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GJ 367b : A dense, ultrashort-period sub-Earth planet transiting a nearby red dwarf star

Ultrashort-period (USP) exoplanets have orbital periods shorter than 1 day. Precise masses and radii of USP exoplanets could provide constraints on their unknown formation and evolution processes. We report the detection and characterization of the USP planet GJ 367b using high-precision photometry and radial velocity observations. GJ 367b orbits a bright (V-band magnitude of 10.2), nearby, and re

Neolitisk solkult på Bornholm? En analys av tolkningarna av ”solstenarna” från Rispebjerg och Vasagård

The intention of this paper is to investigate the interpretation process of the so called sunstones from Rispebjerg and Vasagård on Bornholm, what arguments are used to support the conclusions and are they well-founded. It is a literary study using discourse theory and argumentation analysis. Rispebjerg and Vasagård are two sites situated on distinctive places in the landscape and were inhabited f

A robust indoor positioning method based on bluetooth low energy with separate channel information

Among the current indoor positioning technologies, Bluetooth low energy (BLE) has gained increasing attention. In particular, the traditional distance estimation derived from aggregate RSS and signal-attenuation models is generally unstable because of the complicated interference in indoor environments. To improve the adaptability and robustness of the BLE positioning system, we propose making ful

Sensitivity of EEHG simulations to dynamic beam parameters

Currently, the Free electron laser user facility FLASH at DESY is undergoing a significant upgrade involving the complete transformation of one of its beamlines to allow external seeding. With the Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation (EEHG) seeding method, we aim for the generation of fully coherent XUV and soft X-ray pulses at wavelengths down to 4 nm. The generated FEL radiation is sensitive to vari

An efficient and convergent route towards water-soluble, chiral and amphiphilic macrocycles

A practical procedure for the synthesis of water-soluble, chiral and amphiphilic macrocyclic molecules is described. Acylation of p-xylylene diamine with Fmoc-protected glycine and aspartic acid, followed by removal of the Fmoc moiety afforded amino acid:p-xylene conjugates as free diamines. These diamines were converted to symmetrical and unsymmetrical macrocycles via stepwise urea formation u

The p-methoxybenzyl ether as an in situ-removable carbohydrate-protecting group : A simple one-pot synthesis of the globotetraose tetrasaccharide

A one-pot synthesis of the globotetraose tetrasaccharide is reported. The synthetic method relies on the use of a p-methoxybenzyl ether as an in situ-removable protecting group. N-Iodosuccinimide/trifluoromethanesulfonic acid-promoted glycosylation of 2-bromoethyl-2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl-4-O-(2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl-β-D-galactopyranosyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside 5 at −45 °C with phenyl 2,4,6-tri-O-benzyl-3-O-(

Incidence and concomitant chondral injuries in a consecutive cohort of primary traumatic patellar dislocations examined with sub-acute MRI

Purpose: To present age- and sex-specific cumulative annual incidences of primary traumatic lateral patellar dislocation (LPD) and to detail patient characteristics and concomitant chondral injuries including osteochondral fractures, as visualized on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in a large consecutive cohort of knee-injured individuals. Methods: Data on primary traumatic lateral patellar disl

Optimising binder blends for shallow stabilisation of fine-grained soils

Soil stabilisation techniques often use cement or lime asstabilising agents. Lately there has been an increase inusing blended binders. Mixing cement with slag or cementwith ¯y ash has gained in popularity. The prime purposeof blending binders is to reduce the costs. Other aims areto use waste material or to produce a new binder withbetter properties. Blending binders does not automaticallyresult

Reduced volume of diabetic pancreatic islets in rodents detected by synchrotron X-ray phase-contrast microtomography and deep learning network

The pancreatic islet is a highly structured micro-organ that produces insulin in response to rising blood glucose. Here we develop a label-free and automatic imaging approach to visualize the islets in situ in diabetic rodents by the synchrotron radiation X-ray phase-contrast microtomography (SRμCT) at the ID17 station of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The large-size images (3.2 mm ×

Mass determination of K2-19b and K2-19c from radial velocities and transit timing variations

We present radial velocity follow-up observations of K2-19, a compact planetary system hosting three planets, of which the two larger ones, K2-19b and K2-19c, are close to the 3:2 mean motion resonance. An analysis considering only the radial velocity measurements detects K2-19b, the larger and more massive planet in the system, with a mass of 54.8 ± 7.5M⊕ and provides a marginal detection of K2-1

K2-60b and K2-107b. A Sub-Jovian and a Jovian Planet from the K2 Mission

We report the characterization and independent detection of K2-60b, as well as the detection and characterization of K2-107b, two transiting hot gaseous planets from the K2 space mission. We confirm the planetary nature of the two systems and determine their fundamental parameters combining the K2 time-series data with FIES@NOT and HARPS-N@TNG spectroscopic observations. K2-60b has a radius of 0.6

Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission : XXV. CoRoT-27b: A massive and dense planet on a short-period orbit

Aims. We report the discovery of a massive and dense transiting planet CoRoT-27b on a 3.58-day orbit around a 4.2 Gyr-old G2 star. The planet candidate was identified from the CoRoT photometry, and was confirmed as a planet with ground-based spectroscopy. Methods. The confirmation of the planet candidate is based on radial velocity observations combined with imaging to rule out blends. The charact

Physical activity in young hip fracture patients is associated with health-related quality of life and strength; results from a multicenter study

Background: The World Health Organization recommends a minimum of 150 min of moderate intensity exercise per week or 75 min of strenuous activity weekly for adults. Younger hip fracture patients are often assumed less active than the general population, however, knowledge on physical activity (PA) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in younger hip fracture patients is limited. Objectives: W

Runge–Kutta–Möbius methods

In the numerical integration of nonlinear autonomous initial value problems, the computational process depends on the step size scaled vector field hf as a distinct entity. This paper considers a parameterized transformation hf↦hf∘(I-γhf)-1,and its role in the finite step size stability of singly diagonally implicit Runge—Kutta (SDIRK) methods. For a suitably chosen γ> 0 , the transformed map is L

Petrography of impactites from the Dellen impact structure, Sweden

Identifiering och karaktärisering av chock-metamorfa strukturer i nedslagskratrar är viktigt för vår förståelse av hur chockvågor interagerar med geologiska material och hur nedslagskratrar bildas, vilket i sin tur är essentiellt för att förstå rollen meteoritnedslag har spelat under vårt solsystems utveckling. Accessoriska mineral är av speciellt intresse. Två av dessa är Apatit, vilket innehålleIdentification and characterization of shock-metamorphic features in hypervelocity impact craters is important for our understanding of how shock waves interact with geologic materials and how impact craters form, which in turn is essential to our understanding of what role impact cratering played in the development of our solar system. Of particular interest are accessory minerals like apatite, w

Soil : Reflections on the Basis of our Existence

Håkan Wallander is a professor in Soil Biology and the reader is guided through the fascinating world below ground. The book has a free form and the author mixes scientific facts with personal stories from active research experiences and everyday life. The main focus is to make the reader aware of the vast biodiversity that exists in the soil, and to describe the important processes provided by th