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Your search for "*" yielded 532576 hits

Education Reforms and Social Outcomes : The Impact of the Reforms on Hong Kong Students’ Concerns and Future Perspectives

The structural reforms of the curriculum implemented by the Hong Kong administration in the field of education at the beginning of the 2000s had profound implications for the future perspectives and ambitions of students and graduates. This thesis tries to investigate the key constraints posed by the reforms and their direct influence on Hong Kong local student’s perception of their future careers

Social cognition deficits and biometric signatures in the behavioural variant of Alzheimer’s disease

The behavioural variant of Alzheimer’s disease (bvAD) is characterized by early predominant behavioural changes, mimicking the behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), which is characterized by social cognition deficits and altered biometric responses to socioemotional cues. These functions remain understudied in bvAD. We investigated multiple social cognition components (i.e. emoti

Effects of surgical specialization and surgeon resection volume on postoperative complications and mortality rate after emergent colon cancer resection

Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of surgical specialization and surgeon resection volume on short-term outcome after emergent colon cancer resections. Methods: A retrospective analysis of all patients who underwent resections for colon cancer between 2011 and 2020 at Helsingborg Hospital, Sweden was performed. The senior surgeon participating in each procedure was class

Emerging trends in the agri-food sector: Digitalisation and shift to plant-based diets

Our planet is currently facing unprecedented interconnected environmental, societal, and economic dilemmas due to climate change, the outbreak of pandemics and wars, among others. These global challenges pose direct threats to food security and safety and clearly show the urgent need for innovative scientific solutions and technological approaches. Backed by the current alarming situation, many fo

Examining biofilm growth and metabolism of Escherichia coli at laboratory scale using geoelectrical methods

To link geophysical field data to specific biological phenomena, controlled laboratory experiments are needed for the understanding of the response of geophysical parameters to changes in biological conditions. In this study, suspensions of bacteria were mixed with sand to create a biofilm growing on a surface and these mixtures were monitored using the geoelectrical spectral induced polarization

Forskaren och ministern om matfattigdomen och kyrkornas roll

Elin Leo Sandberg, diakon och doktorand, samt socialminister Jakob Forssmed om kyrkornas roll och vilka insatser som är nödvändiga när hushållen drabbas av det ekonomiska läget.Elin Leo Sandberg, deacon and doctoral student, and Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed about the role of the churches and what interventions are necessary when households are affected by the economic situation.

Spara, laga, bo : Husdrömmar i mäklarreklam från 1960-, 70- och 80-talet

I denna artikel ställer jag frågor till arkivmaterial ur vardagstrycket: ett antal mäklarbroschyrer och reklamutskick analyseras med fokus på husdrömmar. Vilka husdrömmar gestaltas? Vem antas bo här, hur, var och varför? Vem är husdrömmaren, vilken värld, tid, människa och bostadskultur framträder i materialet? Jag jämför material från 1970- och 1980-tal med slutsatser jag dragit i min forskning o

Effects of mutant huntingtin in oxytocin neurons on non-motor features of Huntington's disease

Background: Early non-motor features including anxiety, depression and altered social cognition are present in Huntington's disease (HD). The underlying neurobiological mechanisms are not known. Oxytocin (OXT) is involved in the regulation of emotion, social cognition and metabolism, and our previous work showed that the OXT system is affected early in HD. The aim of the study was to investigate t

Article an internet of things approach for water efficiency : A case study of the beverage factory

There is a lack of knowledge among food manufacturers about adopting the Internet of Things (IoT)-based water monitoring system and its ability to support water minimisation activities. It is therefore necessary to investigate the applicability of IoT-based real-time water monitoring systems in a real food manufacturing environment to pursue water-saving opportunities accordingly. This article aim

Neuropsychological outcome after cardiac arrest : results from a sub-study of the targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (TTM2) trial

Background: Cognitive impairment is common following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), but the nature of the impairment is poorly understood. Our objective was to describe cognitive impairment in OHCA survivors, with the hypothesis that OHCA survivors would perform significantly worse on neuropsychological tests of cognition than controls with acute myocardial infarction (MI). Another aim was

Sensing seaweed settings : Making sense of a mixed-method design for sensory analysis

The focus of this paper is an interdisciplinary approach towards the consumption of novel seaweed foods. Combining social science, food science, and a chemical and biotechnological perspective, we ask the following questions: How do we gain knowledge about the consumer's approach to new marine products on the market? What kinds of methods are suitable and possible to use? In what way can we combin

Medborgarmedverkan i myndigheters sociala arbete : En hybridkonstruktion i gränslandet mellan institutionella logiker

I denna rapport redovisar Kerstin Svensson och Monica Larsson (Socialhögskolan, Lunds universitet) ett projekt som tar upp civilsamhällets medverkan i myndigheters arbete då privatpersoner engageras som socialt stöd för medmänniskor. Syftet med projektet är att förstå tanken bakom medborgarmedverkan i myndigheters lagreglerade sociala insatser, hur den har utvecklats och vilka tendenser som finns

Regional variation in climate change alters the range-wide distribution of colour polymorphism in a wild bird

According to Gloger's rule, animal colouration is expected to be darker in wetter and warmer climates. Such environmental clines are predicted to occur in colour polymorphic species and to be shaped by selection if colour morphs represent adaptations to different environments. We studied if the distribution of the colour polymorphic tawny owl (Strix aluco) morphs (a pheomelanic brown and a pale gr

Turning the tanker? Exploring the preconditions for change in the global petrochemical industry

Meeting the goals set out in the Paris Agreement will require rapid and deep reductions of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) across all sectors of the global economy. Like all major societal transformations, this climate transition will impact both social and technical aspects of society and, depending on how it evolves, will reallocate social and economic benefits and costs differently. Recognising

The polarized attitudes of offshore wind - The social acceptance of planned offshore wind farm Västvind among Öckerö municipality residents

Klimatförändringarna, energikrisen och en ökande efterfrågan på el har uppmärksammat behovet av en hållbar omställning av energisystemet. Havsbaserad vindkraft spelar en viktig roll i denna omställning och förväntas expandera kraftigt globalt, i EU och i Sverige. Samtidigt möter projekt stort lokalt motstånd. Trots att svenskar generellt visar högt stöd för vindkraft så har en majoritet av de senaClimate change, the energy crisis of 2022-2023, and estimations of future electricity demands have stressed the necessity for a rapid transition of the energy system. Offshore wind energy plays an important role in this transition, and is expected to expand considerably on a global level, in the EU and in Sweden. While Swedes show high support of wind energy, a majority of recent projects have bee

Degradation of 75 organic micropollutants in fresh human urine and water by UV advanced oxidation process

In household wastewater, a large proportion of organic micropollutants (OMPs) load is attributed to human urine. OMPs could pose a risk to human and environmental health when urine collected in source-separating sanitation systems is recycled as crop fertiliser. This study evaluated degradation of 75 OMPs in human urine treated by a UV-based advanced oxidation process. Fresh urine and water sample