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Minimal Entanglement Witness from Electrical Current Correlations

Despite great efforts, an unambiguous demonstration of entanglement of mobile electrons in solid state conductors is still lacking. Investigating theoretically a generic entangler-detector setup, we here show that a witness of entanglement between two flying electron qubits can be constructed from only two current cross correlation measurements, for any nonzero detector efficiencies and noncollineDespite great efforts, an unambiguous demonstration of entanglement of mobile electrons in solid state conductors is still lacking. Investigating theoretically a generic entangler-detector setup, we here show that a witness of entanglement between two flying electron qubits can be constructed from only two current cross correlation measurements, for any nonzero detector efficiencies and noncolline

Västskånska offerfynd från 2300-500 f.Kr.

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Explaining own and others' behavior in a controversial issue: Animal experimentation.

The authors investigated how 2 groups with different attitudes toward animal experimentation-- researchers who conducted animal experiments and members of animal welfare organizations who protested against animal experiments-- made attributions for the behavior of the opposing group. The 2 groups showed an actor-observer effect, mentioning more internal causes for the opponents' behavior and more

Comparisons of the weevil fauna (Curculionidae, Apionidae, Bruchidae) of fifteen legume hosts (Fabaceae) in South Sweden.

The legume host preference of species belonging to Curculionidae, Apionidae, and Bruchidae was studied in the province of Scania, South Sweden during 2010–2015. It was suggested that significant differences existed between host preferences reported from other parts of Europe and South Sweden. In total, 375 pure stands of 15 legume species (Fabaceae), 25 stands of each species, were carefully searc

Aesthetic Flexibility in the Management of Visual Product Branding

This paper will investigate the strategic design decision-making of an in-house designer in a company with a large product portfolio, with respect to how designers plan for future visual alterations of the product. In-house designers have to think strategically about the creation of recognition and differentiation through design because they influence the company's overall strategies. Therefore, w

Development and status for large-scale demand responsive transport

Purpose - To offer knowledge about the global development of largescale demand responsive transport systems (DRT), and to stimulate dialogue and collaboration for further innovation and improvement of these systems. Design/methodology/approach - A review of the literature shows how DRT has evolved from the first applications in the 1970s to very complex operations in the last two decades with hund

The principal pathways involved in the in vivo modulation of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, pulmonary arterial remodelling and pulmonary hypertension

Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) serves to optimize ventilation-perfusion matching in focal hypoxia and thereby enhances pulmonary gas exchange. During global hypoxia, however, HPV induces general pulmonary vasoconstriction, which may lead to pulmonary hypertension (PH), impaired exercise capacity, right-heart failure and pulmonary oedema at high altitude. In chronic hypoxia, generalized H

Postoperative pancreatic fistula-impact on outcome, hospital cost and effects of centralization

Background: One of the most serious complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) is postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF). This study investigated the incidence of POPF before and after centralization of pancreatic surgery in Southern Sweden and its impact on outcome and health care costs. Methods: The local registry comprising all pancreatic resections at Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sw

Vitae Birgittae : en översikt och tre editioner

A survey of the Latin Lives of St Birgitta of Sweden, with an edition of a brief life found in an English ms. and another found in two Italian mss., both previously unedited. Also a re-edition of the Life found in the first edition of St Birgitta's Revelations, published in 1492.

Bromide Anation Kinetics of Some Platinum(IV) Bromo Aqua Complexes

Bromide anations of PtBr5H2O− in the presence of PtBr42− or bromine, of trans-PtBr4(H2O)2 in the presence of PtBr42− and of cis-PtBr4(H2O)2 in the presence of bromine have been studied in 0.50 M perchloric acid medium at 25 °C.The rate law for the bromide anation of PtBr5H2O−indicates two parallel reaction paths. The term k′Br−2 corresponds to a bromide assisted mechanism. The second term in the rBromide anations of PtBr5H2O− in the presence of PtBr42− or bromine, of trans-PtBr4(H2O)2 in the presence of PtBr42− and of cis-PtBr4(H2O)2 in the presence of bromine have been studied in 0.50 M perchloric acid medium at 25 °C. The rate law for the bromide anation of PtBr5H2O−indicates two parallel reaction paths. The term k′Br−2 corresponds to a bromide assisted mechanism. The second term in the

Sedimentology of SPICE (Steptoean positive carbon isotope excursion): A high-resolution trace fossil and microfabric analysis of the middle to late Cambrian Alum Shale Formation, southern Sweden

The Cambrian Alum Shale Formation in the Andrarum-3 core from Scania,southern Sweden, consists of black siliciclastic mudstone with minor carbonate intercalations. Four facies comprise three siliciclastic mudstones and one fine-grained carbonate. The facies reflect deposition along a transect from deep ramp to basin on a Cambrian shelf. The three mudstone facies contain abundant clay clasts and la

Branched short-chain fatty acids modulate glucose and lipid metabolism in primary adipocytes

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), e.g. acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid, generated through colonic fermentation of dietary fibers, have been shown to reach the systemic circulation at micromolar concentrations. Moreover, SCFAs have been conferred anti-obesity properties in both animal models and human subjects. Branched SCFAs (BSCFAs), e.g., isobutyric and isovaleric acid, are generated