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Your search for "*" yielded 532522 hits

Findzx : an automated pipeline for detecting and visualising sex chromosomes using whole-genome sequencing data

Background: Sex chromosomes have evolved numerous times, as revealed by recent genomic studies. However, large gaps in our knowledge of sex chromosome diversity across the tree of life remain. Filling these gaps, through the study of novel species, is crucial for improved understanding of why and how sex chromosomes evolve. Characterization of sex chromosomes in already well-studied organisms is a

Attendance Numbers at SI Sessions and Their Effect on Learning Conditions

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a well-known academic support model to address retention and student performance in higher education. However, in studies reporting the effect of SI, the number of attendees at SI sessions are seldom mentioned or reflected upon. This study investigates whether there is a lower, optimal, and upper number of SI attendees for SI sessions with viable learning condition

Sequential Detection and Estimation of Multipath Channel Parameters Using Belief Propagation

This paper proposes a belief propagation (BP)-based algorithm for sequential detection and estimation of multipath component (MPC) parameters based on radio signals. Under dynamic channel conditions with moving transmitter/receiver, the number of MPCs, the MPC dispersion parameters, and the number of false alarm contributions are unknown and time-varying. We develop a Bayesian model for sequential

Tailoring and Evaluating an Intervention to Support Self-management After Stroke : Protocol for a Multi-case, Mixed Methods Comparison Study

BACKGROUND: Self-management programs are recognized as a valuable approach to supporting people with long-term conditions, such as stroke, in managing their daily lives. Bridges Self-Management (Bridges) focuses on how practitioners interact and support patients' confidence, skills, and knowledge, and it is an example of a complex intervention. Bridges has been developed and used across multiple h

Lessons from the pandemic : Responding to emerging zoonotic viral diseases-a Keystone Symposia report

The COVID-19 pandemic caught the world largely unprepared, including scientific and policy communities. On April 10-13, 2022, researchers across academia, industry, government, and nonprofit organizations met at the Keystone symposium "Lessons from the Pandemic: Responding to Emerging Zoonotic Viral Diseases" to discuss the successes and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and what lessons can be

Kinematics of the heart : Strain-rate imaging from time-resolved three-dimensional phase contrast MRI

A four-dimensional mapping (three spatial dimensions + time) of myocardial strain-rate would help to describe the mechanical properties of the myocardium, which affect important physiological factors such as the pumping performance of the ventricles. Strain-rate represents the local instantaneous deformation of the myocardium and can be calculated from the spatial gradients of the velocity field.

Using a tropical elevation gradient to evaluate the impact of land‐use intensity and forest restoration on the microbial use of organic matter under climate change

We investigated how legacies of land use and climate affected the microbial use of organic matter (OM) along a tropical climate gradient in Ethiopia. Four levels of land-use intensity ranging from croplands to pristine forests were assessed along a gradient from cool and moist high altitude (MAT = 16°C, MAP = 2,200 mm) to hot and dry lowland sites (MAT = 20°C, MAP = 1,050 mm). We resolved the biom

Inclusive conservation and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework : Tensions and prospects

The draft Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework commits to achievement of equity and justice outcomes and represents a “relational turn” in how we understand inclusive conservation. Although “inclusivity” is drawn on as a means to engage diverse stakeholders, widening the framing of inclusivity can create new tensions with regard to how to manage protected areas. We first offer a set of tensions

Continuation of fluoropyrimidine treatment with S-1 after cardiotoxicity on capecitabine- or 5-fluorouracil-based therapy in patients with solid tumours : a multicentre retrospective observational cohort study

Background: Capecitabine- or 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-based chemotherapy is widely used in many solid tumours, but is associated with cardiotoxicity. S-1 is a fluoropyrimidine with low rates of cardiotoxicity, but evidence regarding the safety of switching to S-1 after 5-FU- or capecitabine-associated cardiotoxicity is scarce. Patients and methods: This retrospective study (NCT04260269) was conducted

Honeybee-Specific Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli

Honeybees are one of our most important insects, not only for their pollination services but also for their production of honey. Honey is the main food for honeybees, produced from collected nectars and transported to the hive. Humans have consumed this mysterious food and applied it since ancient times in traditional medicine around the world. In 2005 we discovered an unknown key to honeybees’ he

Stadsluftens hälsobelastning på barn

Resultaten från denna studie tyder på påtagliga skillnader för de barn som växer upp i större städer jämfört med barn som växer upp ruralt eller i medelstora/mindre orter när det kommer till exponering för luftföroreningar samt den faktiska inandade dosen av dessa. Barn vid förskolor i Malmö exponeras för nästan dubbelt så höga nivåer partikulära luftföroreningar (PM2,5) jämfört med barn vid försk