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Developmental changes in the brain-stem serotonergic nuclei of teleost fish and neural plasticity
1. During early ontogeny, the serotonergic neurons in the brain stem of the three-spined stickleback shows a temporal and spatial developmental pattern that closely resembles that of amniotes. 2. However, in the adult fish, only the midline nuclei of the rostral group (dorsal and median raphe nuclei) and the dorsal lateral tegmental nucleus are consistently serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HTir), where
Dressing the Perfect Gentleman
Scalable synthesis of dispersible iron carbide (Fe3C) nanoparticles by 'nanocasting'
Metal carbides have shown great promise in a wide range of applications due to their unique catalytic, electrocatalytic and magnetic properties. However, the scalable production of dispersible metal carbide nanoparticles remains a challenge. Here, we report a simple and scalable route to dispersible iron carbide (Fe3C) nanoparticles. This uses MgO nanoparticles as a removable 'cast' to synthesize
Flight-to-safety and the risk-return trade-off : European evidence
This paper investigates flight-to-safety from stocks to bonds in six European markets. We use quantile regressions to identify flight-to-safety episodes. The conditional risk-return trade-off on the stock markets is negative. Flight-to-safety episodes strengthen the negative trade-off. The effects of flight-to-safety episodes on the trade-off are qualitatively similar for own country flight-to-saf
On wood-water interactions in the over-hygroscopic moisture range-mechanisms, methods, and influence of wood modification
Wood is a hygroscopic material that absorbs and desorbs water to equilibrate to the ambient climate. Within material science, the moisture range from 0 to about 95-98% relative humidity is generally called the hygroscopic moisture range, while the exceeding moisture range is called the over-hygroscopic moisture range. For wood, the dominating mechanisms of moisture sorption are different in these
Children's attention management on commercial websites: Effects of task type and advert prominence
This experiment was designed to investigate how children cope with salient online advertising while engaging in task-oriented website interaction. 57 children in 3rd grade (9-year-olds) participated in the experiment. Each participant was introduced to a mock-up website and was instructed to solve two types of online tasks: reading for comprehension and information search. The web pages used by th
Strategic Internal Communication: A Practitioner’s Guide to Implementing Cutting-Edge Methods for Improved Workplace Culture
Recent CDF results on heavy and exotic baryons in p-pbar collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV
Correlates of individual variation in the porphyrin-based fluorescence of red-necked nightjars (Caprimulgus ruficollis)
Many nocturnal animals, including invertebrates such as scorpions and a variety of vertebrate species, including toadlets, flying squirrels, owls, and nightjars, emit bright fluorescence under ultraviolet light. However, the ecological significance of this unique coloration so attached to nocturnality remains obscure. Here, we used an intensively studied population of migratory red-necked nightjar
Observation of Electroweak Production of a Same-Sign W Boson Pair in Association with Two Jets in pp Collisions at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector
This Letter presents the observation and measurement of electroweak production of a same-sign W boson pair in association with two jets using 36.1 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data recorded at a center-of-mass energy of s=13 TeV by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The analysis is performed in the detector fiducial phase-space region, defined by the presence of two same-sign lept
Imputing missing data of function and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis registers : What is the best technique?
Objective To compare several methods of missing data imputation for function (Health Assessment Questionnaire) and for disease activity (Disease Activity Score-28 and Clinical Disease Activity Index) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Methods One thousand RA patients from observational cohort studies with complete data for function and disease activity at baseline, 6, 12 and 24 months were sel
Stora boken om barn och mat
Stora boken om barn och mat är en gedigen handbok i de fem första åren av barnets ätande. Här finns fakta och tips kring hur föräldrar kan stödja sitt barns ätutveckling, förebygga matallergier, hantera barns ätkrångel samt få maten så näringsrik som ett litet växande barn behöver.
A clonal expression biomarker associates with lung cancer mortality
An aim of molecular biomarkers is to stratify patients with cancer into disease subtypes predictive of outcome, improving diagnostic precision beyond clinical descriptors such as tumor stage1. Transcriptomic intratumor heterogeneity (RNA-ITH) has been shown to confound existing expression-based biomarkers across multiple cancer types2–6. Here, we analyze multi-region whole-exome and RNA sequencing
Monoclonal Antibodies against Pancreatic Islet‐Cell‐Surface Antigens Selected by Flow Cytofluorometry
BALB/c mice were immunized with human islets of Langerhans and spleen cells from two mice. found to develop cell‐surface antibodies against insulin‐producing rat islet tumour RIN‐5F cells, were fused with mouse myeloma cells. Antibody‐producing hybrids were cloned on the basis of their production of surface antibodies reactive with paraformaldehyde‐fixed RIN‐5F cells by indirect immunofluorescence
In vitro lymphocyte recognition of islet cells following in vivo priming with allogeneic murine pancreatic islets
Lymphocytes from patients with insulin-dependent diabetes have been shown to be sensitized to pancreatic tissue antigens. Mice immunized with homologous pancreatic islets have been found to develop glucose intolerance and insulitis. Since lymphocytes may be involved in diabetogenesis, we wished to determine if lymph node cells from islet-immunized mice can recognize and respond to islet cells in v
Autoantibodies to a 64-kilodalton islet cell protein precede the onset of spontaneous diabetes in the BB rat
Spontaneous insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in the BB rat is associated with the presence of antibodies to a 64-kilodalton rat islet cell protein. These protein antibodies appeared in young animals and remained for as long as 8 weeks before the clinical onset of IDDM. Antibodies to a 64-kilodalton human islet cell protein were found to be associated with human IDDM. Detection of the ant
Inhibition of insulin release after passive transfer of immunoglobulin from insulin-dependent diabetic children to mice
We used the mouse passive transfer model to test whether islet cell antibodies affect β-cell function. The immunoglobulin (Ig) fraction of plasma from 5 islet cell surface antibody-positive, newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetic children or of a pool of plasma from 12 normal subjects was injected daily (7–16 mg IgG/day) for 14 days into normal immunosuppressed BALB/c mice. Insulin secretory r
B‐Cell Function and Islet Cell and Other Organ‐Specific Autoantibodies in Relatives to Insulin‐Dependent Diabetic Patients
ABSTRACT The pancreatic B‐cell function (glucose tolerance, C‐peptide release) and organ‐specific autoantibodies, including islet cell cytoplasmic and cell surface (mouse), were studied in 45 first‐degree relatives of patients with insulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus diagnosed before the age of 30 years. Compared to 107 healthy persons without any family history of either insulin‐dependent or non‐