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Your search for "*" yielded 538819 hits

Do governments develop humans? The relationship between government quality and human development

The understanding of development is changing over time. It came a long way from a simple vision of economic progress to the contemporary human-centred perspective. However, the majority of research on institutional impacts continues to focus exclusively on the economic sphere. Thus, I decided to adopt this theoretical concept in a modern, human-oriented framework and analyse how government quality

Breaking Bars, Building Hope: Redefining Rehabilitation with Open Prisons in India

India's open prisons offer an innovative method of confinement by giving some prisoners more freedom and chances for rehabilitation. However, little is known about how individuals who are directly involved, such as detainees, their families, and prison staff, see these jails. This thesis aims to investigate their viewpoints and experiences, with a particular emphasis on stigma, incarceration,

Ungas rädsla för brott - en kvalitativ intervjustudie av rädslans ursprung och dess konsekvenser hos unga

Syftet med denna uppsats var att genom en tematisk analys skapa en förståelse för ämnet rädsla för brott. Målet var att ge svar på om intervjupersonerna upplevde rädsla för brott, hur rädslan definierades, vilka faktorer som kan ha en påverkan på upplevd rädsla för brott, samt vad denna rädsla kan få för konsekvenser i en persons vardag. För att besvara frågeställningarna har kvalitativa, semistru

"Enough is Enough!" : political engagement on Twitter in the case of Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul convention

This research analyzes the political engagement of Turkish citizens on Twitter, in which underrepresented groups and individuals search for democratic public space to mobilize against injustice. With this in mind, the study focuses on the civic engagement of Turkish citizens on Twitter with the hashtag #istanbulsözleşmesiyaşatır, which translates to‘istanbulconventionsaveslives’. The hashtag is a

"Min roll är viktig, den kan stärka dem" En kvalitativ intervjustudie om muntliga framställningar av roller, kultur och samspel inom svenska häkten.

Trots den överväldigande kritiken riktad mot svensk häktesverksamhet, kvarstår en brist på forskning inom området. För att utforska området syftar därmed denna studie till att undersöka muntliga framställningar om samspel, kultur och roller bland svenska kriminalvårdare med hjälp av följande forskningsfrågor: 1. Hur beskriver kriminalvårdare samspel under den dagliga verksamheten i relation till k

En Andra Chans att Övertyga: Tillämpning av Cialdini’s övertalningsprinciper i marknadsföringen av second-hand tjänster.

Studien undersökte effektiviteten hos reklam-meddelanden för second-hand företag, enligt Cialdini’s övertalningsprinciper. I förstudien analyserades reklam från de fyra största svenska second-hand företagen, som visade att sociala bevis och reciprocitet var de mest frekvent använda principerna. I studien skattade 82 deltagare (79% kvinnor) fyra reklammeddelanden från ett fiktivt second-hand företaThe study investigated the effectiveness of advertising messages for second-hand companies, according to Cialdini's principles of persuasion. In the pre-study advertisements from the four largest Swedish second-hand companies were analyzed, showing that social proof and reciprocity were the most frequently used principles. In the study, 82 participants (79% women) rated four advertising messag

Origin of blue straggler stars in the Milky Way halo

Blue straggler stars (BSSs) are exotic stellar objects that appear to be younger than the age of the population they come from suggests. They are observed as the extension of the main sequence stars, beyond the turn-off point. They are present in all types of stellar populations, such as open clusters, globular clusters, dwarf galaxies, and even in the open field. It is believed that they form mai

De eviga barnen?

The purpose of this study was to get a better understanding of why professionals in social work or field work don’t work with questions regarding sexual health for people with an intellectual disability. We hope that this study could provide more knowledge on how professionals guide or don’t guide individuals with an intellectual disability in their sexual health and open up the discussion on the

“Will to Improve” Governance in the Gambia

This study focused on examining the governance of the Gambia, with a specific emphasis on Gambian citizens’ perception of the government as the primary service provider in terms of accountability. To achieve this, it examined governance theory, which emphasizes the importance of non-state actors such as NGOs in providing public services. The findings of the study revealed a stark contrast in ratin

Formability Evaluation

This project investigates the possibility of using material thickness measurements of pressed stainless steel (316L) and titanium (grade 1) sheet metal to evaluate material formabil- ity. The ultimate goal of this project is to replace the current subjective visual material formability evaluation with an objective method. This project attempts to build relation- ships between material surface defe

Rädslan att säga ifrån: en kvalitativ studie av caféanställdas upplevelser av psykologisk trygghet och välmående

Psykologisk trygghet definieras av Edmondson (1999) som ett beteende där anställda känner sig bekväma med att tala ut, dela med sig av nya idéer och kritik, samt ta risker utan rädsla för vedergällning. Vi har identifierat två kunskapsluckor där ytterligare forskning inom psykologisk trygghet behövs: psykologisk trygghet kopplat till individers allmänna välmående samt bristen av representation inoPsychological safety is defined by Edmondson (1999) as a behavior in which the employees feel comfortable speaking out, sharing new ideas and criticism, as well as taking new risks without the fear of retribution. We have identified two areas in which there are gaps of knowledge and further research is needed: the connection between psychological safety and the wellbeing of an individual as well a

Chefers attityder mot äldre anställda: en explorativ studie i det privata näringslivet

I takt med att den förväntade livslängden ökar ställs nya krav på arbetsmarknaden. För få personer ska försörja vår äldre befolkning och för att lösa detta måste vi arbeta till en högre ålder. Chefer har en avgörande roll och därför har denna studie syftat till att undersöka chefers attityder mot sina äldre arbetstagare, samt hur de ser på möjligheter till ett förlängt arbetsliv. Syftet var även aAs life expectancy increases, new demands are placed on the labor market. There are too few people to support our aging population, and to address this issue, we need to work until an older age. Managers play a crucial role, which is why this study aimed to examine managers' attitudes toward their older employees and their views on opportunities for extended working lives. The aim was also to

Local scale invariance and robustness of proper scoring rules

Averages of proper scoring rules are often used to rank probabilistic forecasts. In many cases, the individual terms in these averages are based on observations and forecasts from different distributions. We show that some of the most popular proper scoring rules, such as the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS), give more importance to observations with large uncertainty, which can lead to

Dealing with police stops : How young people with ethnic minority backgrounds narrate their ways of managing over-policing in the Nordic countries

Research shows that young people within ethnic minorities are subjected to police control more often than others, which seems to have a damaging effect on their trust in the police as well as on their wider sense of belonging. What is less often researched is how these young people deal with being over-policed. This article explores narratives of over-policing from those targeted by the police in Research shows that young people within ethnic minorities are subjected to police control more often than others, which seems to have a damaging effect on their trust in the police as well as on their wider sense of belonging. What is less often researched is how these young people deal with being over-policed. This article explores narratives of over-policing from those targeted by the police in

Hur juridik och samhälle samspelar för att producera bilden av offer och gärningsmän i våldtäktsmål

I den här uppsatsen undersöker jag hur tingsrätter producerar positionerna offer och gärningsperson i våldtäktsmål. Mitt huvudsakliga fokus är att undersöka hur språket förmedlar verkligheten, och hur juridik och samhälle samspelar. Genom en kartläggning av gällande rätt och studier av doktrin blir det tydligt att bestämmelsen om våldtäkt förändrats en hel del sedan den infördes, men att många In this essay, I examine how district courts produce the position of victim and perpetrator in rape cases. My main focus is to investigate how language conveys reality, and how law and society interact. By a study of current law and doctrine, it’s clear to see that the provision on rape has changed a lot since it was introduced, but that many perceptions of rape still thrives. It’s also possib