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Ecology of tern flight in relation to wind, topography and aerodynamic theory

Flight is an economical mode of locomotion, because it is both fast and relatively cheap per unit of distance, enabling birds to migrate long distances and obtain food over large areas. The power required to fly follows a U-shaped function in relation to airspeed, from which context dependent ‘optimal’ flight speeds can be derived. Crosswinds will displace birds away from their intended track unle

Nytt cement med gynnsam miljöprofil

Dagens cement för konstruktionsändamål baseras på portlandklinker. Utgångsmaterialet är kalksten som bränns vid hög temperatur i cementugn. Processen är energikrävande samtidigt som stora mängder koldioxid drivs ut ur kalkstenen och ur bränslet. Koldioxidutsläppet från världens totala cementproduktion anses uppgå till cirka fem procent av alla koldioxidutsläpp globalt.

Effects of orifice on pressure difference in pilot-control globe valve by experimental and numerical methods

Pilot-Control Globe Valve (PCGV) can utilize pressure difference caused by fluid flow through the orifice on valve core as its power, for open and close the main valve with a small pilot valve. It has obvious advantages of energy conservation and quick response. Orifice structure on the valve core is the main component to determine the pressure difference, which is used to push the valve core. In

Experimental analysis on filter press and energy consumption performance of diaphragm press drying device in chemical post-processing integrated equipment

Higher efficiency, lower energy consumption and less pollution are become more and more important in chemical engineering. Post-process is one of the key parts for producing chemical productions. Thus, we develop a novel device, Chemical Post-Processing Integrated Equipment (CPPIE), which can deal with crystallization, filtration, washing and drying in the same tank by changing the position of it.

Policy Changes in Community Mental Health: Interventions and Strategies Used in Sweden over 20 Years

The deinstitutionalization of mental health care has changed the responsibilities of involved authoritiesand has led to a continuous need for new treatment forms and interventions. This articledescribes this development in Europe, and in particular how these new conditions have been handledin Sweden over the past 20 years at the level of governmental policy-making. Three major policydocuments from

Riksrevisionens effektivitetsgranskningar : Kvalitet ur ett intressentperspektiv

När den statliga revisionen har ett främjande syfte och är problemorienterad kan värdet av revisionen inte utvärderas på traditionellt sätt. Då ligger värdet främst i själva granskningsprocessen och i det kunskapsutbyte som sker under denna. För att undersöka hur Riksrevisionens effektivitetsrevisioner upplevs, har en enkätstudie genomförts. Studien riktade sig till involverade i granskningarna un

Tegumental glands of Hutchinsoniella macracantha (Cephalocarida)

Three types of tegumental glands of Hutchinsoniella macracantha body, limb, and caudal, are described for the first time. Previously described salivary and cement glands also belong to this category. All have the same fundamental construction. They consist of 1 or 2 secretory cells opening into a short cuticular channel ending in a pore. The channel is Formed by a sheath or canal cell and an inter

Solvability and limit bicharacteristics

We study the solvability of pseudodifferential operators which are not of principal type. The operator will have real principal symbol and we shall consider the limits of bicharacteristics at the set where the principal symbol vanishes of at least second order. The convergence shall be as smooth curves, then the limit bicharacteristic also is a smooth curve. We shall also need uniform bounds on th

Numerical analysis of flow and temperature characteristics in a high multi-stage pressure reducing valve for hydrogen refueling station

Hydrogen refueling station is one of the most important parts for the hydrogen energy utilization. In this paper, a novel high multi-stage pressure reducing valve (HMSPRV) is proposed, which can be used for hydrogen stable decompression in hydrogen refueling station. In HMSPRV, the inner and outer porous shrouded valve core is used to replace piston valve core to achieve the first-stage throttling

EU FloodEx 2009 : An analysis of testing international assistance during a worst credible flood scenario in the North Sea area

This paper discusses a case study example of testing international disaster response assistance within the European Union during a worst credible flood scenario in the North Sea area. It describes and evaluates the processes of requesting and receiving international assistance and the field operations with responding international teams during an exercise for large scale flooding ('EU FloodEx 2009

Estimating the harms and benefits of prostate cancer screening as used in common practice versus recommended good practice : A microsimulation screening analysis

BACKGROUND: Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening and concomitant treatment can be implemented in several ways. The authors investigated how the net benefit of PSA screening varies between common practice versus “good practice.”. METHODS: Microsimulation screening analysis (MISCAN) was used to evaluate the effect on quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) if 4 recommendations were followed: limite