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CHEOPS precision phase curve of the Super-Earth 55 Cancri e
Context. 55 Cnc e is a transiting super-Earth (radius 1.88 R⊕ and mass 8 M⊕) orbiting a G8V host star on a 17-h orbit. Spitzer observations of the planet's phase curve at 4.5 μm revealed a time-varying occultation depth, and MOST optical observations are consistent with a time-varying phase curve amplitude and phase offset of maximum light. Both broadband and high-resolution spectroscopic analyses
Circulating testican-2 is a podocyte-derived marker of kidney health
In addition to their fundamental role in clearance, the kidneys release select molecules into the circulation, but whether any of these anabolic functions provides insight on kidney health is unknown. Using aptamer-based proteomics, we characterized arterial (A)-to-renal venous (V) gradients for >1,300 proteins in 22 individuals who underwent invasive sampling. Although most of the proteins that c
A bad start : The combined effects of early onset substance use and adhd and cd on criminality patterns, substance abuse and psychiatric comorbidity among young violent offenders
Substance abuse, conduct disorder (CD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are all known risk factors for developing aggressive behaviors, criminality, other psychiatric comorbidity and substance use disorders (SUD). Since early age of onset is important for aggravating the impact of several of these risk factors, the aim of the present study was to investigate whether young adult
Unexpected differences between surface and bulk spectroscopic and implied Kondo properties of heavy fermion CeRh2Si2
Ultra-violet angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (UV-ARPES) was used to explore the temperature dependence of the Ce-4f spectral responses for surface and bulk in the antiferromagnetic Kondo lattice CeRh2Si2. Spectra were taken from Ce- and Si-terminated surfaces in a wide temperature range, and reveal characteristic 4f patterns for weakly (surface) and strongly (bulk) hybridized Ce, respect
Velocity, acceleration, jerk, snap and vibration : Forces in our bodies during a roller coaster ride
Changing acceleration and forces are part of the excitement of a roller coaster ride. According to Newton's second law, F = ma, every part of our body must be exposed to a force to accelerate. Since our bodies are not symmetric, the direction of the force matters, and must be accounted for by ride designers. An additional complication is that not all parts of the body accelerate in the same way wh
The Gaia-ESO Survey: A new approach to chemically characterising young open cluster : II. Abundances of the neutron-capture elements Cu, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, and Ce
Context. Young open clusters (ages of less than 200 Myr) have been observed to exhibit several peculiarities in their chemical compositions. These anomalies include a slightly sub-solar iron content, super-solar abundances of some atomic species (e.g. ionised chromium), and atypical enhancements of [Ba/Fe], with values up to ~0.7 dex. Regarding the behaviour of the other s-process elements like yt
Voicing the Resurrection : Narrative, Authority and Gender in Stories of the Women at the Tomb
Psychiatric Drug Prescription and Temporal Associations with a First Diagnosis of Gambling Disorder—Results from a National Register Study
Psychiatric comorbidity is common in gambling disorder (GD), but there are few studies on larger nationwide samples of treatment-seeking patients. Also, temporal associations between GD and other psychiatric disorders are often difficult to study. To address the prevalence and the temporal associations of prescriptions for psychiatric disorders — both in specialized care and primary care — in pati
The Porto European Cancer Research Summit 2021
Key stakeholders from the cancer research continuum met in May 2021 at the European Cancer Research Summit in Porto to discuss priorities and specific action points required for the successful implementation of the European Cancer Mission and Europe's Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP). Speakers presented a unified view about the need to establish high-quality, networked infrastructures to decrease cancer
Nuclear stability in the terminal parts of the r-process path
Climate change, environmental degradation and migration
Climate change will have a progressively increasing impact on environmental degradation and environmentally dependent socio-economic systems with potential to cause substantial population displacement. The key concerns in Less Developed Countries (LDCs) will include serious threats to food security and health, considerable economic decline, inundation of coastal areas, and degradation of land and
The impact of age and 24-h blood pressure on arterial health in acute ischemic stroke patients : The Norwegian stroke in the young study
The impact of age and 24-h ambulatory blood pressure (ABPM) on arterial stiffness and carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) in ischemic stroke patients younger than 60 years of age is poorly explored. A total of 385 acute ischemic stroke patients (aged 49.6±9.7 years, 68% men) were prospectively included and grouped in younger (15–44 years, n = 93) and middle-aged (45–60 years, n = 292). Arterial
Failing the formative phase : The global diffusion of nuclear power is limited by national markets
Understanding the role of technology characteristics and the context in the diffusion of new energy technologies is important for assessing feasibility of climate mitigation. We examine the historical adoption of nuclear power as a case of a complex large scale energy technology. We conduct an event history analysis of grid connections of first sizable commercial nuclear power reactors in 79 count
Somatic mutation of immunoglobulin V genes in vitro
The molecular mechanism behind affinity maturation is the introduction of point mutations in immunoglobulin (Ig) V genes, followed by the selective proliferation of B cells expressing mutants with increased affinity for antigen. An in vitro culture system was developed in which somatic hypermutation of Ig V genes was sustained in primed B cells. Cognate T cell help and cross-linking of the surface
Massiv blödning
A database and checklist of geometrid moths (Lepidoptera) from Colombia
Background Molecular DNA sequence data allow unprecedented advances in biodiversity assessments, monitoring schemes and taxonomic works, particularly in poorly-explored areas. They allow, for instance, the sorting of material rapidly into operational taxonomic units (such as BINs - Barcode Index Numbers), sequences can be subject to diverse analyses and, with linked metadata and physical vouchers,
Circumferential resection margin is a predictor for metastatic disease after rectal cancer surgery: a nation-wide population-based study cohort
Background/Aim To evaluate circumferential resection margin(CRM) as a risk factor for distant metastasis (DM) in rectal cancer.The treatment of rectal cancer has evolved over the last decades.Surgical radicality is the single most important factor in preventingrecurrences, both locally and distantly. CRM B 1.0 mm is consideredto increase recurrence risk. However, not all patients with CRMB 1.0 mm
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Assessing the economic benefits of active transport policy pathways: Opportunities from a local perspective
Combined with concerns about climate change, air pollution and human health, the COVID-19 pandemic has renewed the use of and policy interest in active transport (AT) modes, namely cycling and walking. However, we note a high degree of uncertainty and lack of assessments addressing the economic benefits of AT policies; particularly when they are used as a mix of policies at the local level. This s