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Yearbook of Muslims in Europe : Volume 13

The Yearbook of Muslims in Europe is an essential resource for analysis of Europe's dynamic Muslim populations. Featuring up-to-date research from forty-six European countries, the reports provide cumulative knowledge of on-going trends and developments around Muslims in different European countries. In addition to offering a relevant framework for original research, the Yearbook of Muslims in Eur

Yearbook of Muslims in Europe : Volume 12

The Yearbook of Muslims in Europe is an essential resource for analysis of Europe's dynamic Muslim populations. Featuring up-to-date research from forty-six European countries, the reports provide cumulative knowledge of on-going trends and developments around Muslims in different European countries. In addition to offering a relevant framework for original research, the Yearbook of Muslims in Eur

Brian Bocking : Making the Study of Religions

Writing an academic biography of Brian Bocking is a formidable task for various reasons: first, there is the anticipation of a witty, self-ironic comment from him mocking the whole exercise itself and his own person at the same time: “Has my obituary already been written?” is the kind of comment one would expect from him. Second, there has always been something intimidating about Brian’s physical

Shaping the Public of Image of Islam : The Shiis of Ireland as “moderate” Muslims

Public discourse on Muslims in Europe has been characterized by a differentiation between “moderate” and “radical” Muslims. This discourse which distinguishes between acceptable and unacceptable forms of Islam also creates tensions and competitions among Muslims with organizations and individuals vying for leadership, recognition, and government sponsorship by presenting themselves as moderate voi

Jordanian women expatriates: additional challenges for global equality

The purpose of this study is to address the main reasons that limit Jordanian women from undertaking expatriation, based on the assumption that Arab women’s opportunities for international engagement may be compromised by local cultural and institutional issues. Design/methodology/approach: A cross-sectoral survey with 60 Jordanian expatriates (30 women and 20 men) located in EU countries and the

Quantification of amyloid PET for future clinical use : a state-of-the-art review

Amyloid-β (Aβ) pathology is one of the earliest detectable brain changes in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis. The overall load and spatial distribution of brain Aβ can be determined in vivo using positron emission tomography (PET), for which three fluorine-18 labelled radiotracers have been approved for clinical use. In clinical practice, trained readers will categorise scans as either Aβ pos

Eelgrass meadows harbor more macrofaunal species but bare sediments can be as functionally diverse

Seagrass meadows are important ecosystem engineers, providing habitat for a range of marine organisms which sustain many ecosystem functions. Due to global loss of seagrass, conservation and restoration incentives are rapidly increasing. However, it is not well understood how environmental setting affects the structural and functional diversity of macrofaunal communities in eelgrass meadows (Zoste

Fragmentation Dynamics of Fluorene Explored Using Ultrafast XUV-Vis Pump-Probe Spectroscopy

We report on the use of extreme ultraviolet (XUV, 30.3 nm) radiation from the Free-electronLASer in Hamburg (FLASH) and visible (Vis, 405 nm) photons from an optical laser toinvestigate the relaxation and fragmentation dynamics of fluorene ions. The ultrashort laserpulses allow to resolve the molecular processes occurring on the femtosecond timescales.Fluorene is a prototypical small polycyclic ar

Utarmning och utdöende – tillståndet för rödlistade dagfjärilar och bastardsvärmare

Under de senaste 150 åren har det svenska landskapet genomgått mycket stora förändringar. Det har lett till förlust av livsmiljöer för många arter och har haft långtgående konsekvenser för vår inhemska fauna och flora. Många arter har minskat dramatiskt och i vissa fall helt försvunnit.När en art väl har börjat minska finns det många faktorer som kan förstärka den negativa trenden. En individrik p

Complex modulation of cytokine-induced α-synuclein aggregation by glypican-1-derived heparan sulfate in neural cells

In Parkinson's disease (PD), there is accumulation of α-synuclein (SYN) aggregates in neurons, which is promoted by neuroinflammation. The cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 induce accumulation of degradation products of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) combined with heparan sulfate (HS) chains released from glypican-1 (Gpc-1) by NO-dependent cleavage. We have investigated the effects of the cytok

In situ measurements of HCN in a tube furnace with infrared polarization spectroscopy

Spatially and temporally resolved in situ measurements of HCN in a steady state tube furnace have been performed using mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy (IRPS). Such measurements are important for the understanding of the detailed HCN chemistry, including pyrolysis, gas phase production, and gas phase consumption. The measurements presented here are in agreement with existing models for HCN c

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The quality of service provided in Sweden tend not to be as high as that in Japan, which was frustrating for the author during her first 10 years of or so of her life in Sweden. However, when realising how much the worker's work-life balance is respected in society, the author gradually comprehended that the apparent lack of service might be related to the respect on worker's life outside of work