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Your search for "*" yielded 529956 hits

Acquisition and Growth of Technology-Based Firms

This study reports the results of an empirical analysis of acquisitions and growth of small technology-based firms. Three issues are focused upon: (1) the importance of technology-based acquisitions among large Swedish companies; (2) the growth patterns of acquired and non-acquired small technology-based firms (STBFs);and (3) factors explaining the growth among STBFs. The results indicate that tec

An international online social survey of public attitudes towards cetaceans

Since prehistoric times, cetaceans have been important food sources, but they also have been seen as monsters of the sea, a perception that did not change much during the past centuries. Due to a better understanding of their biology in recent years, the public perception towards cetaceans has been evolving. Various studies have been developed aiming to evaluate the attitude and perception of huma

Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) levels predict damage accrual in patients with recent-onset systemic lupus erythematosus

Objective: The soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) has potential as a prognosis and severity biomarker in several inflammatory and infectious diseases. In a previous cross-sectional study, suPAR levels were shown to reflect damage accrual in cases of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Herein, we evaluated suPAR as a predictor of future organ damage in recent-onset SLE. Method

Diagnostics at the MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring during commissioning

The MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring based on a multibend achromat lattice allows for horizontal emittances from 330 pm rad down to 180 pm rad, depending on the number of insertion devices. The diagnostics used during commissioning will be described, with emphasis on the emittance diagnostics. This will involve two diagnostic beam lines to image the electron beam with infrared and ultraviolet synchrotron

Search for chargino and neutralino production in final states with a Higgs boson and missing transverse momentum at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search is conducted for the electroweak pair production of a chargino and a neutralino pp→χ1±χ20, where the chargino decays into the lightest neutralino and a W boson, χ1±→χ10W±, while the neutralino decays into the lightest neutralino and a Standard Model-like 125 GeV Higgs boson, χ20→χ10h. Fully hadronic, semileptonic, diphoton, and multilepton (electrons, muons) final states with missing tran

Outcome in Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis : a population-based study from Sweden

Background: As the treatment arsenal for children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) has expanded during the last decades, follow-up studies are needed on children diagnosed in the era of biological treatment to evaluate if this has improved the outcome. Our aim was to study the epidemiology and outcome of JIA in southern Sweden using a population-based cohort of children with a validated di

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Reciprocal Love as the Foundation for Chiara Lubich’s Theology of Collective Spirituality — Chiara Lubich, one of the most prominent Catholic thinkers of the late 20th century, posits reciprocal love as the foundation for her theology of unity in collective spirituality. Her Spirituality of Unity is followed by a worldwide and cross-denominational Focolare Movement, founded by Lubich in 1943. This

Quantitative assessment of betainized compounds and associations with dietary and metabolic biomarkers in the randomized study of the healthy Nordic diet (SYSDIET)

Background Recently, a group of betainized compounds have been suggested to play a role in health effects in relation to a whole-grain-rich diet. Objectives The aims of this study were to develop a quantitative mass spectrometric method for selected betainized compounds in human plasma, and to investigate their association with nutrient intake and measures of metabolic health in participants of

Changes in temperature sensitivity and activation energy of soil organic matter decomposition in different Qinghai-Tibet Plateau grasslands

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau grasslands are unique geographical regions and store substantial soil organic matter (SOM) in the soil surface, which make them very sensitive to global climate change. Here, we focused on three main grassland types (alpine meadow, steppe, and desert) and conducted a soil incubation experiment at five different temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25°C) to investigate SOM decompo

Method to assess the drying performance of water vapour-permeable membrane pouches for fruit juice preservation

The aim of this work was to develop a method for assessing the drying performance of a hygienic, small-scale fruit juice preservation process called Solar Assisted Pervaporation (SAP). SAP is a batch process that allows for fruit juices or purées to be solar dried in water vapour-permeable membrane pouches in rural and remote areas. Traditional methods for measuring water vapour flux through membr

Domestic revenue mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America: A comparative analysis since 1980

Domestic revenue mobilization continues to feature on the agendas of international development agents and academic communities. There is, however, a strong focus on comparing the developed and developing countries with the aim of finding transferable lessons to the latter. Thus, most comparative studies default to comparing tax performances of developing countries with OECD averages. Interregional

Evaluating the Effect of Minimizing Screws on Stabilization of Symphysis Mandibular Fracture by 3D Finite Element Analysis

Purpose: The objective of this work is to integrate structural optimization and reliability concepts into mini-plate fixation strategy used in symphysis mandibular fractures. The structural reliability levels are next estimated when considering a single failure mode and multiple failure modes. Patients and Methods: A 3-dimensional finite element model is developed in order to evaluate the ability

Maternal age and risk of cesarean section in women with induced labor at term—A Nordic register-based study

Introduction: Over the last decades, induction of labor has increased in many countries along with increasing maternal age. We assessed the effects of maternal age and labor induction on cesarean section at term among nulliparous and multiparous women without previous cesarean section. Material and methods: We performed a retrospective national registry-based study from Denmark, Finland, Iceland,

Innovation policy : Rationales, lessons and challenges

Innovation policy has emerged as a new field of economic policy during the last few decades. This paper explores the rationales for national innovation policies, as laid out in the existing literature on the subject, and considers what the lessons and challenges for theory and practice in this area are. Innovation policy attempts to influence innovation activity, often with the purpose of increasi