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Läspraktiker och litteraturens sociala värden
What Happens to Nordic Culture When you Drop the “Heritage"? : Re-imagining Nordic culture for a new museum
AbstractSeattle is currently the fastest growing city in the United States attracting a large pool of young international professionals – many of whom are working in the IT industry. However, Seattle is also home to a large Nordic community, immigrants once attracted by the agricultural, forestry, and fishing industries. At present however, the city is pulling in a highly educated young Nordic pop
A Hip Heritage : Re-imagining Nordic Culture in North America
Seattle is currently the fastest growing city in the United States attracting a large pool of young international professionals – many of whom are working in the IT industry. However, Seattle is also home to a large Nordic community, immigrants once attracted by the agricultural, forestry, and fishing industries. At present however, the city is pulling in a highly educated young Nordic population
The Non-Place of Eros. On John Keats and the Logic of Flowers and Bees
The following article investigates Keats’s expansion of the notion of Eros, arguing that it forms a dialectic relation between the self-sufficiency of the lover and a dream of mutual exchange between the subject and its object of desire. In order to discern the specific concerns of Keats in this regard, the study analyzes a letter sent to his friend John Hamilton Reynolds on the 19th of February 1The following article investigates Keats's expansion of the notion of Eros, arguing that it forms a dialectic relation between the self-sufficiency of the lover and a dream of mutual exchange between the subject and its object of desire. In order to discern the specific concerns of Keats in this regard, the study analyzes a letter sent to his friend John Hamilton Reynolds on the 19th of February 1
Slavhandel och slaveri under svensk flagg
Flerspråkighet. En allvarsam lek
Temanummer av tidskriften Lyrikvännen om samtida flerspråkig lyrik.
Dreaming Childhood, Dreaming Society, Dreaming Sweden : The Autonomous Child in the Welfare State
Tillfällesdikter på humanistgrekiska
Hvad är bästa sättet at öfversätta et Skaldestycke? Om svensk översättning av antik poesi c. 1750–1850
Greek drama and translating philologists : The case of Sophocles in 19th C Sweden
Participation in physical activities forchildren with cerebral palsy : feasibility andeffectiveness of physical activity onprescription
Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are less physically active and more sedentary than other children which implies risk factors for their physical and mental health. Physical activity on prescription (PAP) is an effective intervention to promote a lifestyle change towards increased physical activity in adults in general. Knowledge is lacking about the use of PAP in children with CP. Therefore, the
Importance of neonatal immunoglobulin transfer for hippocampal development and behaviour in the newborn pig
Neurological disorders are among the main clinical problems affecting preterm children and often result in the development of communication and learning disabilities later in life. Several factors are of importance for brain development, however the role of immunoglobulins (passive immunity transfer) has not yet been investigated. Piglets are born agammaglobulinemic, as a result of the lack of tra
Multiple scattering by a collection of randomly located obstacles Part III: Theory - slab geometry
In this paper, scattering of electromagnetic waves by discrete, randomly distributed objects inside a (finite thickness or semi-infinite) slab is addressed.In general, the non-intersecting scattering objects can be of arbitrary form, material and shape with a number density of $n_0$ (number of scatterers per volume).The main aim of this paper is to calculate the coherent reflection and transmissio
Ib' al-mustahlik al-abyad: al-neolibiraliyya laysat wasfa liltanimiyya
Anders Johan Afzelius
Filologins återkomst
What Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel means for the Middle East
Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and start preparations for the US to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to the contested city, has the potential to further inflame tensions across the Middle East.
A Loopshaping approach to Controller Design in Networks of Linear Systems
A method for designing a set of controllers to robustly stabilise a network of linear systems is presented. The method allows the design of each controller to be posed as a loopshaping problem. Critically each loopshaping problem requires only local knowledge of the overall system model to formulate, and may be solved separately. Furthermore the approach is inherently scalable, as any local change
Feministisk skräckroman, litterär Twin Peaks - Hannele Mikaela Taivassalos författarskap
Den finlandssvenska författarinnan Hannele Mikaela Taivassalos författarskap läses i ljuset av en gurlesk estetik, hennes romaner läses som feministiska skräckromaner. I centrum står ett existentiellt tema: vikten av att göra ett val.