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Supply Chain Transparency- Benefits & Transformational Barriers

Background Transparency of a supply chain is the extent to which all its stakeholders have a shared understanding of, and access to, the product-related information that they request, without loss, noise, delay, and distortion. Having access to accurate and timely information is a challenging issue in global supply chains. Therefore, this research aimed at identifying barriers that could act as

A comparison of rail and sea freight from Europe to Asia

Title: A comparison of rail and sea freight from Europe to Asia Authors: Jackie Berg & Louise Pettersson Supervisors: Jan Olhager, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Malin Gejde, Shipping Manager, Tetra Pak AB Background: Transportation mode selection has become a more strategic part of a well-functioning supply chain as globalizatio

”Himmelen och solen följer jag och intet lägre” : Tryckeriverksamheten i Västerås under biskop Johannes Rudbeckius, 1621–1646

Denna uppsats analyserar tryckeriverksamheten och utgivningen vid biskop Johannes Rudbeckius och domkapitlets tryckeri i Västerås under perioden 1621–1646. Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga tryckeriverksamheten utifrån parametrarna boktryckare, genre, tryckerimärken, format, papper, typsnitt och språk. Genom en bibliografisk analys av tryckproduktionen undersöks eventuella mönster i utgivningen. I

Fysiska förutsättningar för mångfald - om arbetet mot stadsbyggnadsidealet tät blandstad i Trelleborgs tätort: en kvantitativ utvärdering

In 2014, Trelleborg municipality pointed out tät blandstad (the compact city) to be the main strategy for the city’s future development. This work addresses the common Swedish planning strategy, towards the compact city through densification strategies, with a focus on density and diversity and the relationship between them. This is done with a broad example of literature referring to quality of l

"Sometime, somewhere, maybe someone has to do something"

In response to sea level rise, municipalities in Sweden are already underway in the process of constructing seawalls to protect infrastructure and communities. However, these adaptive measures are not always well received in the communities they are intended to protect. This thesis examined a case of citizen protests against a proposed seawall on the Falsterbo peninsula in Vellinge, Scania, throug

Dynamics of net primary production and food availability in the aftermath of the 2004 and 2007 desert locust outbreaks in Niger and Yemen

Ökengräshoppan är ett väldigt litet djur men de kan skapa stora problem när de ökar i antal och samlas i svärmar. Plågorna från dessa är kända sedan bibliska tider men med ett utbrott så sent som 2020 så är ämnet lika relevant idag. Gräshopporna utgör ett hot mot jordbruk, och i förlängningen tillgång till mat, genom sin stora aptit, varierade kost och förmåga att förflytta sig långa sträckor. DetThe knowledge of desert locust plagues goes back to biblical times but it is just as relevant in 2020 with an ongoing outbreak in East Africa and the Middle East. The locusts pose a threat to agriculture, and by extent food availability, due to their high appetite, diverse diet and ability to migrate long distances in large swarms. More knowledge of the aftermath is required by the international d

Människa eller artificiellt liv som tonsättare

This research paper investigates notions and values that composers have regard to artificial intelligence and composition. The research is based on a survey that was sent to students and teachers of composition at Malmö Academy of Music. A total of 32 emails were sent, of which 15 were answered. 12 of the informants were students and 3 were teachers. Of the 32 individuals surveyed, the number of t

Family formation in the CIS-tem - a reproductive justice approach to pregnancy, childbirth and parenting for trans people in sweden

Less than a decade ago, Swedish law demanded that a person who wanted to change their legal gender had to be without any ability to reproduce. This demand led to many trans people being forcibly sterilized. Even though the demand is now removed from law, lingering effects continues to affect trans people in their reproductive journey. This study examines barriers faced by trans people in three sta

Application of Deep Q-learning for Vision Control on Atari Environments

Vi människor, och djur i allmänhet, lär oss enormt mycket från att bara interagera med våra omgivningingar. Vi samlar ständigt in information om hur våra handlingar påverkar omgivningen, och justerar vårat beteende så att vi bättre uppfyller våra mål. En gren inom maskininlärning, som kallas förstärkningsinlärning, är ett grupp metoder som beskriver en agent som kan lära sig att uppnå mål från erThe success of Reinforcement Learning (RL) has mostly been in artificial domains, with only some successful real-world applications. One of the reasons being that most real-world domains fail to satisfy a set of assumptions of RL theory. In the past years, a popular way to gauge the performance of RL agents has been through a suite of Atari 2600 games. This suite has been used to benchmark the pr

Riskhantering i Byggprojekt - metoder och tillvägagångssätt för att hantera risker

Titel Riskhantering i Byggprojekt – Metoder och tillvägagångsätt för att hantera risker Författare Marc Carlsson & Simon Eriksson Handledare Radhlinah Aulin, Avdelningen för byggproduktion, Lunds universitet Examinator Anne Landin, Avdelningen för byggproduktion, Lunds universitet Syfte & mål Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur byggföretag utför riskhanteringsprocessen och hur de sTitle Risk management in construction projects - methods and approaches to manages risk Authors Marc Carlsson & Simon Eriksson Supervisor Radhlinah Aulin, Department of Construction Production, Lunds University Examinator Anne Landin, Department of Construction Production, Lunds University Aim & goal The purpose of the study is to investigate how companies perform risk management proce

Multiplicity and Classification of Final State Particles in Herwig7

In this work we investigate the hard and soft interactions in the multiple parton interactions (MPI) simulation in Herwig7. The investigation covers how the number of soft and hard interactions in an event is linked to the multiplicity of final state particles. We also present a labeling system for particles produced by different interactions, which we then use to classify the final state particle

The EU Taxonomy and Swedish Funds

A new regulation regarding sustainability is currently being implemented by the EU. The EU Taxonomy Regulation, TR, is a classification system that defines sustainable economic activities and standardizes the reporting of sustainability factors for both non-financial companies and financial market participants. The purpose of the regulation is to facilitate sustainable investments and limit the ri

En jämförelse mellan stolpverkshus och regelverkshus

Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är att jämföra byggmetoderna stolpverk och regelverk ur aspekterna tid, kostnad, materialåtgång, byggnadsmetoder, kompetens och design. Frågorna man ställde var: Frågeställning: Hur skiljer sig ett hus byggt med stolpverks metoden kontra ett likvärdigt hus byggt med regelverks metoden? Vilka för- och nackdelar finns det med stolpverkshus jämfört med regelverkshus? MeAim: The purpose of the work is to compare construction methods of timber framing and stud framing from the aspects of time, cost, material consumption, construction methods, competence and design. The questions asked were: Research questions: How does a house built with the timber frame method differ from an equivalent house built with the stud framing method? What are the advantages and disad

Global Dichotomies on a Local Scale: A Grounded Theory Approach to Turkish Hip-Hop Culture

The concepts of ‘Old School’ and ‘New School’, peculiar to hip-hop's lexicon, have long been framed by theories of subculture heavily drawing on a binary scale of authenticity and inauthenticity. This dichotomy is widely used to characterize a discursive conflict between the authentic aspects of hip-hop music and its excessively commercialized versions undermining hip-hop’s counter-hegemonic p

Challenges Faced by Mandatory-Working From-Home Start-up Teams

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has created a novel and unique situation forcing start-up teams to mandatory-work-from-home (MWFH). With everyday life coming to a halt, start-up teams suddenly adjust their ways of working and transform to virtual means of teamwork performed from home environments. Given the novelty and uniqueness of the situation, MWFH has yet to be academically explored within the

Flood Management in the Kamrangirchar Slum of Dhaka, Bangladesh

A study on the Kamrangirchar slum of Dhaka, Bangladesh has been completed by analyzing literature involving qualitative data, as well as quantitative data using a mixed method research design. The quantitative data from the World Bank (2020) and the UNDP (2020) is provided as background for the research. A series of relevant case studies and state documents are analyzed by using a qualitative ‘oni

Exploring pathways for Norwegian green hydrogen A techno-economic evaluation of value chains for Power-to-Hydrogen from the Norwegian North Sea

Möjliga vägar för grön vätgas från Nordsjön Hur kan vi förse framtidens användare med vätgas? Den havsbaserade vindkraften är på frammarsch och vätgas ser ut att kunna bli vindkraftens starkaste allierade. Men hur får vi vätgasen från vindkraftsområdena till där den ska användas? Behöver vi omvandla den till mer effektiva former? Vilket transportsätt är bäst? Nu har vi svaret på dessa frågor föRenewable hydrogen can be transported using different hydrogen carriers and modes of transport. Each carrier and mode is associated with different drawbacks and benefits relating to – among other factors – storage density and losses. The forthcoming expansion of offshore wind is likely to be coupled with hydrogen production in some way and there are many different ways that this can be done. Th

Sommarlovets påverkan på flerspråkiga barns svenska muntliga narrativer; en analys på mikro- och makronivå

Syfte: Studiens syfte var att bidra med information om sommarlovets påverkan på den svenska muntliga narrativa förmågan hos flerspråkiga skolbarn. Metod: Inspelningar av 74 flerspråkiga skolbarns muntliga narrativer till MAIN:s sekvensbilder utförda precis före sommarlovet och precis efter sommarlovet transkriberades och bedömdes på mikro- och makronivå. De mikromått som undersöktes var MLU, gramPurpose: The aim of this study was to contribute further information regarding the effect of the summer holiday on narrative ability in bilingual children. Method: Audio recordings of oral narratives from 74 bilingual children of two sequential picture series of MAIN were administered and recorded before and after the summer holidays. The oral narratives in Swedish were transcribed and analysed on

Pushing Authenticity. Challenging Narratives and Performances on Women’s Subcultural Participation

This thesis examines women’s subcultural participation based on ethnographic fieldwork and 73 interviews with women within the skateboarding and rave cultures. The study explores and develops how we view female participation. From a theoretical perspective, subcultural scholars have a tradition of assuming subcultures as masculine, viewing masculinity as the norm for authenticity. These assumption

Lokal e-handel - stadskärnans räddning? En kvalitativ studie om butiksägarnas, Citysamverkans och plattformsägaren Zipadoos perspektiv på lokal e-handel

Studiens syfte är att analysera fenomenet lokal e-handel och skapa en fördjupad förståelse för vilken funktion fenomenet fyller för lokala detaljister i stadskärnan i en större svensk stad, och undersöka om det kan vara stadskärnans räddning. För en nyanserad förståelse för om lokal e-handel kan rädda stadskärnan inkluderas även Citysamverkans- och Zipadoos syn på forskningsfenomenet i studien. Ge