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Perspectives on the Entangled History of Communism and Nazism : A Comnaz Analysis

Perspectives on the Entangled History of Communism and Nazism. A Comnaz Analysis is an anthology raising questions about moral equivalalence and comparability when it comes to the Communist and National Socialist dictatorships. The authors in the book analysis the entanglement of Communism and Nazism both as historical subjects and as historical and social memories.

Soil phosphorous as a control of productivity and openness in temperate interglacial forest ecosystems..

Aim Observations of long chronosequences in forest ecosystems show that, after some millennia of build-up, biomass declines in relation to the slow depletion of soil phosphorus. Plants that dominate during this period of soil impoverishment have specialized strategies for P acquisition, including ectomycorrhiza or root clusters. We use quantitative, pollen-based reconstructions of regional vegetat

The role of health and safety coordinator in Sweden and Italy construction industry

Despite rigorous efforts to improve the construction working environment in the European Union, the fatal accident rate is approximately 13 workers per 100,000 as against 5 per 100,000 for the all sectors average. Although the accident rates have declined steadily and steeply since 1994, it still remains unacceptably high. Thousands of construction workers still suffer severe injury and even death

Fast Implementation of SAR Imaging Using Sparse ML Methods

High-resolution sparse spectral estimation techniques have recently been shown to offer significant performance gains as compared to most conventional estimation approaches, although such methods typically suffer the drawback of being computationally cumbersome. In this paper, we seek to alleviate this drawback somewhat, examining computationally efficient implementations of the recent iterative s

Changes in local hepatic blood perfusion during interstitial laser-induced thermotherapy of normal rat liver measured by interstitial laser Doppler flowmetry

Interstitial laser Doppler flowmetry was used to measure the effect of interstitial laser-induced thermotherapy on local blood perfusion in normal rat liver in the peripheral treatment region elevated to hyperthermic temperatures. The Nd:YAG laser emitting at 1064 nm was utilised as heat generation source. The plane-cut tip of an optical fibre was placed in the middle of the exteriorised left live

Gene Expression in Graves' Ophthalmopathy and Arm Lymphedema: Similarities and Differences.

Background: Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO) and lymphedema share some pathogenetic mechanisms, such as edema, inflammation, and adipogenesis. The aim of this study was to examine similarities and differences between chronic GO and chronic lymphedema. Methods: Intraorbital adipose tissue was collected from patients with active (n = 10) or chronic GO (n = 10) and thyroid-healthy controls (n = 10). Arm s

När tidningarna blev moderna. Om svensk journalistik 1898-1969.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen När tidningarna blev moderna – om svensk journalistik 1897-1969 syftar till att öka kunskapen om några av de fenomen som ingick i den svenska 1900-talsjournalistikens utveckling och expansion. Även om den svenska journalistiken naturligtvis moderniserades i olika steg, och flera av dem togs redan under 1800-talet, så infaller viktiga delar av denna modernisThe aim of the thesis is to increase the knowledge of some of the phenomena involved in the development and expansion of Swedish journalism in the 20th century. This is done primarily by research into the works of three major newspapermen, but also by studies of seven Swedish dailies’ reporting of nine labour market conflicts. The three newspapermen are C. G. Tengwall (chapter 1), Ewald Stomberg (

Design of recombinant antibody microarrays for global proteome analysis

Antibody-based microarrays are among the new, rapidly emerging technologies within the field of proteomics that has the potential to evolve into a key proteomic research tool, providing novel means to perform early diagnostics, identify biomarkers and gain insights into disease biology. The aim of this thesis, based on five original papers, was to develop antibody microarrays based on human recom

Convivencia in a Borderland:The Danish-Slavic Border in the Middle Ages

This article explores the notion of borderlands as ambivalent and contested landscapes, as literal and figurative in-between spaces—realms of negotiation, translation and remaking. It is argued that, due to the social and cultural processes taking place in borderlands, they can be usefully scrutinized using concepts developed in postcolonial scholarship. In particular, Homi Bhabha’s concept of the