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Your search for "*" yielded 528144 hits

Processing and characterization of nanowire arrays for photodetectors

We present a fabrication scheme of contacting arrays of vertically standing nanowires (NW) for LEDs (Duan et al. Nature 409:66–69, 2001), photodetectors (Wang et al. Science (NY) 293:1455–1457, 2001) or solar cell applications (Wallentin et al. Science (NY) 339:1057–1060, 2013). Samples were prepared by depositing Au films using nano-imprint lithography (Ma rtensson et al. Nano Lett 4:699–702, 200

Experimental and numerical investigation on fire behaviour of foam/fabric composites

Upholstered furniture is a major contributor to the fuel load in a fire compartment. Modelling the fire behaviour of upholstered furniture would support performance based fire safety engineering, by allowing the specification of realistic fire scenarios. Modelling upholstered furniture composites in cone calorimeter test conditions is undertaken to validate fundamental assumptions about the fire b

Characteristics of BVOC emissions from a Swedish boreal forest : Using chambers to capture biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) from trees and forest floor

Plant-emitted biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are a large group of hydrocarbons released by plant leaves, bark, flowers and fruits into the atmosphere and from plant roots into the soil. BVOCs have important physiological and ecological functions, such as mediating within-plant and plant-plant communication, defense against herbivores attack, protection against heat or other oxidative

Studies on translation initiation and gene expression in Escherichia coli

In prokaryotes, several mRNA sequences surrounding the initiation codon have been found to influence the translation process; these include the downstream region and its codon context, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence and the S1 ribosomal protein-binding site. In this thesis, the purpose has been to study the role of the downstream region and Shine-Dalgarno-like sequences on early translation elongatio


Essän handlar om trädgårdsstaden Tungelsta, idén om eremitens hydda, trädgården och platsen.

Two types of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in Drosophila and other arthropods

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) play a central role in the mammalian nervous system. These receptors are G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which are activated by the agonists acetylcholine and muscarine, and blocked by a variety of antagonists. Mammals have five mAChRs (m1-m5). In this study, we cloned two structurally related GPCRs from the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, which,

Exploration of H2 binding to the [NiFe]-hydrogenase active site with multiconfigurational density functional theory

The combination of density functional theory (DFT) with a multiconfigurational wave function is an efficient way to include dynamical correlation in calculations with multiconfiguration self-consistent field wave functions. These methods can potentially be employed to elucidate reaction mechanisms in bio-inorganic chemistry, where many other methods become either too computationally expensive or t

In Operando X-Ray Nanodiffraction Reveals Electrically Induced Bending and Lattice Contraction in a Single Nanowire Device

Hard X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a nanofocused beam is used to measure both lattice contraction and bending in a single nanowire device under electric bias. The shape of the nanowire is reconstructed in 3D with sub-nanometer precision. As the bias voltage is gradually increased, nonreversible structural changes in the contact regions are observed, correlated with degradation of the electrical co

Simultaneous high-resolution scanning Bragg contrast and ptychographic imaging of a single solar cell nanowire

Simultaneous scanning Bragg contrast and small-angle ptychographic imaging of a single solar cell nanowire are demonstrated, using a nanofocused hard X-ray beam and two detectors. The 2.5 μm-long nanowire consists of a single-crystal InP core of 190 nm diameter, coated with amorphous SiO2 and polycrystalline indium tin oxide. The nanowire was selected and aligned in real space using the small-angl

Discfiltration and ozonation for reduction of nutrients and organic micro-pollutants from wastewater - a pilot study

The combination of coagulation/flocculation and discfiltration with ozonation to reduce nutrients and organic micro-pollutants in secondary effluent was studied in pilot scale at Lundåkraverket wastewater treatment plant in Landskrona, Sweden. With a chemical dose of 4 gAl3þ/m3 and 1.5 g/m3 cationic polymer as active material effluent water quality with regards to total phosphorous (Tot-P), suspenThe combination of coagulation/flocculation and discfiltration with ozonation to reduce nutrients and organic micro-pollutants in secondary effluent was studied in pilot scale at Lundåkraverket wastewater treatment plant in Landskrona, Sweden. With a chemical dose of 4 gAl3+/m3 and 1.5 g/m3 cationic polymer as active material effluent water quality with regards to total phosphorous (Tot-P), suspen

Châteaux disparus, temps perdus : namnen och frånvaron

Holst-Ekströms bidrag är en essä som handlar om ett antal franska slott, från 1700 och 1800-talen, om minnets roll i förhållande till arkitekturen och litteraturen. Den behandlar också konstnären Marie Anderssons specifika relation till fotografi och arkitektur.This essay is about a number of French castles, from the 18th and 19th centuries, it concerns the rôle of architecture in relation to memory and litterature. It is also about the specific works of artist Marie Andersson, and how she photography and architecture.

Surface display of Salmonella epitopes in Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus carnosus

BACKGROUND: Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis (SE) is considered to be one of the most potent pathogenic Salmonella serotypes causing food-borne disease in humans. Since a live bacterial vaccine based on surface display of antigens has many advantages over traditional vaccines, we have studied the surface display of the SE antigenic proteins, H:gm and SefA in Escherichia coli by the β-autot

The incorporation of 5-fluorouracil into RNA affects the ribonucleolytic activity of the exosome subunit Rrp6

5-Fluorouracil (5FU) is a fluoropyrimidine used for the treatment of solid tumors. 5FU is a precursor of dTTP and UTP during biogenesis, and it interferes with both DNA and RNA metabolism. The RNA exosome, a multisubunit complex with ribonucleolytic activity, has been identified as one of the targets of 5FU in yeast. Studies in human cells have shown that the catalytic subunit of the nuclear exoso

Analysis of fire barriers with respect to fires with combustible gases and liquids

Fires including flammable gases and/or liquids differ from typical residential fires where the fuel is mainly composed of solid combustibles. The traditional ISO 834 curve was established to represent the timetemperature curve for a fully developed fire. However for combustible gases the type of thermal exposure might be substantially different and therefore other curves have been developed such a

From Conflict to Compromise : The importance of mediation in Swedish work stoppages 1907-1927

Institutions for prevention and resolution of labor market conflicts were introduced all over the world in the early twentieth century. In this paper we analyze the impact of mediation on compromise outcomes in Swedish labor market conflicts, using a dataset of geo-coded strikes and lockouts from 1907 to 1927. Causality is identified by using the distance from the mediator's residence to the confl