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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

A resonant sextuplet of sub-Neptunes transiting the bright star HD 110067

Planets with radii between that of the Earth and Neptune (hereafter referred to as ‘sub-Neptunes’) are found in close-in orbits around more than half of all Sun-like stars 1,2. However, their composition, formation and evolution remain poorly understood 3. The study of multiplanetary systems offers an opportunity to investigate the outcomes of planet formation and evolution while controlling for i

Vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 hospitalisation in adults (≥ 20 years) during Omicron-dominant circulation : I-MOVECOVID-19 and VEBIS SARI VE networks, Europe, 2021 to 2022

Introduction: The I-MOVE-COVID-19 and VEBIS hospital networks have been measuring COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness (VE) in participating European countries since early 2021. Aim: We aimed to measure VE against PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 in patients ≥20 years hospitalised with severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) from December 2021 to July 2022 (Omicron-dominant period). Methods: In both networks,

Pseudorapidity densities of charged particles with transverse momentum thresholds in pp collisions at s =5.02 and 13 TeV

The pseudorapidity density of charged particles with minimum transverse momentum (pT) thresholds of 0.15, 0.5, 1, and 2 GeV/c is measured in pp collisions at the center of mass energies of s=5.02 and 13 TeV with the ALICE detector. The study is carried out for inelastic collisions with at least one primary charged particle having a pseudorapidity (η) within ±0.8 and pT larger than the correspondin

The effects of the exploiters (non-pollinating insects) on mutualistic interactions between the plant and its pollinator

Mutualistic interactions between, for example, plants and pollinators play a crucial role in maintaining the biodiversity of ecosystems, while non-pollinating insects (exploiters) that exploit plants are commonly thought to have destabilizing effects. The long-term, i.e., evolutionary time scale, effects of such potential destabilization is however largely unknown. The eco-evolutionary implication

Elliptic flow of charged particles at midrapidity relative to the spectator plane in Pb–Pb and Xe–Xe collisions

Measurements of the elliptic flow coefficient relative to the collision plane defined by the spectator neutrons v2{ΨSP} in collisions of Pb ions at center-of-mass energy per nucleon–nucleon pair sNN=2.76 TeV and Xe ions at sNN=5.44 TeV are reported. The results are presented for charged particles produced at midrapidity as a function of centrality and transverse momentum for the 5–70% and 0.2–6 Ge

Measurement of the cross-sections of the electroweak and total production of a Zγ pair in association with two jets in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

This Letter presents the measurement of the fiducial and differential cross-sections of the electroweak production of a Zγ pair in association with two jets. The analysis uses 140 fb−1 of LHC proton–proton collision data taken at s=13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector during the years 2015–2018. Events with a Z boson candidate decaying into either an e+e− or μ+μ− pair, a photon and two jets are s

Global variation in diabetes diagnosis and prevalence based on fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c

Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) are both used to diagnose diabetes, but these measurements can identify different people as having diabetes. We used data from 117 population-based studies and quantified, in different world regions, the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes, and whether those who were previously undiagnosed and detected as having diabetes in survey screening, had

Lättja : Det avslöjande avfallet

Den som slänger sitt skräp i närmaste gathörn eller dike gör sig skyldig till lättja. En harmlös förseelse kan tyckas, men sedd genom avfallshanteringens lins växer lättjan fort till en dödssynd som skadar andras liv och hälsa. Att gömma och glömma sopor har alltid varit en praktik som kan få ödesdigra konsekvenser. Tunnor med gift som grävs ner börjar förr eller senare läcka. Att skeppa avfall ti

"Utan känslor kan jag inte göra mitt jobb" En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare använder känslor i relationsskapande med klienter

This study aimed to provide further understanding of how social workers use their own and client’s emotions in the relationship-based practice of social work. Further, we wanted to explore in which way social workers’ experiences of emotions can be understood as part of their professional practice. The study is based on a qualitative interview with eight social workers from several practices in so

“Man tror man fått all hjälp man kan få, sen får man reda på att det finns mer hjälp/anpassningar utifrån ens behov.” - En kvantitativ enkätstudie om socionomstudenters psykiska mående

This study aimed to examine the mental health of students at the School of Social Work at Lund University and see how it connects to the use of student health resources offered by the university. This study was based on a digital survey that had been sent out to social work students at Lund University. The data we collected was analyzed with George Engel’s biopsychosocial model. The results of our

Forced labour under a microscope - How people are subjected to forced labour within domestic work

The paper focuses on forced labour in domestic work. This paper examines how forced labour in domestic work is addressed internationally and nationally. To fulfil this purpose, the report examines how forced labour is defined in international law and how it is legally combated. It also examines how Sweden and the UK meet international standards. The thesis is based on two methods: legal science us

Feebly-interacting particles : FIPs 2022 Workshop Report

Particle physics today faces the challenge of explaining the mystery of dark matter, the origin of matter over anti-matter in the Universe, the origin of the neutrino masses, the apparent fine-tuning of the electro-weak scale, and many other aspects of fundamental physics. Perhaps the most striking frontier to emerge in the search for answers involves new physics at mass scales comparable to famil

"När vi pratar om det så börjar jag förstå" - Shared Reading som läsfrämjande arbetssätt inom gymnasieskolan

Det övergripande syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka läspraktiken Shared Readings möjligheter och begränsningar som läsfrämjande arbetssätt inom svensk gymnasieskola. Shared Reading är en läspraktik som fokuserar på det sociala och personliga i läsningen. Under ledning av en utbildad läsledare träffas Shared Reading-grupper regelbundet och läser en eller ett par utvalda texter högt. Under läsTranslated title – When we talk about it, I start to understand: Shared Reading as a reading promotion in upper secondary school. The overarching aim of this study is to clarify the possibilities and limitations of the reading method Shared Reading as a reading promotion method in Swedish upper secondary schools. Shared Reading is a reading method that focuses on the social and personal aspects o

Slut på det roliga? - En undersökning av den nya lagen (2023:560) om granskning av utländska direktinvesteringar och dess inverkan på företagsförvärv i Sverige

Denna uppsats syftar till att granska och kommentera den nya svenska lagen (2023:560) om granskning av utländska direktinvesteringar (direktinveste-ringslagen), som trädde i kraft den 1 december 2023. Uppsatsen övergripande syfte är att undersöka proportionaliteten av direktinvesteringslagen mot bak-grund av dess potentiella konsekvenser för förvärv av privata aktiebolag i Sverige. Syftet uppfyllsThis thesis aims to review and comment on the new Swedish Act on Screen-ing of Foreign Direct Investments (2023:560) (in this summary referred to as the FDI Act) which entered into force on 1 December, 2023. The overall purpose of the thesis is to examine the proportionality of the FDI against the backdrop of its potential consequences on acquisitions of private limited liability companies in Swed

Sexuella riskbeteenden och destruktiva sexuella miljöer inom ramen för 3 § LVU - En rättsfallsstudie samt en undersökning av barn och ungas normbrytande sexualitet och sexuella utsatthet

Barn och unga kan, motiverat av egna sexuella riskbeteenden, sexuell utsatthet samt vistelser i destruktiva sexuella miljöer, omhändertas med stöd av 3 § lagen (1990:52) med vissa bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU). Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka riskbeteenden och riskmiljöer som kan falla under rekvisitet annat socialt nedbrytande beteende. Uppsatsen består inledningsvis av en deskriptChildren and young people can, motivated by their own sexual risk behaviors, sexual vulnerability and stays in destructive sexual environments, be taken into care with the support of the law (1990:52) Care of Young Per-sons (Special Provisions). The essay aims to investigate which risk behaviors and risk environments that are included under the 3 § prerequisite of “other socially destructive behav

Optical Communication using Nanowires and Molecular Memory Systems

Det är en varm och solig dag. Du ligger på rygg på en grönskande äng och ur ögonvrån ser du ett bi surra av och an tätt ovanför marken, på jakt efter nektar och pollen. Biet tar ett varv runt ängen medan du ligger kvar och funderar ett slag över hur ett sådant bi, som måste flyga hit och dit för att leta upp blommande växter, förmår att hitta hem igen. Dina tankar avbryts av ett surrande: biet närNeuromorphic computational networks, inspired by biological neural networks, provide a possible way of lowering computational energy cost, while at the same time allowing for much more sophisticated devices capable of real-time inferences and learning. Since simulating artificial neural networks on conventional computers is particularly inefficient, the development of neuromorphic devices is stron

Ett skattesystem som missgynnar företag på landsbygden?

En skillnad i lönsamhet mellan företag på landsbygden och företag i staden har uppkommit sedan början av 2000-talet. Ökad regional ojämlikhet bland företagen rimmar illa med målen för Sveriges nationella strategi för hållbar regional utveckling. Men vad beror lönsamhetsgapet mellan stad och land på? Vi finner att:Lönsamhetsgapet beror på att skattesystemet gynnar högkvalificerade företag som framf