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Framtidens äldreboendemarknad
Vurdering og beskatning af fast ejendom i Danmark og Sverige
Från industrihamn till blandad stads- bebyggelse med stationsnära läge - Utvecklingsaspekter med ett kommersiellt fokus för Nyhamnen i Malmö
Lagt spår ligger - spårvägen som värdeskapande faktor på fastighetsmarknaden
Småhustomters marginalvärde
Effektivisering av planprocessen - med utgångspunkt i plan- och bygglagstiftningen
Gode män i lantmäteriförrättningar
Exploatering i allmänhet och uppfyllande av mål i synnerhet
Värdering av skogsfastigheter - en statistisk analys av värdepåverkande faktorer
Evaluation of Processed Nerve Allograft in Peripheral Nerve Surgery : A Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal
Background: Peripheral nerve injuries cause substantial problems when not treated properly. A specific problem is reconstruction of nerve defects, which can be treated in different ways. This study aimed to systematically review whether processed nerve allograft (PNA) is justified in reconstruction of a nerve defect in patients after posttraumatic or iatrogenic peripheral nerve injury and to compa
The evolutionary maintenance of ancient recombining sex chromosomes in the ostrich
Sex chromosomes have evolved repeatedly across the tree of life and often exhibit extreme size dimorphism due to genetic degeneration of the sex-limited chromosome (e.g. the W chromosome of some birds and Y chromosome of mammals). However, in some lineages, ancient sex-limited chromosomes have escaped degeneration. Here, we study the evolutionary maintenance of sex chromosomes in the ostrich (Stru
Pulcaffeate, a Trimeric Caffeic Acid Derivative from Bourreria pulchra
The trimeric caffeic acid derivative pulcaffeate (1) was isolated from the organic crude extract of the roots of Bourreria pulchra (Boraginaceae). The biosynthesis of 1 appears to involve an intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction between a cyclohexa-1,3-diene intermediate, generated by the oxidation of the aromatic ring of a cinnamic acid unit, and the conjugated double bond of a caffeic acid unit. T
Inter-Rater Agreement for Diagnosing Adenomyosis Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Transvaginal Ultrasonography
Our aim was to compare the inter-rater agreement about transvaginal ultrasonography (TVS) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with regard to diagnosing adenomyosis and for assessing various predefined imaging features of adenomyosis, in the same set of women. The study cohort included 51 women, prospectively, consecutively recruited based on a clinical suspicion of adenomyosis. MRIs and TVS vide
Comparison of Group-Level and Individualized Brain Regions for Measuring Change in Longitudinal Tau Positron Emission Tomography in Alzheimer Disease
Importance: Longitudinal tau positron emission tomography (PET) is a relevant outcome in clinical trials evaluating disease-modifying therapies in Alzheimer disease (AD). A key unanswered question is whether the use of participant-specific (individualized) regions of interest (ROIs) is superior to conventional approaches where the same ROI (group-level) is used for each participant. Objective: To
From failure to success: a framework for successful deployment of Industry 4.0 principles in the aerospace industry
Purpose The paper proposes a framework for the successful deployment of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) principles in the aerospace industry, based on identified success factors. The paper challenges the perception of I4.0 being aligned with de-skilling and personnel reduction and instead promotes a route to successful deployment centred on upskilling and retaining personnel for future role requirements. Desi
In pursuit of a more socially relevant audit in the context of international standardisation
This chapter aims to enhance our understanding of the implications international standardisation have for audit innovation at the national level. The study analyses the ways in which transnational regulation effectuates institutional constraints on audit innovation in Sweden as a setting to discuss the capacity for the audit profession to innovate and make audits more socially relevant. Based on d
Are We Benchmarking the Java Virtual Machine Right?
Exploring patterns in risk factors for bark beetle attack during outbreaks triggered by drought stress with harvester data on attacked trees: A case study in Southeastern Sweden
ABSTRACT Raising temperatures and climate variability have intensified extreme weather events worldwide. These extremes can enhance and trigger possible pest outbreaks. Bark beetle attacks have become a major concern in regions with extensive spruce forest areas. Southeastern Sweden has faced repeated outbreaks resulting in widespread tree loss. By observing historic climate data for the main coun