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Remissvar: till SOU 2007:105 Territoriellt samarbete inom EU
No difference in body weight loss after 10 weeks´ad libitum low-fat, high-glycaemic or low glycaemic-index diet
Calibration of a mathematical model for anaerobic digestion with special emphasis on estimation of hydrolysis rate constants at 35, 55, and 60°C
Hydrolysis rate constants of sludge at 35°C, 55°C, and 60°C were found to be 0.32 d-1, 0.44 d-1, and 0.50 d-1, respectively in pilot-scale experiments with digestion of municipal sludge in semi-continuously operated reactors. The hydrolysis rate constants as well as estimated chemical oxygen demand (COD) fractions in the feed were implemented in a mathematical model for anaerobic digestion similar
Max Manus : Man of of War and Flame & Citron from a Swede's Point of View
Facing the unknown/defacing the known – Muslim family laws in the western courts: Sweden
Selectively grown III-N μ-substrates for defect reduction and lattice matching
Subspace-based Fundamental Frequency Estimation
Rendering Techniques 2006
Civic Engagement in Collective remembering: Social media, information credibility and knowledge production in contemporary China
Abstract: This paper provides one of the first studies on the role of social media in shaping collective memory in contemporary China. Social media enable the ordinary to participate in creating, interacting, and distributing alternative narratives of the past. Therefore, collective memory has being reconfigured under the influence of social media. Nevertheless, previous collective memory studies
Islam and the Debate on Democracy and Human Rights in Morocco
Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Japane Legal Education Reform Era
Entrepreneurship Research and the Knowledge Economy. Key-note
Coping with Long-term Neurological Illness and the Implications for Nursing Interventions.
Constructing the relationship between public and private human rights responsibility
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Aktieägaravtalets aktiebolagsrättsliga ställning - Några rader
Public Procurement of Industrially Produced Housing
Purpose The aim of the research was to investigate how a model for public procurement could be designed with the aim of including industrially produced housing in the procurement process in Sweden. Methodological approach The study was performed in two steps, an initial literature review and then a case study. The literature review aimed at creating an understanding of how this is done in other c