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Severely mentally ill individuals in the community: Needs for care, quality of life and social network.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avinstitutionaliseringen av den psykiatriska vården har medfört att personer med funktionshinder p.g.a. en psykisk sjukdom numera huvudsakligen bor och erbjuds vård ute i samhället. I Sverige har få systematiska studier genomförts som undersöker livssituationen för individer med en allvarlig psykisk sjukdom som bor ute i samhället. Att drabbas av en sjukdom som schizofrThis 18-month follow-up study investigated needs for care and support, quality of life and social network in individuals with schizophrenia or a schizoaffective disorder living in the community and in contact with psychiatric services. The validity of Antonovsky's sense of coherence (SOC) measure was also examined. At baseline 120 patients were interviewed and 94 of these participated in the follo

Endoglucanase sensitivity for substituents in methyl cellulose hydrolysis studied using MALDI-TOFMS for oligosaccharide analysis and structural analysis of enzyme active sites

The properties of modified cellulose polymers, such as methylcellulose, are significantly influenced by the distribution of substituents along the polymer backbone. This distribution is difficult to determine due to the lack of suitable analytical methods. One approach is to use cellulose-degrading enzymes to gain information from the capability of the enzymes to cleave the bonds between glucose u


An introduction to the anthology Perspectives on the Entangled History of Communism and Nazism. A Comnaz Analysis.

Making a vocal tract closure longer and shorter

This study examined lip and tongue kinematics in stop and fricative consonants of different durations. Native speakers of Japanese served as subjects. An analysis of the lower lip closing movement indicated that it differed for the long and short labial consonants. In particular, the lower lip reached its highest vertical position later during the closure for the long than for the short consonants

Statistical Physics of DNA: Melting and Confinement Effects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Studier av enstaka makromolekyler gör det möjligt att få insikt i och karakterisera viktiga biologiska processer. DNA, livets molekyl, är av särskilt intresse här. I denna avhandling användar vi metoder från statistisk fysik för att studera olika aspekter av DNA i nanokanaler och dess smältegenskaper. DNA-smältning är inte bara relevant för förståelsen av denna molekylsInvestigation of single macromolecules makes it possible to gain insight into and characterize important biological processes. DNA as the molecule of life is of special interest here. In this thesis tools from statistical physics are used to study different aspects of DNA confined to nanochannels, with particular regard to its denaturation properties. The study of DNA melting from the theoretical

Effects of dopamine and excitotoxicity in experimental models of Huntington's disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om en ärftlig hjärnsjukdom som heter Huntingtons sjukdom, eller danssjuka. Sjukdomen leder till personlighetsförändringar, ofrivilliga rörelser (som ser ut som om personen dansar) och demens. Personer som drabbas dör 15-20 år efter att symptomen har brutit ut, och en god behandling eller botemedel saknas. Sjukdomen orsakas av att HuntingtongenenHuntington's disease (HD) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expansion of a CAG repeat in the HD gene, that leads to dysfunction and death of striatal neurons. The pathogenetic mechanisms underlying HD are not known, but excitotoxicity and dopamine (DA) have been suggested to play a role. In this thesis, the effects of excitotoxicity and DA have been studied in striatal in vit

From particle physics to photon science: Multidimensional and multilevel renewal at DESY and SLAC

Studies of institutional transformation in science have largely overlooked Big Science installations, despite far-reaching changes to the roles and functions of such large labs in the past decades. Here, we present and analyze two Big Science labs that have undergone profound transformations from single-purpose particle physics labs to multi-purpose centers for so-called photon science: SLAC in th

Cognitive function and cardiovascular disease in relation to hypertension and adaptive behavior in the serial Color Word Test. Results from population study "Men born in 1914" in Malmö, Sweden.

Popular Abstract in Swedish "Män födda 1914" är en studie som påbörjades 1982 för att studera hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Studien bedrivs vid Institutionen för samhällsmedicin vid Universitetssjukhuset MAS. Alla män, födda jämn månad 1914 och bosatta i Malmö, inbjöds att deltaga. Totalt inbjöds 621 män, då 68 år gamla, och av dessa deltog 500. Då man jämförde deltagare med icke-deltagare kunde man k"Men born in 1914" is a prospective cohort study on the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease. The study is run by the Department of Community Medicine, Lund University, Malmö. Five hundred men participated in the study when it started with a baseline examination in 1982/83. The men were then 68 years old. The psychological part of the study included tests of cognitive function and the serial Col

Mental Health and Neurobehavioral Function in Young Adult Offspring of Women with a History of Psychosis and Control Offspring

Popular Abstract in Swedish Schizofreni anses idag av många forskare som en neuroutvecklingssjukdom, orsakad av genetiska och/eller skadliga händelser under fostertiden, kring förlossningen och i tidig barndom som leder till en avvikande neurologisk utveckling. Denna process manifesterar sig i schizofreni senare i vuxen ålder när hjärnan genomgår sin slutliga mognad. Bakgrunden och utvecklingsförlSchizophrenia is now generally considered to be a brain disease resulting from disturbed neurodevelopment, mediated by genetic and/or adverse events in utero and/or in early childhood. This process manifests itself in schizophrenia in young adulthood, when the brain completes its maturation. The background and development of affective psychosis have been less extensively investigated. Our aim was