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Human Communication: What Happens?

The development of information technology opens up new venues of human communication. So far, most research has been devoted to the technological side of communication. By analysing the metaphors that are used to talk about communication, the differences between technological and human communication can be targeted. What is needed in order to understand human communication is more knowledge about

Psychometric testing of the brief screening version of Multidimensional Pain Inventory (Swedish version).

BACKGROUND: The brief screening version of the Multidimensional Pain inventory (MPI) is a shorter version of the West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory that measures pain in a multidimensional way and is theoretically linked to a cognitive-behavioural perspective on chronic pain. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to psychometrically evaluate the 'brief screening version' of the Multid

Contractile performance of striated muscle.

The single muscle fiber preparation provides an excellent tool for studying the mechanical behaviour of the contractile system at sarcomere level. The present article gives an overview of studies based on intact single fibers from frog and mouse skeletal muscle. The following aspects of muscle function are treated: (1) The length-tension relationship. (2) The biphasic force-velocity relationship.

Influence of cracks on moisture conditions in façades with water-repellent treatments

A water-repellent treatment normally works well if there are no cracks in the façade. The occurrence of cracks, however, may allow water to penetrate, resulting in significant moisture. How wide a crack may be tolerated is not known. A limit of 0,3 mm is often allowed. To illuminate this question and create a better basis for evaluating an acceptable width for a crack, this paper will present both

Prosodic signaling of information and discourse structure from a typological perspective

This study investigates the relationship between prosody and information/discourse structure in spon- taneous spoken folk tales in the tonal Mon-Khmer language Northern Kammu, a language that behaves as a typical phrase language where available boun- dary tones are enhanced to mark information struc- turing. Topic is always placed before Comment by syntactic movement if necessary. There is a proso

DTMROC-S: Deep submicron version of the readout chip for the TRT detector in ATLAS

A new version of the circuit for the readout of the ATLAS straw tube detector, TRT [1], has been developed in a deep-submicron process. The DTMROC-S is fabricated in a commercial 0.25μm CMOS IBM technology, with a library hardened by layout techniques [2]. Compared to the previous version of the chip [3] done in a 0.8μm radiation-hard CMOS and despite of the features added for improving the robust

Facklig organisering i tolv länder

This dissertation is about the development of power relations in the labour market, with special reference to Sweden under Social Democratic rule 1932-1976. The rate of unionisation and coverage of union workplace organisations are used as indicators of union strength. To get a picture of the power relations between the labour market parties, also the power resources of employers and their attitud

Attosecond interferometry: techniques and spectroscopy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Egenskaperna hos de material som utgör och omger oss, som t.ex. färg, struktur och kemiska egenskaper, bestäms av hur elektronerna som är en del av dess byggstenar, atomerna, är strukturerade. Ett sätt att undersöka elektronstrukturen är med hjälp den fotoelektriska effekten. Ljus, elektromagnetiska fält, kan beskrivas som en ström av ljuspartiklar, fotoner, som alla bäThe interaction between an intense laser pulse and a gas medium leads to the emission of coherent bursts of light in the extreme ultraviolet range. This process, known as high-order harmonic generation, has today, almost three decades after its discovery, developed into a reliable source of extremely short (on the order of 100 as) pulses of electromagnetic radiation, with a wide range of applicati

Effect of Food Intake on Commonly Used Pulsed Doppler and Tissue Doppler Measurements.

Objective: This study evaluates the effect of food intake on commonly used pulsed Doppler and tissue Doppler measurements. Methods: Twenty-three healthy subjects aged 25.6 ± 4.5 years were investigated. A wide selection of pulsed Doppler and tissue Doppler variables were measured before a standardized meal as well as and 30 and 110 minutes afterwards. Results: The following variables increased si