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Your search for "*" yielded 531883 hits

Kurerad second-hand - Inlämningsprocessen och butikens uttryck

Second-hand-marknaden har under de senaste åren växt markant, detta på grund av ett ökat intresse hos konsumenterna. Detta konsumentintresse har i sin tur bidragit till att marknaden utvecklats från en bransch med få aktörer som drivs av välgörenhet, till en marknad med flera olika aktörer där vissa av dessa drivs av ett vinstintresse. Dessa vinstdrivande aktörer har ett mer gediget fokus på att s

Har AI förmågan att revolutionera konsumentupplevelsen? - En kvalitativ studie om konsumenters upplevelse av implementeringen av artificiell intelligens i modebranschens innehållsmarknadsföring

Titel: Har AI förmågan att revolutionera konsumentupplevelsen? - En kvalitativ studie om konsumenters upplevelse av implementeringen av artificiell intelligens i modebranschens innehållsmarknadsföring Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg Ämne/kurs: SEMK65 - Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Philippa Rasmusson Pettersson och Tindra Andersson Handledare: De

Social Workers' Sensitivity to Microaggressions towards Nonbinary Clients

This thesis explores Danish social workers' sensitivity to the risk of committing microaggressions towards nonbinary clients. The theoretical framework primarily relies on microaggression theory. As a point of departure, the author developed a Microaggression Scale for Nonbinary Clients, which includes eight microaggressions that nonbinary clients might experience from social workers. The empi

EMV vs A-Brands - Kampen om den bästa placeringen

Titel: ‘’EMV vs. A-brands - kampen om den bästa placeringen’’ - en studie om hur produktplaceringar påverkar detaljister och leverantörer samt hur utvecklingen av EMV håller på att förändra livsmedelsbranschen. Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management. Kurs: SEMK65 Examensarbete för kandidatexamen (VT24). Författare: Elsa Mebius & William Langmar

The backlash of the Inzko amendment to law – a discourse analysis of Serbian nationalistic rhetoric

The fall of Yugoslavia in the 1990s led to a series of political upheavals, culminating in the 1992 referendum in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This referendum triggered the Bosnian War, which was finally ended by the Dayton Peace Agreement signed on December 14, 1995. The Dayton Peace Agreement aimed to stabilize the country by establishing a power-sharing arrangement among its three ethnic groups - Bo

Governing Through Aid: A Biopolitical Analysis of Swedish Development Policy

This paper employs a biopolitical framework to critically analyse Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency’s (Sida) development and humanitarian policies, focusing on how these align with broader biopolitical strategies aimed to shape the lives of populations in recipient countries. Through a critical discourse analysis of four key policy documents, the study addresses the central ques

Sound over-approximation of probabilities

Safety analysis of high confidence systems requires guaranteed bounds on the probabilities of events of interest. Establishing the correctness of algorithms that aim to compute such bounds is challenging. We address this problem in three steps. First, we use monadic transition systems (MTS) in the category of sets as a framework for modeling discrete time systems. MTS can capture different types o

Strategies for cessation of caffeine administration in preterm infants

Background: Apnea and intermittent hypoxemia (IH) are common developmental disorders in infants born earlier than 37 weeks' gestation. Caffeine administration has been shown to lower the incidence of these disorders in preterm infants. Cessation of caffeine treatment is based on different post-menstrual ages (PMA) and resolution of symptoms. There is uncertainty about the best timing for caffeine

Towards automated inclusion of autoxidation chemistry in models : from precursors to atmospheric implications

In the last few decades, atmospheric formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOA) has gained increasing attention due to their impact on air quality and climate. However, methods to predict their abundance are mainly empirical and may fail under real atmospheric conditions. In this work, a close-to-mechanistic approach allowing SOA quantification is presented, with a focus on a chain-like chemica

High-dimensional Kuramoto models on Stiefel manifolds synchronize complex networks almost globally

The Kuramoto model of coupled phase oscillators is often used to describe synchronization phenomena in nature. Some applications, e.g., quantum synchronization and rigid-body attitude synchronization, involve high-dimensional Kuramoto models where each oscillator lives on the n-sphere or SO(n). These manifolds are special cases of the compact, real Stiefel manifold St(p,n). Using tools from optimi

Precise characterisation of HD 15337 with CHEOPS: A laboratory for planet formation and evolution

Context. The HD 15337 (TIC 120896927, TOI-402) system was observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), revealing the presence of two short-period planets situated on opposite sides of the radius gap. This offers an excellent opportunity to study theories of formation and evolution, as well as to investigate internal composition and atmospheric evaporation. Aims. We aim to constrai

Attitude consensus using networks of uncalibrated cameras

This paper addresses the problem of consensus on SO(3) for networks of uncalibrated cameras. Under the assumption of a pinhole camera model, we prove convergence to the consensus manifold for two types of kinematic control laws, when only conjugate rotation matrices KRK -1 are available among the agents. In these conjugate rotations, the rotation matrices are distorted by the (unknown) intrinsic p

Carbon-phosphorus cycle models overestimate CO2enrichment response in a mature Eucalyptus forest

The importance of phosphorus (P) in regulating ecosystem responses to climate change has fostered P-cycle implementation in land surface models, but their CO2 effects predictions have not been evaluated against measurements. Here, we perform a data-driven model evaluation where simulations of eight widely used P-enabled models were confronted with observations from a long-term free-air CO2 enrichm

Fortet ("Värn")

Scenograf med ansvar för fortet under inspelningen av långfilmen "Värn" av John Skoog (Plattform produktion)