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Your search for "*" yielded 533835 hits

Estimating the harms and benefits of prostate cancer screening as used in common practice versus recommended good practice : A microsimulation screening analysis

BACKGROUND: Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening and concomitant treatment can be implemented in several ways. The authors investigated how the net benefit of PSA screening varies between common practice versus “good practice.”. METHODS: Microsimulation screening analysis (MISCAN) was used to evaluate the effect on quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) if 4 recommendations were followed: limite

Improving the accuracy of BDF methods for index 3 dierential algebraic equations

Methods for solving index 3 DAEs based on BDFs suffer a loss of accuracy when there is a change of step size or a change of order of the method. A layer of nonuniform convergence is observed in these cases, and O(1) errors may appear in the algebraic variables. From the viewpoint of error control, it is beneficial to allow smooth changes of step size, and since most codes based on BDFs are of vari

Moderate haemophilia B in a female carrier caused by preferential inactivation of the paternal X chromosome

The case of a female with moderate haemophilia B is reported. She is the only affected member of her family, and factor IX RFLP analysis shows her to have inherited no maternal markers for polymorphisms located in the first intron and 8 Kb 3' of the polyadenylation signal (DdeI and HhaI, respectively). This clearly indicates a deletion involving at least the last 7 exons of the factor IX gene. Her

Suppression of Secondary Antibody Response by Intravenous Immunoglobulin in a Patient with Haemophilia B and Antibodies

A 39‐year‐old patient, suffering from severe haemophilia B and antibodies against factor IX, has twice been treated with extracorporeal protein A‐Sepharose adsorption followed by conventional substitution therapy in combination with immunosuppression (cyclophos‐phamide). On both occasions, separated by a 2‐year interval, the same procedure was followed except that, on the second, administration of

Dietary green-plant thylakoids decrease gastric emptying and gut transit, promote changes in the gut microbial flora, but does not cause steatorrhea

Green-plant thylakoids increase satiety by affecting appetite hormones such as ghrelin, cholecystokinin (CCK) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). The objective of this study was to investigate if thylakoids also affect gastrointestinal (GI) passage and microbial composition. To analyse the effects on GI passage, 16 rats were gavage-fed a control or thylakoid-supplemented high-fat diet (HFD) 30 mi

Functional mechanisms underlying pleiotropic risk alleles at the 19p13.1 breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility locus

A locus at 19p13 is associated with breast cancer (BC) and ovarian cancer (OC) risk. Here we analyse 438 SNPs in this region in 46,451 BC and 15,438 OC cases, 15,252 BRCA1 mutation carriers and 73,444 controls and identify 13 candidate causal SNPs associated with serous OC (P=9.2 × 10-20), ER-negative BC (P=1.1 × 10-13), BRCA1-associated BC (P=7.7 × 10-16) and triple negative BC (P-diff=2 × 10-5).

Particle-in-cell simulation of the third harmonic cavity F-Tube klystron

Use of a second harmonic and third harmonic cavity within a klystron to increase efficiency has been studied using particle-in-cell (PIC) code, MAGIC 2D. The six cavity device has a drive frequency of 1GHz, a predicted efficiency of 88%, 39 dB gain and an output power of 833 kW. The preliminary simulation results have revealed indications of bunching with bunch core oscillations. The initial resul

Boundary dimensions of social innovation : negotiating conflicts and compatibilities when developing a national agenda

In order to add to the existing knowledge on the complex institutional dynamics of negotiating conflicts and compatibilities in innovation processes that address societal challenges and social needs, this article scrutinizes the scientific and societal debate on the theoretical and practical application of “social innovation” by means of the concept “boundary object” linked to institutional theoryIn order to add to the existing knowledge on the complex institutional dynamics of negotiating conflicts and compatibilities in innovation processes that address societal challenges and social needs, this article scrutinizes the scientific and societal debate on the theoretical and practical application of “social innovation” by means of the concept “boundary object” linked to institutional theory

Physical determinants of the self-replication of protein fibrils

The ability of biological molecules to replicate themselves is the foundation of life, requiring a complex cellular machinery. However, a range of aberrant processes involve the self-replication of pathological protein structures without any additional assistance. One example is the autocatalytic generation of pathological protein aggregates, including amyloid fibrils, involved in neurodegenerativ

Laser spectroscopy for medical applications

Aspects of laser spectroscopy applied to the biomedical fields are reviewed with examples illustrating the techniques taken mostly from the author's research experience. Basic principles of quantum-mechanical background are described, and powerful implementations in the biophotonics field are discussed.

Low recognition of post-traumatic stress disorder in primary care

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common and disabling disorder that develops as a consequence of traumatic events and is characterised by distressing re-experiencing of parts of the trauma, avoidance of reminders, emotional numbing and hyperarousal. The NICE guidelines for PTSD (2005) recommend trauma-focused psychological therapy as the first-line treatment. A survey of 129 GPs in south