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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Cellular and noncellular components of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in HIV-1-infected children with radiological evidence of interstitial lung damage

Children with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) commonly have recurrent infectious and noninfectious lung complications that ultimately end in death. To study the intensity of alveolar inflammation and to evaluate the clinical utility of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in children with HIV-1 infections, we retrospectively analyzed differential cell counts, lymphocyte subsets, and fibronectin

Functional and transcriptional profiling of MUTZ-3, a myeloid cell line acting as a model for dendritic cells

The incidence of allergy is steadily increasing, but the molecular mechanisms involved in the allergic immune response are still not fully understood. In particular, further investigations focusing on dendritic cells, which are central in orchestrating the immune response, are needed. The objective of this study was to investigate the ability of myeloid leukaemia-derived cell lines, such as KG-1,

Long-term follow-up and consequences for severe road traffic injuries - treatment costs and health impairment in Sweden in the 1960s and the 1990s

The purpose of this study is to provide information from two prospective long-term follow-ups for severe road traffic injuries in Sweden. The long-term consequences, in terms of loss of health and costs of care, are presented for severe injuries in Sweden in the early 1990s and are compared with information on injury severity and health care utilisation 25 years ago. The follow-up in the 1990s sho

Extracytoplasmatic processes impaired by inactivation of the trxA (thioredoxin gene) in Bacillus subtilis

The trxA gene is regarded as essential in Bacillus subtilis, but the roles of the TrxA protein in this gram-positive bacterium are largely unknown. Inactivation of trxA results in deoxyribonucleoside and cysteine or methionine auxotrophy. This phenotype is expected if the TrxA protein is important for the activity of the class Ib ribonucleotide reductase and adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate/3'-phosphoa

Photoemission, resonant photoemission, and x-ray absorption of a Ru(II) complex adsorbed on rutile TiO2 (110) prepared by in situ electrospray deposition

An experimental study of the bonding geometry and electronic coupling of cis-bis(isothiocyanato)bis(2,2'-bipyridyl-4,4'-dicarboxylato)-ruthenium( II) (N3) adsorbed on rutile TiO2(110) is presented, along with supporting theoretical calculations of the bonding geometry. Samples were prepared in situ using ultrahigh vacuum electrospray deposition. Core-level photoemission spectroscopy was used to ch

Characterization of non-expressed C4 genes in a case of complete C4 deficiency: identification of a novel point mutation leading to a premature stop codon

The genetic basis of complete C4 deficiency in a patient with SLE was investigated. Previous studies have demonstrated that this patient has two different major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes that each contain a major deletion and a non-expressed C4 gene. In the present study, non-expression of the C4 genes was explained by the finding of two distinct C4 gene mutations. A previously d

Semenogelins in the human retina: Differences in distribution and content between AMD and normal donor tissues

The two cellular targets of interest in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) are the photoreceptors and the RPE. However, the mechanisms involved in AMD pathology are not yet fully understood. In the present report, we extend our previous studies on semenogelin proteins (Sgs) in normal human retina and compare these with the distribution in retinas from AMD donor eyes. Semenogelins I (SaI) and I

Decay kinetic properties of atoms in photonic crystals with absolute gaps

Decay kinetic properties of a two-level atom near the band edges of photonic crystals (PCs) with absolute gaps are studied based on the Green's function expression for the evolution operator. The local coupling strength between the photons and an atom is evaluated by an exact numerical method. It is found that the decay behavior of an excited atom can be fundamentally changed by the variation of t

Determination of magnetic properties of rocks by analysis of demagnetization curves: Hematite-ilmenite bearing rocks from SW Sweden

Granulites from the high-grade Sveconorwegian (corresponding to Grenvillian) gneiss terrane of SW Sweden were investigated in order to relate magnetic properties to the granulite facies mineralogy and the amphibolite facies retrograde mineralogy. We used standard paleomagnetic techniques, susceptibility measurements, electron and optical microscopy, and a new way to analyze demagnetization curves

Bone marrow-derived microglia play a critical role in restricting senile plaque formation in Alzheimer's disease

Microglia are the immune cells of the brain. Here we show a massive infiltration of highly ramified and elongated microglia within the core of amyloid plaques in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Many of these cells originate from the bone marrow, and the beta-amyloid-40 and -42 isoforms are able to trigger this chemoattraction. These newly recruited cells also exhibit a specifi

Chilled ceiling displacement ventilation design charts correlations to employ in optimized system operation for feasible load ranges

This paper expands Ghaddar et al. [N. Ghaddar, K. Ghali, R. Saadeh, A. Keblawi, Design charts for combined chilled ceiling displacement ventilation system (1438-RP), ASHRAE Transactions, 143 (2) (2008) 574-587] design charts of combined chilled ceiling (CC) displacement ventilation (DV) system to operating sensible load ranges from 40 W/m(2) to 100 W/m(2). It develops a global correlation of syste

Postmodern vitalism: från D'Arcy Thompson till Mandelbrot

Man har gett namnet ”vitalister” till de tänkare som tillskriver den levande materian en särskild status. Den särskilda statusen kräver vissa uppoffringar. Vitalismen är tvungen att erkänna ett orsaksbegrepp som avviker markant från det dominerande mekanistiska modellen i det modernistiska programmet. Den vitala ”kraften” eller ”principen”, agerar genom den organiska vävnaden för att orsaka den rö

Impact of chronic illness in children on parental living conditions. A population-based study in a Swedish primary care district

In a geographically defined child population aged 0-15, every twelfth child suffered from chronic illness. Their parents and randomly selected control children's parents were asked about their living conditions using questionnaires. Non-responders (30%) had the same sociodemographic profile as responders. The socioeconomic level in index families (n = 95) was lower than in control families (n = 16

Primary care patients with musculoskeletal pain. Value of health-status and sense-of-coherence measures in predicting long-term work disability

OBJECTIVE: To investigate long-term sick leave among primary care patients with musculoskeletal disorders and the predictive value of health-status and sense-of-coherence measures. METHODS: Patients aged 17 to 64 years who, during seven weeks, attended one of six primary care centers because of non-traumatic musculoskeletal pain and who completed the SF-36 health questionnaire and the sense of coh

Pulmonary edema after competitive breath-hold diving

During an international breath-hold diving competition, 19 of the participating divers volunteered for the present study, aimed at elucidating possible symptoms and signs of pulmonary edema after deep dives. Measurements included dynamic spirometry and pulse oximetry, and chest auscultation was performed on those with the most severe symptoms. After deep dives (25-75 m), 12 of the divers had signs

Ontogeny of vasotocin-expressing cells in zebrafish: Selective requirement for the transcriptional regulators orthopedia and single-minded 1 in the preoptic area

The neurohypophysial peptide arginine vasotocin, and its mammalian ortholog arginine vasopressin, influence a wide range of physiological and behavioral responses, including aspects of sexual and social behaviors, osmoregulation, stress response, metabolism, blood pressure, and circadian rhythms. Here, we demonstrate that, in zebrafish (Danio rerio), the vasotocin precursor gene arginine vasotocin

Prophylactic therapy in haemophilia.

Clinical experience since decades and numerous retro- and, recently, also prospective studies clearly demonstrate that prophylactic treatment, albeit much more expensive, is superior to on-demand treatment regardless if outcome focus on number of joint- or life-threatening bleeds or arthropathy, evaluated by X-ray or MRI, or quality of life measured by general or hemophilia specific instruments. O