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Measurement of the photon identification efficiencies with the ATLAS detector using LHC Run-1 data

The algorithms used by the ATLAS Collaboration to reconstruct and identify prompt photons are described. Measurements of the photon identification efficiencies are reported, using 4.9 fb- 1 of pp collision data collected at the LHC at s=7 TeV and 20.3 fb- 1 at s=8 TeV. The efficiencies are measured separately for converted and unconverted photons, in four different pseudorapidity regions, for tran

Measurement of W± and Z-boson production cross sections in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

Measurements of the W±→ℓ±ν and Z→ℓ+ℓ− production cross sections (where ℓ±=e±,μ±) in proton–proton collisions at s=13 TeV are presented using data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 81 pb−1. The total inclusive W±-boson production cross sections times the single-lepton-flavour branching ratios are σW+ tot=11.83±0.02 (stat

Stubborn Swedes : The persistence of the Swedish corporate governance system under international reform

Despite a number of corporate governance reforms introduced following an Anglo-American blueprint, the Swedish corporate governance system still contains several country-specific traits. In this article, we try to understand this continuity of the national corporate governance system. We do this by outlining a model for describing the processes of change built on Mary Douglas’ (1986) theory of ‘inDespite a number of corporate governance reforms introduced following an Anglo-American blueprint, the Swedish corporate governance system still contains several country-specific traits. In this article, we try to understand this continuity of the national corporate governance system. We do this by outlining a model for describing the processes of change built on Mary Douglas’ (1986) theory of ‘in

The interaction between country-level and firm-level corporate governance

In this exploratory study, we analyse the relationship between country-level corporate governance and firm-level corporate governance. Although prior research has shown that corporate governance at both levels impacts firm performance, findings have been inconsistent as to whether these levels are complements to or substitutes for each other. By using two extensive datasets this study is able two

Frihet under ansvar eller ansvar under tillsyn? : Om dokumentstyrning av professioner

De professionellas arbetssätt befinner sig i förändring. Att följa manualer och standarder, att möta en ny typ av redovisningsansvar, extern kvalitetskontroll och krav på dokumentation utmanar på flera sätt den traditionella bilden av professioner. I Frihet under ansvar eller ansvar under tillsyn belyses erfarenheter av dokumentstyrning från tre professioner, revisorer, lärare och socionomer.Boken

Bilden av revisorn : Förändringar i beskrivningen av professionen 1989-2011

Hur revisorerna ser på sig själva och sin profession har förändrats över tiden. I denna rapport utgår vi från den bild som professionen har gett av sig själva i tidskriften Balans från 1989-2011. Vi följer hur synen på professionella normer, kunskapsbas, yrkesroller, avgränsningar mot andra professioner, organisering av den professionella föreningen, självreglering och hur man ser på andra parters

Prolonged stopover duration characterises migration strategy and constraints of a long-distance migrant songbird

Stopover behaviour is a central element of migration strategies. But in recent geolocator studies, despite now being able to track individual songbirds during their entire migration, their stopover behaviour has received little attention. We used light-sensitive geolocators to identify the migratory routes and schedules of 12 northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) breeding in Sweden. Three geoloca

EHD2 regulates caveolar dynamics via ATP-driven targeting and oligomerization

Eps15 homology domain-containing 2 (EHD2) belongs to the EHD-containing protein family of dynamin-related ATPases involved in membrane remodeling in the endosomal system. EHD2 dimers oligomerize into rings on highly curved membranes, resulting in stimulation of the intrinsic ATPase activity. In this paper, we report that EHD2 is specifically and stably associated with caveolae at the plasma membra

Is centre-based provision of hearing aids better than community-based provision? A cluster-randomized trial among adolescents in Bangladesh

Purpose: In response to the need for hearing aids in low-income countries, an approach to provide hearing aids through trained community workers was developed. This study compares the effectiveness of the community-based approach with that of a centre-based approach. Methods: One hundred and forty adolescents (56% girls; 12–18 years; mean: 15 years) from eleven sub-districts participated in a clus

Atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability in the statin era

Life style changes and improved medical therapy have decreased cardiovascular mortality in many countries over the last decades. This has been accompanied by changes in disease characteristics including more non-ST segment elevation myocardial infraction and less vulnerable plaques as assessed by histological analysis of surgical specimens. However, many patients with established disease still suf

Genetic characterization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transmission in the Middle East and North Africa

Background: The HIV-1 spread in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has not been previously characterised using the phylogenetic approach. The aim of the current study was to investigate the genetic diversity and domestic transmission of HIV-1 in the MENA. Methods: A total of 2036 HIV-1 sequences available in Genbank and collected in the MENA during 1988–2016 were used together with 715 HIV-1

Effect of experimentally altered brood size on frequency and timing of second clutches in the great tit

Brood size in the Great Tit (Parus major) was manipulated (increased, decreased, or unchanged) when nestlings were 5 days old. Both the frequency of second clutches and the interbrood interval were affected. The number of nestlings and hatching date, but not nestling and female mass, differed between first broods followed and not followed by second clutches. Hatching date and the number of nestlin

Feeding freqency and parental division of Labour in the double-brooded great tit Parus major

We studied the relative contribution of each sex and total effort expended in feeding nestlings in the great tit Parus major in relation to artificially altered brood size. A recent model suggests that feeding frequency should reflect the optimal trade-off between parental and fledgling survival, the former being negatively, the latter positively, influenced by high feeding frequencies. In both se

Reducing On-chip Memory for Massive MIMO Baseband Processing using Channel Compression

Employing a large number of antennas at the base station, massive MIMO significantly improves spectral efficiency and transmit power efficiency. On the other hand, massive MIMO also introduces unprecedented implementation challenges, especially in terms of processing and storage of large-size channel state information (CSI) matrices. Since on-chip memory is generally very expensive and has limited

Sexual selection and the tail ornaments of North American barn swallows

In this study conducted in southeastern Ontario, Canada, we manipulated the length of outer tail feathers (streamers) of male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) shortly after they returned to four small breeding colonies in the spring. Both streamers on most males in these colonies were experimentally either lengthened or shortened by 20 mm and as a result 10 randomly chosen males of each category ha

Nestling American robins compete with siblings by begging

The evolution of intense begging by dependent nestling birds has recently been the subject of several theoretical papers. The interesting problem here is that nestlings should be able to communicate their nutritional status to parents in ways that are less costly energetically and less likely to attract predators. Thus, conspicuous begging behaviour is thought to have evolved as a result of either

Interclutch variation in egg size among starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) reflects female condition

Starlings show considerable variation in egg mass among clutches. Mean clutch egg mass was highly repeatable for females, but few characteristics of females were found to relate to egg mass. Egg mass related weakly to female age, but female age only explained a small part of the variation. Hatchling mass was strongly correlated with egg mass, but body mass at 14 d of age was unrelated to egg mass.

The landscape of W± and Z bosons produced in pp collisions up to LHC energies

We consider a selection of recent experimental results on electroweak W±,Z gauge boson production in pp collisions at BNL RHIC and CERN LHC energies in comparison to prediction of perturbative QCD calculations based on different sets of NLO parton distribution functions including the statistical PDF model known from fits to the DIS data. We show that the current statistical PDF parametrization (fi