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Your search for "*" yielded 533991 hits

Multiscale pollen-based reconstructions of anthropogenic land-cover change in Karula Upland, south Estonia

Pollen-based quantitative vegetation reconstructions using multiple sedimentary basins from the same area, along with their quantified relevant pollen source areas, are a powerful means to study how long-term human impact has affected vegetation and shaped the currently protected heritage landscapes at different spatial scales. Our study presents the outcome of a palynological investigation in Kar

Exploring the effects of pressure on the magnetic properties of quasi-low dimensional quantum magnets via thermodynamic measurements

Four model solid state compounds were used to experimentally investigate the effects of pressure on the interactions in one- and two-dimensional Heisenberg magnetic models. BaCuSi2O6, BaCu2V2O8, SrCuO2 and CuGeO3 were successfully synthesized via solid-state reactions and characterized via x-ray diffraction. BaCu2V2O8 was additionally characterized via spectroscopic techniques to confirm the oxida

The use, adherence, and evaluation of interactive text-messaging among women admitted to prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV care in Kenya (WelTel PMTCT)

BackgroundTo improve future mobile health (mHealth) interventions in resource-limited settings, knowledge of participants’ adherence to interactive interventions is needed, but previous studies are limited. We aimed to investigate how women in prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) care in Kenya used, adhered to, and evaluated an interactive text-messaging intervention.MethodsWeBackground: To improve future mobile health (mHealth) interventions in resource-limited settings, knowledge of participants’ adherence to interactive interventions is needed, but previous studies are limited. We aimed to investigate how women in prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) care in Kenya used, adhered to, and evaluated an interactive text-messaging intervention. Method

The effect of an interactive weekly text-messaging intervention on retention in prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV care: a randomised controlled trial (WelTel PMTCT)

Retention in prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) care is critical to prevent vertical HIV transmission and reduce morbidity and mortality of mother-infant pairs. We investigated whether weekly, interactive text-messaging improved 18-month postpartum retention in PMTCT care. This randomised, two-armed, parallel trial was conducted at six PMTCT clinics in western Kenya. Pregnant womenRetention in prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) care is critical to prevent vertical HIV transmission and reduce morbidity and mortality of mother-infant pairs. We investigated whether weekly, interactive text-messaging improved 18-month postpartum retention in PMTCT care. This randomised, two-armed, parallel trial was conducted at six PMTCT clinics in western Kenya. Pregnant women

Topology optimization for designing periodic microstructures based on finite strain visco-plasticity

In the current work, we present a topology optimization framework for designing periodic microstructures with viscoplastic constitutive behavior under finite deformation. Materials with tailored macroscopic mechanical properties, i.e. maximum viscoplastic energy absorp- tion and prescribed Poisson's ratio, are designed by performing numerical tests of a single unit cell subjected to periodic bound

Accelerometer-based physical activity is associated with the gut microbiota in 8416 individuals in SCAPIS

Background: Previous population-based studies investigating the relationship between physical activity and the gut microbiota have relied on self-reported activity, prone to reporting bias. Here, we investigated the associations of accelerometer-based sedentary (SED), moderate-intensity (MPA), and vigorous-intensity (VPA) physical activity with the gut microbiota using cross-sectional data from th

Pathways from research to sustainable development : Insights from ten research projects in sustainability and resilience

Drawing on collective experience from ten collaborative research projects focused on the Global South, we identify three major challenges that impede the translation of research on sustainability and resilience into better-informed choices by individuals and policy-makers that in turn can support transformation to a sustainable future. The three challenges comprise: (i) converting knowledge produc

Preliminary Characterization of Submarine Basalt Magnetic Mineralogy Using Amplitude-Dependence of Magnetic Susceptibility

The past ∼200 million years of Earth's geomagnetic field behavior have been recorded within oceanic basalts, many of which are only accessible via scientific ocean drilling. Obtaining the best possible paleomagnetic measurements from such valuable samples requires an a priori understanding of their magnetic mineralogies when choosing the most appropriate protocol for stepwise demagnetization exper

Selective justice within the International Criminal Court and global inequalities

Afrikanska stater har nyligen hävdat att internationell rätt är i processen att förvandlas till en ny form av kolonialism och en hegemonisk makt vilket tidigare maskerats som the rule of law. I föreliggande avhandling undersöks Internationella brottmålsdomstolens partiskhet mot den tredje världens afrikanska stater, i samband med den mänskliga rättigheten till en rättvis rättegång. Avhandlingens öAfrican states have recently claimed that international law is transforming into a new form of colonialism and a hegemonic power masquerading as the international rule of law. The International Criminal Court's bias against the Third World African states in correlation to the human right to a fair trial is investigated. The thesis overarching question addresses the Court's selective justic

Att skapa inkludering i ideella organisationer - En studie baserad på personers upplevelser av exkludering

I den här studien har jag tittat på upplevelser från personer som inte känner sig inkluderade eller välkomna i ideella organisationer i Malmö som arbetar för ett mer demokratiskt samhälle. Detta har jag gjort genom att analysera intervjuer med dessa personer samt två andra organisationer genom min metod tematisk innehållsanalys utifrån min teori intersektionell feminism. Studien är placerad i MalmTo create inclusion in non-governmental organizations - A study based on people’s experiences on exclusion. In this study have I looked at the experience of people who do not feel included nor welcome in non-governmental organizations in Malmö who works towards a more democratic society. I have done this through analyzing interviews with these people as well as two other organizations through my

Towards understanding work-as-done in air traffic management safety assessment and design

This paper describes the approach taken and the results to develop guidance, to include Resilience Engineering principles in methodology for safety assessment of functional changes, in Air Traffic Management (ATM). It summarizes the process of deriving resilience principles for ATM, originating from Resilience Engineering concepts and transposed into ATM operations. These principles are the founda

Consumption needs and Quality of Life: Austrian Economics and the causes of migration

This paper re-introduces the view on migration causes by the Austrian School of Economics. Austrian economics has not earned its fame in the field of migration, but rather on advocating libertarian economics. Nonetheless Mises outlined a migration model, which can be understood by adding some clarifications by Hayek. Given that the institutional barriers to migration raised by the state are remove

Becoming a part of ‘elsewhereness’: The self-perceived integration of Swedish immigrants in Portugal

This article discusses the self-perceived integration of Swedes permanently residing in Portugal. The knowledge of how EU citizens, particularly Swedes, live and integrate into Portuguese society is limited. The conceptual framework on self-perceived integration takes its points of departure from the concepts of a sense of belonging to society and place, feelings of discomfort and coping tactics.

EU Cohesion Policy and spatial economic growth: trajectories in economic thought

This paper aims at identifying the current main economic thought influencing the EU Cohesion Policy. Postulates and assumptions on how economic growth spreads spatially in key EU policy framework documents are discussed and compared to different economic theories. Strategic EU documents increasingly foster the urban dimension, and focus resources on cities at the expense of cohesive regional devel