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Sjuksköterskor och distriktssköterskors handläggning av oanmälda patienter i primärvården

Bakgrund: Tillgänglighet krävs för att en vårdcentral ska fungera effektivt och det är en sjuksköterska eller distriktssköterska som är första kontakten. Då patienter är missnöjda med kontaktvägarna till primärvården och patienternas förväntningar ofta krockar med bristen på resurser ses tillgängligheten som bristfällig. Patienterna ser ofta sitt vårdbehov som brådskande och önskar fysisk bedömnin

Rise in Gender Dysphoria Diagnoses and Legal Gender Changes in Sweden: 2005–2017

Evidence suggests the incidence of gender dysphoria (GD), a condition characterized by psychological distress caused by a mismatch between an individual’s gender identity and biological sex assigned as birth, has increased since the turn of the twenty-first century. We examined trends in the number of GD diagnoses and legal gender changes in Sweden using registry data from 5007 individuals diagnos

On Corporate Harm, Mute Compulsion, and Ideology: A Marxist Reading of International Corporate Criminal Responsibility

International corporate criminal responsibility has been discussed by scholars and practitioners as an avenue for bringing corporations to account for some of their wrongdoing for more than two decades. This thesis focuses on how thinking about the international corporate criminal responsibility project as ideology can further our understanding of the relationship between the corporate form, corpo

Transformative Local Governments: Addressing Social Urban Challenges by Bringing People and Politics Together : Editorial

As the tier of government closest to people, local government plays a key role in answering local needs and aspirations. However, local governments are often under-resourced, leaving them inadequately responsive to many of these critical local demands. Moreover, accountability to their citizens, which is the core of a well-functioning local democracy, is often lacking because the necessary formal

Development of critical thinking and language proficiency among undergraduate Swedish online EFL students

Critical thinking (CT) is considered important in second language (L2) learning. Previous studies have investigated and confirmed a correlation between critical thinking and L2 learning in face-to-face (f2f) learning. The present study aimed to investigate the correlation between CT and L2 proficiency in an online learning environment. The participants in this study were undergraduate Swedish stud

Den mångfacetterade spelmannen

Presentationen bjuder på utdrag ut en historisk genomgång av folkmusikforskning i Norden. Syftet är att gå bortom de olika teman som utforskats (till exempel fiolens och dragspelets historia eller folkliga sångtekniker) och även synliggöra de ideologiska trender som vävts in i forskningsprojekten, såväl i design som genomförande och i resultat – eller förväntat resultat. Som ett led i det pågående

‘Someone must do it’ : multiple views on family’s role in end-of-life care – an international qualitative study

Background: Family is a crucial social institution in end-of-life care. Family caregivers are encouraged to take on more responsibility at different times during the illness, providing personal and medical care. Unpaid work can be overburdening, with women often spending more time in care work than men. Objectives: This study explored multiple views on the family’s role in end-of-life care from a

FETCH : A Fast and Efficient Technique for Channel Selection in EEG Wearable Systems

The rapid development of wearable biomedical systems now enables real-time monitoring of electroencephalography (EEG) signals. Acquisition of these signals relies on electrodes. These systems must meet the design challenge of selecting an optimal set of electrodes that balances performance and usability constraints. The search for the optimal subset of electrodes from a larger set is a problem wit

Unemployment ripple: The impact of mine closures in Canada, 1987 to 2020

Between 1980 and 2000, total employment in the Canadian mining sector halved. While the literature on resource economy is thriving in Canada, little is known about how local labor markets experienced such a decline. This article presents a novel strategy to measure the effects of mine closures on local direct, indirect, and induced employment. This ripple effect is estimated using impulse response

De-marginalizing Through Nature: Assessing Enabling Policy Environment for Integrating Decentralized Nature-based Solutions in Restoration of Urban Slums Through the Cases of Indonesia and the Philippines

Urbanization has led to significant infrastructural challenges, particularly in the slum areas of the Global South. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are emerging as innovative approaches to enhance urban sustainability and resilience. This study investigates the enabling environment for decentralized governance in implementing NbS within urban slums, focusing on case studies in Indonesia and the Phili

Professional Support for Children with a Seriously Ill or Deceased Parent in Specialised Palliative Care and their Encounters in a Bereavement Support Programme

A parent’s life threating illness and death can significantly affect their children's wellbeing in both the short and long term. Support from professionals is recommended when parents lack the ability to help children cope with loss, bereavement, and grief. The overall aim of this dissertation was to illuminate professionals’ encounters with children of a seriously ill or deceased parent and to ex