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Your search for "*" yielded 531920 hits

The population of metastable states as a probe of relativistic-energy fragmentation reactions

Isomeric ratios have been measured for high-spin states in Po-198,200,206,208(84), At-208,209,210,211(85), Rn-210,211,212,213,214(86), Fr-208,211,212,213,214(87), Ra-210,211,212,214,215(88), and Ac-215(89) following the projectile fragmentation of a 1 AGeV U-238 beam by a Be-9 target at GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung. The fragments were separated in the fragment separator (FRS) and

A Sequential Control Language for Industrial Automation

Current market trends for industrial automation are the need for customizable production, shorter time to market, and powerful global competitive pressure. Based on these trends two challenges have been identified: 1) flexible production systems and 2) integration and utilization of devices and software. Applications from both process automation, manufacturing, and robotics have been considered.

Correlation between sound insulation and occupants' perception - Proposal of alternative single number rating of impact sound

Traditionally, multi-family houses have been constructed using heavy, homogenous materials like concrete and masonry. But as a consequence of the progress of lightweight building systems during the last decades, it has been questioned whether standardized sound insulation evaluation methods still are appropriate. An extensive measurement template has been applied in a field survey where several vi

Efficient sample preparation in immuno-matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry using acoustic trapping

Acoustic trapping of minute bead amounts against fluid flow allows for easy automation of multiple assay steps, using a convenient aspirate/dispense format. Here, a method based on acoustic trapping that allows sample preparation for immuno-matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry using only half a million 2.8 mu m antibody covered beads is presented. The acoustic trapping is

Mapping and early-warning of insect defoliation in Scots pine with multi-temporal MODIS data

Methods were developed for post-detection and early-warning of defoliation in Scots pine [Pinus silvestris] forests in south-eastern Norway caused by the pine sawfly [Neodiprion sertifer] with the use of multi-temporal MODIS NDVI 16-day composite data. The post-detection method utilizes summer mean values and seasonal angle (showing whether values have increased or decreased during the season) to

Experimental determination of the respiratory tract deposition of diesel combustion particles in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Background: Air pollution, mainly from combustion, is one of the leading global health risk factors. A susceptible group is the more than 200 million people worldwide suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). There are few data on lung deposition of airborne particles in patients with COPD and none for combustion particles. Objectives: To determine respiratory tract deposition o

Determination of heat transfer coefficient during high pressure frying of potatoes

Besides traditional atmospheric frying, high pressure (super-atmospheric) frying might be an alternative approach to the frying of food products. In this study, convective heat transfer coefficient during atmospheric and high pressure frying was compared. For this purpose, a pressure cooker was modified to allow the immersion of a sample into frying oil under pressure and temperature measurement o

Den kognitiva vändningen. Idéhistoria och det mänskliga tänkandets historia

The last two decades have seen a noticeable increase in cognitive science studies that has changed the understanding of human thinking. Historians cannot ignore this any more. Cognitive history could be explained as the study of how humans in history used their cognitive abilities in order to understand the world around them and to orient themselves in it, but also how the world outside their bodi

Mobilising Global Bioenergy Supply Chains: Keys to unlocking the potential of bioenergy

This work is underlain by broad-based expectations that policy interventions such as EU 2020 goals for renewable energy will continue to drive increased international trade in biomass for energy. This work focuses on where and how large volumes of biomass for bioenergy may be brought to the market in the short to medium term and sought insights in the following areas: • the manner in which demand

Early amplitude-integrated EEG correlates with cord TNF-alpha and brain injury in very preterm infants

Aim: To investigate if the early electroencephalogram (EEG) and amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) in very preterm infants is affected by perinatal inflammation and brain injury, and correlates with long-term outcome. Methods: Sixteen infants born at 24-28 gestational weeks (median 25.5) had continuous EEG/aEEG during the first 72 h of life. Minimum and maximum EEG interburst intervals (IBI), and aEE

A 60 GHz receiver front-end with PLL based phase controlled LO generation for phased-arrays

This paper presents a front-end architecture for fully integrated 60 GHz phased array receivers. It employs LO-path beamforming using a phase controlled phase-locked loop (PC-PLL). To demonstrate the architecture a circuit is implemented featuring a two stage low noise amplifier, two cascaded active mixers, and a PC-PLL. The receiver downconverts the 60 GHz signal in two steps, using LO signals fr