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The fluorite-related "solid solutions" of CeO2Y2O3 II : A modulated structure approach

The structural description of any particular member of the CeO2Y2O3 solid solution series reduces to the determination of compositional and displacement eigenvectors associated with two sets of modulation wave-vectors. The primary modulations are associated with oxygen (vacancy) ordering and the second-harmonic modulations with metal atom ordering —both with concomitant structural relaxation. Wit

Participatory Spaces Under Urban Capitalism : Contesting the Boundaries of Democratic Practices

Can people use new participatory spaces to reclaim their rights as citizens and challenge structures of political power? This book carefully examines the constraints and possibilities for participatory governance under capitalism.To understand what is at stake in the politics of participation, we need to look beyond the values commonly associated with it. Citizens face a dilemma: should they parti

The Danish Trauma Database for Refugees (DTD) : A Multicenter Database Collaboration—Overcoming the Challenges and Enhancing Mental Health Treatment and Research for Refugees

Mental health of trauma-affected refugees is an understudied area, resulting in inadequate and poorer treatment outcomes. To address this, more high-quality treatment studies that include predictive analyses, long-term evaluations, cultural adaptations, and take account for comorbidities, are needed. Moreover, given the complex intertwining of refugees’ health with post-migration stressors and oth

European Respiratory Society clinical practice guideline : palliative care for people with COPD or interstitial lung disease

There is increased awareness of palliative care needs in people with COPD or interstitial lung disease (ILD). This European Respiratory Society (ERS) task force aimed to provide recommendations for initiation and integration of palliative care into the respiratory care of adult people with COPD or ILD. The ERS task force consisted of 20 members, including representatives of people with COPD or ILD

On the growth of small crystals of Cd, Zn, Pt and Rh during electron microscope observations

The growth of small supported metal crystals under the influence of an electron beam has been studied in real-time using a 400 keV ultra-high-resolution electron microscope. Samples of Pt, Rh, Cd and Zn supported on amorphous C or Si films were prepared ex situ and crystal growth in situ was recorded directly using a TV imaging/video system attached to the microscope. The different types of observ

Flower Size as an Honest Signal in Royal Irises (Iris Section Oncocyclus, Iridaceae)

Flower traits, such as flower size or color changes, can act as honest signals indicating greater rewards such as nectar; however, nothing is known about shelter-rewarding systems. Large flowers of Royal irises offer overnight shelter as a reward to Eucera bees. A black patch might signal the entrance to the tunnel (shelter) and, together with the flower size, these might act as honest signals. We

Prime editing to correct disease causative mutations in patient-derived Gaucher iPSC lines

Prime editing to correct disease causative mutations in patient derived Gaucher iPSC lines Lysosomes are the recycling bins of our cells, but what happens if they stop working? Do we get sick? Why would they stop working? Dysfunctions in lysosomes can be due to genetic mutations, changes in our genome that can lead to brain disease and premature death. Recently, the CRISPR/Cas9 system, that works

Intake of the Total, Classes, and Subclasses of (Poly)Phenols and Risk of Prostate Cancer : A Prospective Analysis of the EPIC Study

Existing epidemiological evidence regarding the potential role of (poly)phenol intake in prostate cancer (PCa) risk is scarce and, in the case of flavonoids, it has been suggested that their intake may increase PCa risk. We investigated the associations between the intake of the total and individual classes and subclasses of (poly)phenols and the risk of PCa, including clinically relevant subtypes

Prevalence of refractoriness when testing growth hormone levels in children

Objective: Late night spontaneous growth hormone (GH) pulses may influence the pituitary GH response to provocation tests. We evaluated GH response during arginine-insulin-tolerance test (AITT) after a GH peak during a short spontaneous nocturnal profile (SSNP) in children with short stature or low growth velocity. Design: Using SSNP and subsequent AITT, we examined 257 children 4–18 years old (13

Association of Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis with Suicide Mortality Rates in Adolescents in Sweden

Importance: The association of early diagnosis and management of bipolar disorder with adolescent suicide mortality (ASM) is unknown. Objective: To assess regional associations between ASM and bipolar disorder diagnosis frequencies. Design, Setting, and Participants: This cross-sectional study investigated the association between annual regional ASM and bipolar disorder diagnosis rates in Swedish

Exposure levels of dust, endotoxin, and microorganisms in the Danish recycling industry

Introduction: Recycling of domestic waste and a number of employees in the recycling industry is expected to increase. This study aims to quantify current exposure levels of inhalable dust, endotoxin, and microorganisms and to identify determinants of exposure among recycling workers. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 170 full-shift measurements from 88 production workers and 14 adminis

In Spite of Everything: Stubborn Returns and Urban Afterlives - documenta14

Talks, screenings, performances, walks, and discussions, organized by Gigi Argyropoulou. In Spite of Everything brings together theorists, activists, and artists to “jam time” (“the way we separate the past, present, and future”), problematize what fails and what returns, and think through possible urban afterlives—moments of organizing, imagining, thinking, studying, caring, and insisting with ot

Inherited differences of migratory phenotypes in two Acrocephalus warblers in relation to geomagnetic field parameters

Abstract: Birds have evolved morphological, physiological and behavioural adaptations, encoded in their migratory programs, to enable successful migration. Sometimes, even closely related species, such as the Eurasian reed warbler and the sedge warbler, may adopt different migration strategies to reach their wintering grounds in sub-Saharan Africa. To study them in detail, we aimed to compare the