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Your search for "*" yielded 531855 hits

Precise characterisation of HD 15337 with CHEOPS: A laboratory for planet formation and evolution

Context. The HD 15337 (TIC 120896927, TOI-402) system was observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), revealing the presence of two short-period planets situated on opposite sides of the radius gap. This offers an excellent opportunity to study theories of formation and evolution, as well as to investigate internal composition and atmospheric evaporation. Aims. We aim to constrai

Attitude consensus using networks of uncalibrated cameras

This paper addresses the problem of consensus on SO(3) for networks of uncalibrated cameras. Under the assumption of a pinhole camera model, we prove convergence to the consensus manifold for two types of kinematic control laws, when only conjugate rotation matrices KRK -1 are available among the agents. In these conjugate rotations, the rotation matrices are distorted by the (unknown) intrinsic p

Carbon-phosphorus cycle models overestimate CO2enrichment response in a mature Eucalyptus forest

The importance of phosphorus (P) in regulating ecosystem responses to climate change has fostered P-cycle implementation in land surface models, but their CO2 effects predictions have not been evaluated against measurements. Here, we perform a data-driven model evaluation where simulations of eight widely used P-enabled models were confronted with observations from a long-term free-air CO2 enrichm

Fortet ("Värn")

Scenograf med ansvar för fortet under inspelningen av långfilmen "Värn" av John Skoog (Plattform produktion)

Jämförelse av blå-grön-grå infrastruktur i gatumiljö: Avvägning mellan ekonomi, infiltrationskapacitet, fördröjning och kolinlagring

Blågrågröna system kan vara svaret på hur urbana miljöer ska hantera översvämningar, ett problem som förväntas öka enligt nuvarande forskning. Ett tydligt hinder för genomförandet av hållbarhetsåtgärder som BGG är relaterade till ekonomiska vinster. I syfte att utforska avvägningen mellan ekonomi och ekosystemtjänster genomfördes en litteraturstudie av existerande data av blågrågröna system. Dessu

Experten på det komplexa, känsliga och lite obehagliga. Kuratorns roll i tvärprofessionella team på barnhabiliteringen

This small qualitative case study aimed to examine how professions in interprofessional teams define the role and specific competence of a healthcare social worker at a child habilitation center. I interviewed seven professional team members at one child habilitation center. Three are healthcare social workers, one is an occupational therapist, two are psychologists and one is a special needs educ

Breast cancer recurrence in relation to mode of detection : implications on personalized surveillance

Purpose: The effectiveness of current follow-up guidelines after breast cancer treatment is uncertain. Tailored surveillance based on patient age and tumor characteristics may be more adequate. This study aimed to analyze the frequency of ipsilateral locoregional recurrences (LR) and second primary breast cancers (SP) detected outside of scheduled surveillance and to analyze risk factors associate

Effect of lateral wedged insoles on the knee internal contact forces in medial knee osteoarthritis

Background: Lateral wedge insoles (LWIs) are non-surgical interventions used in medial knee osteoarthritis (KOA) aiming at restoring correct joint biomechanics. However, the mechanical efficacy of LWIs, based on modulation of the external knee adduction moment, is partially proved and high variability in response to these devices was observed. Research question: The principal aim of the study was

Evaluation of self-monitoring of blood pressure in the PERHIT study and the impact on glomerular function

BACKGROUND: Although intensive blood pressure (BP) control has not been shown to slow the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD), intensive BP control has been shown to reduce the risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes in the CKD population. The aim of this post-hoc study was to study the interplay between a self-monitoring BP system and glomerular function.METHODS: In all, 949 participants

Frequent use of prescription NSAIDs among people with knee or hip osteoarthritis despite contraindications to or precautions with NSAIDs

Objective: To describe the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), opioids, and physiotherapy (PT) among persons with newly diagnosed knee or hip osteoarthritis (OA) with and without NSAID contraindications or precautions. Design: We used population-based register data to identify adults aged ≥35 as of January 1, 2014, residing in Skåne region (Sweden) between 2004 and 2013, without

Geographical Differences in the Perspective of Osteoarthritis Care Management : A Cross-Sectional Study in Italy, Sweden and Russia

BACKGROUND: This study aimed to explore the awareness, experiences, and beliefs of individuals with osteoarthritis (OA) regarding their healthcare management, along with assessing their overall satisfaction levels.METHODS: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted in Italy, Sweden, and Russia, rigorously developed based on OA international guidelines in collaboration with healthcare profession

Identification of clinical phenotypes in knee osteoarthritis : a systematic review of the literature

Background: Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) is a heterogeneous pathology characterized by a complex and multifactorial nature. It has been hypothesised that these differences are due to the existence of underlying phenotypes representing different mechanisms of the disease. Methods: The aim of this study is to identify the current evidence for the existence of groups of variables which point towards the

Knee internal contact force in a varus malaligned phenotype in knee osteoarthritis (KOA)

Purpose Multiple phenotypes characterized by different disease mechanisms have been hypothesized to explain the large variability in the knee osteoarthritis (KOA) population. The purpose of this study was: to estimate and compare the medial and lateral knee compression forces (CF) during gait of three subgroups of KOA subjects characterized by different alignment and cartilage disruption patterns.