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Your search for "*" yielded 534303 hits
Authenticity in tourism theory and experience. Practically indispensable and theoretically mischievous?
The notion of authenticity arises in tourism research in two ways: In theory, as a contentious, complicated and disputed construct; empirically, as a recurrent theme in accounts of tourist experiences of place and culture and as a quality of tourists' experiences. This duality creates tension over the utility of authenticity in research and theory. We review recent literature on authenticity withi
Investigations on Membrane Fouling and Cleaning in Ultrafiltration Processes in Lignocellulosic Biorefineries
The current fossil-based economy must be transformed into a bio-based circular economy. A cornerstone of this transformation is the conversion of pulp and paper mills into lignocellulosic biorefineries that allow not only the production of pulp, paper, and electricity, but also novel biochemicals. Highly selective, electrifiable, and low-energy-consuming separation technologies will be key in the
Antalet religiösa ökar globalt sett
(p)ppGpp controls stringent factors by exploiting antagonistic allosteric coupling between catalytic domains
Amino acid starvation is sensed by Escherichia coli RelA and Bacillus subtilis Rel through monitoring the aminoacylation status of ribosomal A-site tRNA. These enzymes are positively regulated by their product-the alarmone nucleotide (p)ppGpp-through an unknown mechanism. The (p)ppGpp-synthetic activity of Rel/RelA is controlled via auto-inhibition by the hydrolase/pseudo-hydrolase (HD/pseudo-HD)
Environments supporting sustainable mobility during dark hours
Contrasting use of space by two migratory Afro-Palearctic warblers on their African non-breeding grounds
In migratory birds, constraints due to breeding are relaxed during the non-breeding season and thus, social behaviours and spatial associations are potentially more directly coupled to food resources and habitats. Use of space and territorial behaviour has rarely been studied in Afro-Palearctic migrants. Variation in strategies could exist among species within the same habitat because of differenc
När läkare ansåg att rökelse skyddade mot smitta
On the governmentalization of sustainability: the case of flood risk mitigation in Sweden
Contemporary society is confronted with numerous sustainability challenges. Some are new, others have been around since time immemorial, but none have been governed on the societal level since their emergence. Despite an abundant literature that addresses the governing of a range of such sustainability challenges, the processes through which they become something governable in the first place have
Keeping it clean : Graffiti and the commodification of a moral panic
Whereas subcultures such as punk, metal, skate, goth and emo have all been the target of moral panics in the past, the conditions that sparked these moral panics have since become banal and normalized, in line with Stanley Cohen’s claim that moral panics per definition tend to be short-lived. The moral panic about subcultural graffiti in Sweden, however, has proved remarkably consistent. Drawing f
The use of Methadone in adult patients with cancer-pain at a governmental cancer centre in India
Background: Management of cancer-related pain relies on the access to opioids. When regular opioids as morphine are not tolerated or are insufficient, adjuvant opioids as methadone are an affordable and effective analgesic. Aim: The aim of the project was to describe the pattern of use and clinical experiences of methadone in patients with cancer-related pain at a low-resource hospital in Hyderaba
Läsförståelse i alla ämnen (generell text)
Alla elever behöver få möjlighet att öva upp sin läskompetens för att vara rustade för att möta det stora antal texter som de kommer att stöta på under skoltiden och i livet utanför skolan. Med hjälp av lässtrategier och med stöd av de samlade språkliga resurserna som finns att tillgå kan en ämneslärare hjälpa nyanlända elever att öva upp denna kompetens.
130 år av brokigt folkliv
Malmö fick landets första folkpark redan för 130 år sedan. Idag, på parkens födelsedag, reflekterar tre kulturgeografer över anläggningens historia och dess roll i dåtid, nutid och framtid.
Preexisting Somatic Mutations of Estrogen Receptor Alpha (ESR1) in Early-Stage Primary Breast Cancer
More than three-quarters of primary breast cancers are positive for estrogen receptor alpha (ER; encoded by the gene ESR1), the most important factor for directing anti-estrogenic endocrine therapy (ET). Recently, mutations in ESR1 were identified as acquired mechanisms of resistance to ET, found in 12% to 55% of metastatic breast cancers treated previously with ET. We analyzed 3217 population-bas
Att aktivera och synliggöra elevers förkunskaper (ämnesspecifik text: musik)
En central del av undervisningen är att varje nytt arbetsområde inleds med att elevers förkunskaper aktiveras och synliggörs. I musikämnet kan reflektion och samtal om musik och musikminnen vara ett sätt att synliggöra elevers kunskaper och förförståelse om musik. Med dessa förkunskaper som grund får eleverna sedan möjlighet att utvecklas vidare när det gäller kunskaper, språk och identitet.
Measurable residual disease and clonal evolution in acute myeloid leukemia with focus on NPM1-mutations
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common form of acute leukemia in adults, with mutations in the NPM1 gene occurring in almost one third of all cases. The ability to detect residual leukemia below the resolution of conventional microscopy is crucial for evaluation of relapse risk after therapy. In principle, this can be achieved by measuring residual disease (MRD) with two different approac
Executive functioning in psychiatric patients with deliberate self-harm, as compared with a psychiatric and a healthy comparison group
Introduction: Deliberate self-harm (DSH) is a common symptom in psychiatric disorders. It is a cross-diagnostic symptom, although it has mainly been associated with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Research has suggested an association between DSH and deficits in executive functioning. The main aim of the current study was to assess three specific aspects of executive functioning (EF) (worki
Immune responses against oxidized LDL as possible targets for prevention of atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythematosus
Patients suffering from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) and traditional therapies including statins provide insufficient protection. Impaired removal of apoptotic material is a common pathogenic mechanism in both SLE and atherosclerosis and is considered to be a key factor in the development of autoimmunity. Since oxidized LDL and
Sex differences in life history, behavior, and physiology along a slow-fast continuum : a meta-analysis
The pace-of-life syndrome (POLS) hypothesis predicts that behavior and physiology covary with life history. Evidence for such covariation is contradictory, possibly because systematic sources of variation (e.g. sex) have been neglected. Sexes often experience different selection pressures leading to sex-specific allocation between reproduction and self-maintenance, facilitating divergence in life-