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Expression of a novel missense mutation found in the A4GALT gene of Amish individuals with the p phenotype.
BACKGROUND: The rare p phenotype is found at a higher frequency in Amish people than in other populations. Different mutations in the 4-alpha-galactosyltransferase gene (A4GALT), responsible for synthesis of P(k) (Gb(3)) antigen, have been found to cause the P(k)-deficient p phenotype. The aim of this study was to explore the molecular background of the p phenotype in people of Amish origin. STUDY
Russia in a Western Mirror. A Presentation of Denis Diderot, Mme de Stael and Andre Gide
Abstract is not available
Recension av "The Pastoral Luther"
Extreme ultraviolet interferometry measurements with high-order harmonics
We demonstrate that high-order harmonics generated by short, intense laser pulses in gases provide an interesting radiation source for extreme ultraviolet interferometry, since they are tunable, coherent, of short pulse duration, and simple to manipulate. Harmonics from the 9th to the 15th are used to measure the thickness of an aluminum layer. The 11th harmonic is used to determine the spatial di
Exact and approximation algorithms for graph problems with some biological applications
In this thesis we study several combinatorial problems in algorithmic graph theory and computational biology, and different algorithmical approaches for solving them. In particular, we focus on graph algorithms, seeking for the most part polynomial or sub-exponential exact solutions, but in some cases also approximate solutions. In the first part we study two problems on phylogenetic trees, the pr
iag känner Werldzens wijs : Olof Wexionius’ dikter till minne av Stiernhielm, Columbus och Lasse Lucidor
Glastak - ett risktagande på hög nivå?
Betonar vikten av rätt valt fogmaterial. Glastak bör ha två-stegstätning. Upphandlingen är mycket viktig för ett tätt tak. Checklista för att uppnå god täthet.
Low Serum Testosterone and Estradiol Predict Mortality in Elderly Men.
Context: Age-related reduction of serum testosterone may contribute to the signs and symptoms of aging, but previous studies report conflicting evidence about testosterone levels and male mortality. No large prospective cohort study has determined a possible association between serum estradiol and mortality in men. Objective: The main objective was to examine the association between serum testoste
Medical innovation versus stem cell tourism.
Stem cell tourism is criticized on grounds of consumer fraud, blatant lack of scientific justification, and patient safety. However, the issues are complex because they invoke questions concerning the limits of acceptable medical innovation and medical travel. Here we discuss these issues and articulate conditions under which "unproven" therapies may be offered to patients outside of regular clini
The purpose of the present study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of dual-view digital mammography (DM), single-view breast tomosynthesis (BT) and BT combined with the contralateral DM view. Patients with subtle lesions were selected to undergo BT examinations. Two radiologists who are non-participants in the study and have experience in using DM and BT determined the locations and extents o
MADS-box genes active in developing pollen cones of Norway spruce (Picea abies) are homologous to the B-class floral homeotic genes in angiosperms
The reproductive organs of conifers, the pollen cones and seed cones, differ in morphology from the angiosperm flower in several fundamental respects. In this report we present evidence to suggest that the two plant groups, in spite of these morphological differences and the long evolutionary distance between them, share important features in regulating the development of the reproductive organs.
Kommentar till Förordning (1994:542) om utförsel av levande djur m.m.
Constraints on the Interpreation of Epistemic Modality in English and in Swedish
Future RFID and wireless sensors for ubiquitous intelligence
Next generation RFID towards ubiquitous wireless sensing and identification requires high network throughput along with long operation range and ultra low energy consumption. In this paper, we review future RFID for ubiquitous intelligence and their technology needs from system to device perspectives. As a promising enabling technology, ultra wideband radio (UWB) and its use in various RFID implem
The development of a Non-Western clothing database
Websites and civic participation: a European overview: Sweden
Plant wide control – dream, necessity or reality?
Diskret medicin. Berättelser om astma i annonser och frågelistsvar 1950–1970.
This study highlights the medical object as an approach to study illness narratives. The medical objects is discussed as a way in broadening the study of medicine and includes other dimensions than those related to the pharmacological treatment. The aim of the article is to use narratives about asthma to analyse the culture around body, illness and health in the mid-1900s. The study focuses on the