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Accurate Time - Domain Modeling of Multi-Finger pHEMT layout Structure based on Transmission line Theory

In this paper, a fully distributed modeling of double gate InGaAs pHEMT as a 5-line active coupled transmission line is described. In order to apply the transmission line theory, a proper equivalent lumped circuit model is allocated for the differential length of the double gate quintuple line transistor and the active multi-conductor transmission line equations are obtained. The passive element v

Double Compression Expansion Engine Concepts: A Path to High Efficiency

Internal combustion engine (ICE) fuel efficiency is a balance between good indicated efficiency and mechanical efficiency. High indicated efficiency is reached with a very diluted air/fuel-mixture and high load resulting in high peak cylinder pressure (PCP). On the other hand, high mechanical efficiency is obtained with very low peak cylinder pressure as the piston rings and bearings can be made wInternal combustion engine (ICE) fuel efficiency is a balance between good indicated efficiency and mechanical efficiency. High indicated efficiency is reached with a very diluted air/fuel-mixture and high load resulting in high peak cylinder pressure (PCP). On the other hand, high mechanical efficiency is obtained with very low peak cylinder pressure as the piston rings and bearings can be made w

Tools for fairness: Increased structure in the selection process reduces discrimination

Employment discrimination causes problems at the labor market, and is hard to combat. Can increasing the degree of structure when selecting applicants increase fairness? Students were asked to perform a computerized selection task and were either provided with tools for systematizing information about the applicants (structured selection) or no such tools (unstructured selection). We hypothesized

Can System Truncation Speed up Ligand-Binding Calculations with Periodic Free-Energy Simulations?

We have investigated whether alchemical free-energy perturbation calculations of relative binding energies can be sped up by simulating a truncated protein. Previous studies with spherical nonperiodic systems showed that the number of simulated atoms could be reduced by a factor of 26 without affecting the calculated binding free energies by more than 0.5 kJ/mol on average (Genheden, S.; Ryde, U.

Time-resolved photoluminescence characterization of GaAs nanowire arrays on native substrate

Time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) measurements of nanowires (NWs) are often carried out on broken-off NWs in order to avoid the ensemble effects as well as substrate contribution. However, the development of NW-array solar cells could benefit from non-destructive optical characterization to allow faster feedback and further device processing. With this work, we show that different NW array an

Off-grid Fundamental Frequency Estimation

In this paper, we propose a gridless method for estimating an unknown number of fundamental frequencies. Starting with a conventional dictionary matrix, containing sets of candidate fundamental frequencies and their corresponding harmonics, a non-convex log-sum cost function is formed such that it imposes the harmonic structure and treats every fundamental frequency in the dictionary as a paramete

Improvisational approaches to supervision dialogue

The reflective processes in which supervisors and doctoral students indulge together may be improvisatory to an important extent. Based on a literature review and a small interview study, I argue that there are important similarities between musical improvisation and supervision dialogue regarding, for instance, the need for structure as well as continuous impulse fluidity, and the need for recept

The changing face of ethics : Developing a code of ethics for professional accountants from 1977 to 2006

This article aims to contextualise the development of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) between 1977 and 2006. Drawing on transnational regulation literature, an extensive review of archival documents was conducted. The analysis unfolds the development of the Code in an increasingly complex regulatory environment, revealing the dy

An ANN-based Versatile Millimeter-wave MIMO Slotted Patch Antenna for 5G Network

This study addresses the modelling of a dual band (28 and 38 GHz), circularly polarised slotted-patch-antenna for highly demanded millimetre wave multi-input multi-output (MIMO)-systems in fifth generation (5G) networks. A computer-aided-design model is derived by means of an artificial neural network (ANN) which allows obtaining the physical dimensions of a single-fed antenna, satisfying both nea

Performance investigation of space diversity for a 28/38 GHz MIMO antenna (applicable to mm-wave mobile network)

A multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) dual-band antenna system consisting of two elements, each of which built up of circularly polarized slotted patch antenna for mm-wave band 5G wireless handheld and portable terminals is described. Space diversity is used to achieve a good independent channel fading in MIMO systems. In theoretical analysis of MIMO systems often assume that each antenna is iso

Robust Multi-Objective Optimization of Chromatographic Rare Earth Element Separation

Rare earth elements are strategic commodities in many countries, and an important resource for the growing modern technology industry. As such, there is an increasing interest for development of rare earth element processing, and this work is a part of further development of chromatography as a rare earth element separation process method. Process optimization is pivotal for process development, Rare earth elements are strategic commodities in many countries, and an important resource for the growing modern technology industry. As such, there is an increasing interest for development of rare earth element processing, and this work is a part of further development of chromatography as a rare earth element separation process method. Process optimization is pivotal for process development, a

Anteckningar om Anders Stolts Stilleben

Essän om konstnären Anders Stolts skulpturala verk Stilleben sätter in arbetena i konsthistoriska, teoretiska, arkeologiska och haptiska perspektiv.This essay on the sculptural works of Anders Stolt puts the works in different contexts: art historical, theoretical, aeaeological, and haptic.

Abortive translation caused by peptidyl-tRNA drop-off at NGG codons in the early coding region of mRNA

In Escherichia coli the codons CGG, AGG, UGG or GGG (NGG codons) but not GGN or GNG (where N is non-G) are associated with low expression of a reporter gene, if located at positions +2 to +5. Induction of a lacZ reporter gene with any one of the NGG codons at position +2 to +5 does not influence growth of a normal strain, but growth of a strain with a defective peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase (Pth) enzyme

The Paradox of the 1970s: The Renaissance of International Banking and the Rise of Public Debt

The 1970s is a paradoxical decade. On the one hand, it marked the gradual demise of the industrial society and the end of the «Golden Age» of capitalism. On the other hand, the decade saw the renaissance of international banking and finance after almost half a century of retreat, thanks to the explosive growth of the Eurodollar market. International banking, which had remained dormant since the 19