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Your search for "*" yielded 529296 hits

Immunohistochemical Assays for Bladder Cancer Molecular Subtyping : Optimizing Parsimony and Performance of Lund Taxonomy Classifiers

Transcriptomic and proteomic profiling classify bladder cancers into luminal and basal molecular subtypes, with controversial prognostic and predictive associations. The complexity of published subtyping algorithms is a major impediment to understanding their biology and validating or refuting their clinical use. Here, we optimize and validate compact algorithms based on the Lund taxonomy, which s

The Importance of Individual Actor Characteristics and Contextual Aspects for Promoting Industrial Symbiosis Networks

Factors that affect and influence industrial symbiosis (IS) collaborations have been re-searched extensively in the literature, where they are mostly reported at a network level or for IS in general, and lack the individual actor’s perspective. This review article contributes to and expands knowledge of influencing factors and their effect on the individual actor. In a systematic review, guided by

Journalistic Practices in Media Events Before Broadcasting : The Public Funeral of King Oscar II in Early Twentieth-Century Sweden

According to Dayan and Katz, media events require live transmission, firmly dating their birth to the age of television. However, the application of such a media-centric criterion runs the risk of projecting an a-historical perspective to the phenomenon as such. By contrast, using the example of the public funeral of the Swedish King Oscar II in 1907, the purpose of this article is to scrutinize a

Öppen exponering av föremål i utställning

På Världskulturmuseet i Göteborg har man sedan museet öppnade i december 2004 haft en utställningsinriktning där man i den mån det ansetts möjligt exponerat föremål fritt. Syftet är främst att öka upplevelsen för besökaren. Efter två års verksamhet kan man ur bevarandehänseende konstatera att denna modell i en del fall har haft negativ påverkan på föremålen. Förutom en ökad utsatthet för damm har

After the Caliphate: Changing Mobilization in the Swedish Salafi-Jihadist Environment following the Fall of ISIS

After the fall of the Islamic State’s self-declared Caliphate in Syria and Iraq, understanding how the Salafi-jihadist environments in the West mobilize in new ways has become urgent. This study is based on unique hard-to-reach data from qualitative interviews with returned Swedish ISIS fighters, previous members of the Swedish Salafi-jihadist environment, friends and acquaintances of persons enga

Selecting accreted populations : Metallicity, elemental abundances, and ages of the Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus and Sequoia populations

Identifying stars found in the Milky Way as having formed in situ or accreted can be a complex and uncertain undertaking. We use Gaia kinematics and APOGEE elemental abundances to select stars belonging to the Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus (GSE) and Sequoia accretion events. These samples are used to characterize the GSE and Sequoia population metallicity distribution functions, elemental abundance patte

Enhancing the Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Mg Alloys Processed by Warm HPT and Thermal Treatments

In this study, several biodegradable Mg alloys (Mg5Zn, Mg5Zn0.3Ca, Mg5Zn0.15Ca, and Mg5Zn0.15Ca0.15Zr, numbers in wt%) were investigated after thermomechanical processing via high-pressure torsion (HPT) at elevated temperature as well as after additional heat treatments. Indirect and direct analyses of microstructure revealed that the significant strength increases arise not only from dislocations

Verification, validation and evaluation of FireFOAM as a tool for performance based design

The open source CFD code FireFOAM has been verified and validated against analytical solution and real fire tests. The verification showed that FireFOAM solves the three modes of heat transfer appropriately. The validation against real fire tests yielded reasonable results. FireFOAM has not been validated for a large set of real fires, which is the case for FDS. Therefore, it is the responsibility

Galectin-4 levels in hospitalized versus non-hospitalized subjects with obesity : the Malmö Preventive Project

BACKGROUND: Obesity is strongly associated with the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, the heterogenous nature of obesity in CVD-risk is still poorly understood. We aimed to explore novel CVD biomarkers and their possible association with presumed unhealthy obesity, defined as hospitalized subjects with obesity (HO).METHODS: Ninety-two proteins associated with CVD were analyzed

Heparin-binding protein in ventilator-induced lung injury

Background: Although mechanical ventilation is often lifesaving, it can also cause injury to the lungs. The lung injury is caused by not only high pressure and mechanical forces but also by inflammatory processes that are not fully understood. Heparin-binding protein (HBP), released by activated granulocytes, has been indicated as a possible mediator of increased vascular permeability in the lung