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Intensive computer-based phonics training in the educational setting of children with Down syndrome : An explorative study

Children with Down syndrome (DS) using intensive computer-based phonics (GraphoGame, GG) were studied. The children's independence and improvement in phonological processing, letter knowledge, word decoding, and reading strategies were investigated. Seventeen children (5-16 years) with DS participated in a crossover design through 8 weeks (one period), with three test sessions separated by 4 weeks

Demands of a transnational public sphere : the diplomatic conflict between Joseph Chamberlain and Bernhard von Bülow and how the mass press shaped expectations for mediatized politics around the turn of the twentieth century

Scholarship on media and politics presumes a ‘mediatization’ of politics over time, which overlooks the evolution of a mediatized public sphere that shaped people’s understandings of what actually constituted politics. This article investigates the public sphere to demonstrate how it created expectations for politicians and journalists within the process of the mediatization of politics. To unders

Cross-disease analysis of depression, ataxia and dystonia highlights a role for synaptic plasticity and the cerebellum in the pathophysiology of these comorbid diseases

Background: There is growing evidence that the neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders depression, ataxia and dystonia share common biological pathways. We therefore aimed to increase our understanding of their shared pathophysiology by investigating their shared biological pathways and molecular networks. Methods: We constructed gene sets for depression, ataxia, and dystonia using the Human P

Spatio-temporal evolution of hydroxyapatite crystal thickness at the bone-implant interface

A better understanding of bone nanostructure around the bone-implant interface is essential to improve longevity of clinical implants and decrease failure risks. This study investigates the spatio-temporal evolution of mineral crystal thickness and plate orientation in newly formed bone around the surface of a metallic implant. Standardized coin-shaped titanium implants designed with a bone chambe

The dark phases of the N2HDM

We discuss the dark phases of the Next-to-2-Higgs Doublet model. The model is an extension of the Standard Model with an extra doublet and an extra singlet that has four distinct CP-conserving phases, three of which provide dark matter candidates. We discuss in detail the vacuum structure of the different phases and the issue of stability at tree-level of each phase. Taking into account the most r

Antimicrobial stewardship programs; a two-part narrative review of step-wise design and issues of controversy Part I : step-wise design of an antimicrobial stewardship program

Regardless of one’s opinion of antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs), it is hardly possible to work in hospital care and not be exposed to the term or its practical effects. Despite the term being relatively new, the number of publications in the field is vast, including several excellent reviews of general and specific aspects. Work in antimicrobial stewardship is complex, and includes not on

Instantaneous isotropic volumetric imaging of fast biological processes

To capture highly dynamic biological processes at cellular resolution is a recurring challenge in biology. Here we show that combining selective-volume illumination with simultaneous acquisition of orthogonal light fields yields three-dimensional images with high, isotropic spatial resolution and a significant reduction of reconstruction artefacts, thereby overcoming current limitations of light-f

Social class and fertility: A Long-run analysis of Southern Sweden, 1922–2015

This paper examines social class differences in fertility, using longitudinal micro-level data for a regionalsample in Sweden, 1922–2015. Using discrete-time event history models, we estimated the associationbetween social class and parity-specific duration to next birth, adjusting for household income in separatemodels. Social class was associated with fertility quite independently from income an

Ecological, biophysical and production effects of incorporating rest into grazing regimes : A global meta-analysis

Grazing can have considerable ecological impacts when managed inappropriately, however livestock production is a significant contributor to global food security and the removal of land from production is not always a viable option. Grazing management practices that incorporate periods of planned rest (i.e. strategic-rest grazing) may be an alternative to grazing exclusion or continuous grazing tha

Complementor competitive advantage: A framework for strategic decisions

Platform ecosystems include complementary product markets that are creating unprecedented business oppor-tunities. Competition within complementary product markets is increasingly intense and fast-changing, and this leads to increased complexity in designing strategies to gain competitive advantage. Prior literature has exten-sively analyzed the key drivers of platform adoption by end users. Recen

Prevalence and diversity of Chlamydiales and other amoeba-resisting bacteria in domestic drinking water systems

A growing number of human infections incriminate environmental bacteria that have evolved virulent mechanisms to resist amoebae and use them as a replicative niche. These bacteria are designated amoeba-resisting bacteria (ARB). Despite the isolation of these ARB in various human clinical samples, the possible source of infection remains undetermined in most cases. However, it is known that the ARB

Bridges, Walls, Doors : On Democracy and Nature

Begreppet grön demokrati har förts fram inom grön politisk teori som ett sätt att inkludera den naturliga världen i den politiska och på så vis komma förbi en föreställd mur som separerar människor och natur i moderniteten och ersätta den med en brygga mellan dem. Begreppet tänks också härbärgera kraften att omvandla samhället i hållbar riktning. I denna studie argumenteras att grön demokrati diskThe concept of green democracy has been advanced in green political theory as a way to include the natural world in the political and, by that, overcome an alleged wall, a fundamental disunity, separating humans and nature in modernity and substitute it with a unity of identity that would bridge the gap between them. It has also been vested with the coupled power to transform society in a sustaina

Evaluation of the Sialidase Inhibitor Oseltamivir in GNE-associated Thrombocytopenia

Background: GNE encodes UDP-N-acetyl-glucosamine-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase, the rate limiting enzyme of sialic acid biosynthesis. Biallelic variants in GNE have recently been associated with severe isolated macrothrombocytopenia, attributed to an increased clearance of desialylated platelets. Interestingly, treatment with the sialidase inhibitor oseltamivir has been reported to increa

Reduced ectoparasite load, body mass and blood haemolysis in Eurasian kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) along an urban–rural gradient

Urbanisation is proceeding at an alarming rate which forces wildlife to either retreat from urban areas or cope with novel stressors linked to human presence and activities. For example, urban stressors like anthropogenic noise, artificial light at night and chemical pollution can have severe impacts on the physiology of wildlife (and humans), in particular the immune system and antioxidant defenc

Guiding migrating salmonid smolts : Experimentally assessing the performance of angled and inclined screens with varying gap widths

The loss of longitudinal connectivity in regulated rivers, both up- and downstream, has been detrimental for biodiversity worldwide. While progress has been made regarding upstream fish passage solutions, many questions remain unanswered regarding downstream passage alternatives. To address these knowledge gaps, we used Atlantic salmon (S. salar) smolts to experimentally assess the guidance effici

Impact of concomitant complex cardiac anatomy in nonsyndromic patients with complete atrioventricular septal defect

Objective: We studied a cohort of patients with nonsyndromic complete atrioventricular septal defect with and without concomitant complex cardiac anatomy and compared the outcomes after surgical repair. Methods: Between 1993 and 2018, 62 nonsyndromic patients underwent complete atrioventricular septal defect repair. Sixteen patients (26%) had complex complete atrioventricular septal defect with va

The GARDpotency Assay for Potency-Associated Subclassification of Chemical Skin Sensitizers—Rationale, Method Development, and Ring Trial Results of Predictive Performance and Reproducibility

Proactive identification and characterization of hazards attributable to chemicals are central aspects of risk assessments. Current legislations and trends in predictive toxicology advocate a transition from in vivo methods to nonanimal alternatives. For skin sensitization assessment, several OECD validated alternatives exist for hazard identification, but nonanimal methods capable of accurately c

The absolute risk of gout by clusters of gout-associated comorbidities and lifestyle factors—30 years follow-up of the Malmö Preventive Project

Background: Gout is predicted by a number of comorbidities and lifestyle factors. We aimed to identify discrete phenotype clusters of these factors in a Swedish population-based health survey. In these clusters, we calculated and compared the incidence and relative risk of gout. Methods: Cluster analyses were performed to group variables with close proximity and to obtain homogenous clusters of in