proposals for research funding within the vision and aims of BECC. This is a joint call between Lund University (LU) (up to 7 million SEK) and University of Gothenburg (UGOT - 2025-03-10

BECC call for proposals postdocs 2022-2023

2022-06-15 Call for up to 6 BECC-post docs for the years 2023-2025 Call topic: Climate adaptation The BECC Board and the BECC and MERGE steering group at the University of Gothenburg (UGOT) have decided to strengthen the interdisciplinary development of BECC research by announcing funding for up to six 2-year post doc positions. This effort aims to specifically favour BECC’s research development w - 2025-03-10


ACTION GROUP REPORTING FORM Document name should be the same as Action Group (AG) title, be max 2 A4 and sent to 3 months after AG completion. The AG and its activities must also be reported in LUCRIS (contact Lina for questions and if help is needed). Title Achievements Connect to your aim/s and envisaged outcome/s. Activities performed and other outcomes Please make sure - 2025-03-10