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Your search for "*" yielded 533866 hits

Anaerobic Digestion – Microbial Ecology, Improved Operational Design and Process Monitoring

The implementation of anaerobic digestion is important in the concept of sustainable development, especially regarding the environmental benefits. Biogas is produced when organic matter is degraded by microorganisms under oxygen-free (anaerobic) conditions. Biogas production occurs in nature where oxygen is absent; in rice fields, landfills, sediments, the intestinal tract of animals, etc. The adv

Reliability and construct validity of the compatible MRI scoring system for evaluation of elbows in haemophilic children.

Summary. We assessed the reliability and construct validity of the Compatible MRI scale for evaluation of elbows, and compared the diagnostic performance of MRI and radiographs for assessment of these joints. Twenty-nine MR examinations of elbows from 27 boys with haemophilia A and B [age range, 5–17 years (mean, 11.5)] were independently read by four blinded radiologists on two occasions. Three c

On the Design and Analysis of Stream Ciphers

This thesis presents new cryptanalysis results for several different stream cipher constructions. In addition, it also presents two new stream ciphers, both based on the same design principle. The first attack is a general attack targeting a nonlinear combiner. A new class of weak feedback polynomials for linear feedback shift registers is identified. By taking samples corresponding to the linear

Increased risk of diabetes among relatives of female insulin-treated patients diagnosed at 15-34 years of age.

Aims This study aimed to determine the risk of developing diabetes among relatives of patients diagnosed between 15 and 34 years of age who were treated with insulin. Our second aim was to determine whether there was a difference in risk of diabetes between relatives of male and female patients. Methods A questionnaire was sent to patients in the Diabetes Incidence Study in Sweden registry diagno

Development of Fast, Quantitative, Selective and Bioavailability-Predictive Extraction Procedures for Determination of Halogenated POPs in Environmental Matrices

This thesis concerns the analysis of anthropogenic substances of the compound class known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Sample preparation perspectives for the analysis of POPs in the environmental matrices water, soils and sediments are presented. This thesis features reasonably cheap and uncomplicated methodology capable of fast screening of POPs. It displays how quantitative extract

Prior Knowledge and Recognition Memory : a Computational Modeling Approach

Popular Abstract in Swedish Studiet av igenkänningsminne har varit centralt i minneslitteraturen under mer än ett århundrade, vilket har resulterat i ökad förståelse för hur olika minnesprocesser fungeraroch interagerar vid inkodning, lagring och framplockning av minnen. Igenkänningsminne är vanligtvis förklarat av mät-modeller och statistiska modeller vilka härstammar från tvåprocess teori och siFor more than a century, an immense interest has been devoted to the study of recognition memory, where a multitude of memory phenomena has been explained. Recognition memory is usually described with parsimonious measurement and statistical models, stemming from dual process theory and signal detection theory. In the present thesis, the most often used models of recognition memory are reviewed an

Vem definierar religion? Från kyrkolagen 1686 till omskärelselagen 2001

Artikeln, som bygger på en föreläsning vid teologdagarna 2001, behandlar den svenska utvecklingen från 1686 (den gemensamma religionen definieras och kontrolleras) över 1781, 1783 och 1809 (undantagen definieras och kontrolleras), 1827 (Wieselgrens Vilken är Sveriges religion?), 1860 och 1873 (registrerad religion blir accepterad religion), 1951 (frihet till och från religion garanteras), 1999 (de