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Panel Multi-Predictor Test Procedures with an Application to Emerging Market Sovereign Risk

As a response to the inefficient practices and possibly misleading inferences resulting from the unit-by-unit application mostly found in the literature, the current paper develops a block bootstrap based panel predictability test procedure that accommodates multiple predictors. As an empirical illustration we consider emerging market sovereign risk where data are usually available across multiple

Hög betongkvalitet ger kort och säker torktid även under ogynnsamma klimatförhållanden

I artikeln visas, på grundval av experiment, att den nödvändiga torktiden av betongkonstruktioner minskar kraftigt med ökad betongkvalitet. Även torktiden efter en vattenskada minskar kraftigt när betongkvaliteten är hög. Osäkerheten i fuktmätning på bedömning av risken för fuktsdkada diskuteras. Det visar sig att risken minskar när betongkvaliteten är hög.

Novel strategies for the treatment of grass pollen-induced allergic rhinitis

Introduction: Allergic rhinitis (AR) affects over 20% of the population of Europe and the United States. Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is currently the only form of treatment that affects symptoms and modifies the progression of disease. Established forms of AIT include subcutaneous (SCIT) and sublingual (SLIT) immunotherapy and are widely effective, yet only 2-9% of eligible patients undergo thera

Segmental podocytic excretory glands in the thorax of Hutchinsoniella macracantha (Cephalocarida).

All thoracic limbs of Hutchinsoniella except for the ninth contain entirely of podocytes. At the periphery of the gland, each podocyte with the investing basal lamina; centrally, there is no conspicuous podocytes, either in compact glands or in a more diffuse arrangement, decapods, mysids, and isopods, and perhaps occur in other crustaceans known to filter hemolymph and to pinocytotically extract

Transmission loss analysis of thick perforated plates for valve contained pipelines

Valve contained pipelines have witnessed a great growth and there exists a lot of noise caused by valves. Thick perforated plates are especially used is valve contained pipelines for the noise control, but there are limited literatures about its noise control performances under different structural parameter of thick perforated plates, which limits its popularization and application. In this paper

Investigation of ro-vibrational spectra of small hydrocarbons at elevated temperatures using infrared degenerate four-wave mixing

The ro-vibrational spectra around 3 µm of four small hydrocarbons (C2H2, CH4, C2H6 and C2H4) at 296, 550 and 820 K have been investigated using infrared degenerate four-wave mixing (IR-DFWM). The spectra were recorded in gas flows of nitrogen with small admixtures of the hydrocarbons. A fused silica glass tube surrounded by an electric heating wire was used to heat the gas flows. The recorded IR-D

Municipal wastewater treatment by microsieving, microfiltration and forward osmosis : Concepts and potentials

Conventional wastewater treatment plants are designed for treating manmade wastewater (e.g., from households and industries) and to protect the environment (e.g., receiving water bodies) and humans from adverse effects.The objective of this work was to investigate the feasibility of treating municipal wastewater without a biological treatment step by applying different separation processes, such a

Mach number analysis on multi-stage perforated plates in high pressure reducing valve

High pressure reducing valve (HPRV) is a key device for the pressure control of high temperature and pressure steam in industrial processes. Perforated plate is used as the throttling element to ensure the suitable pressure of steam and reduce aerodynamic noise inside HPRV and the linked pipelines. Mach number is the parameter to reflect the compressibility of steam flow. Higher Mach number may ca

Interaction between Bile Salt Sodium Glycodeoxycholate and PEO-PPO-PEO Triblock Copolymers in Aqueous Solution

The interactions of the anionic bile salt NaGDC with three triblock copolymers based on poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(propylene oxide) (PPO), denoted P65, P123 and F127, were investigated using high-sensitive differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), turbidimetry, dynamic and static light scattering and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). P65 and P123 had the same hydrophilic PEO block lengt

Building a Trustworthy Corporate Identity : A Corpus-Based Analysis of Stance in Annual and Corporate Social Responsibility Reports

This article presents a corpus-based analysis of stance in a specialized corpus of annual and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports. It investigates how companies use stance expressions to construct and promote a positive corporate identity in order to gain the trust of the stakeholder groups that these texts target. The results show that companies profile distinct identities in annual and

Perceived barriers in the outdoor environment and development of walking difficulties in older people

SIR—Older people with mobility limitations often report more barriers in their outdoor environment than people with intact mobility [1]. However, it is uncertain whether older people perceive their environment as problematic because of their mobility limitations or whether the environmental barriers precede incident mobility limitation, as most studies have been limited to cross-sectional analyses

Why FX Risk Management Is Broken–and What Boards Need to Know to Fix It

This article provides a comprehensive critique of current corporate foreign exchange risk management (FXRM) practices. The authors characterize much of FXRM as a “legacy” activity, a set of outdated, often decentralized and “earnings-driven” methods and procedures that have not been subjected to rigorous cost-benefit analysis at the enterprise level. And according to the authors, the costs of poor

Dispersion of repolarization following double and triple programmed stimulation. A clinical study using the monophasic action potential recording technique

To study the dispersion of ventricular repolarization following double and triple programmed stimulation and its correlation with the inducibility of ventricular arrhythmias, monophasic action potentials were simultaneously recorded from the right ventricular apex and outflow tract during programmed stimulation in 12 patients with ventricular arrhythmias and a normal QT interval. The time differen

Price Discovery and Asset Pricing

This paper tests the hypothesis that price discovery influences asset pricing. Our innovations are twofold. First, we estimate time-varying price discovery for a large number (21) of Islamic stock portfolios. Second, we test using a predictive regression model whether or not price discovery predicts stock excess returns. We find from both in-sample and out-of-sample tests that all 21 portfolio exc

The impact of alerting design on air traffic controllers’ response to conflict detection and resolution

Purpose s: The research aim is to develop a better design of auditory alerts that can improve air traffic controllers’ situation awareness. Method Participants are seventy-seven qualified Air Traffic Controllers. The experiment was conducted in the Air Traffic Control operational rooms of the Irish Aviation Authority at Shannon and Dublin. Participants were advised that the trials were in relation