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Measurement of the Adsorption of Cytochrome c onto the External Surface of a Thin-Film Mesoporous Silicate by Ellipsometry

The measurement of adsorption of cytochromes c onto the external surfaces of a thin film mesoporous silicates (MPS) supported by silicon wafers was discussed. Adsorption in a multilayered system consisting silicon, SiO 2, MPS, and adsorbed proteins was analyzed using ellipsometry. Synthesis of MPS thin films on 0.5 mm thick silicon wafers was done using a dip-coating alcohol vaporization method. I

Systematic Multi-Parametric Analysis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Flow Cytometry Drug Screens using Flowty

Akut myeloisk leukemi (AML) är en heterogen sjukdom, vilket gör den svår att behandla. Standardbehandlingen är intensiv kemoterapi och har inte förändrats på 40 år. På senare tid har nya läkemedel och mindre intensiva behandlingsregimer godkänts i USA och Europa. Fler möjliga behandlingsformer gör att det krävs prediktiva biomarkörer och tillförlitliga utvärderingsmetoder för att hitta den optimalAcute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease, making it difficult to treat. The standard treatment is intensive chemotherapy and has not changed in 40 years. However, recently new drugs and as less intensive treatment regimens have been approved in the US and in Europe. However. With a larger therapeutic toolbox, there is an urgent need for predictive biomarkers to offer the optimal tre

Structural studies on surfactant-templated silica films growtn at the air/water interface

In situ characterisation of a growing surfactant-templated silica film has been carried out by X-ray reflectivity, diffuse X-ray scattering from the surface. Brewster angle microscopy and surface pressure measurements. The results indicate an unexpected film growth mechanism where layered structures form in solution and diffuse to the interface after some critical induction period.

Principen om att förorenaren betalar - En studie av principens genomslagskraft i reglerna om efterbehandling och företagsförvärv

Reglerna som avser efterbehandling av förorenade områden finns i 10 kap miljöbalken (1998:808). Principen om att förorenaren betalar är en central princip som ligger bakom utformningen av dessa regler. Ett av principens syften är att säkerställa efterbehandling av förorenade områden utan att statsbudgeten belastas. Av 10 kap MB framgår att den som är primärt ansvarig för att avhjälpande sker är veThe regulations regarding remediation of polluted areas are found in the 10 chapter of the Swedish environmental code (Miljöbalk (1998:808)). The polluter pays principle is a central principle on which these regulations are based. One of the primary purposes with this principle is to ensure remediation of polluted areas without strain on the national budget. The primary liability lies with the so-

Influence of Peristaltic Pump Tubes on Protein Particles Formation for Lipase Enzyme Therapeutic Protein

Introduction: In Bio-pharmaceutical production, peristaltic pump tubing is considered one of the factors that influence protein aggregation. Background: Protein particles present challenges for the control and analysis of various manufacturing processes in the biopharmaceutical industry for their significant effects on safety and quality. Aim(s): This research aims to study the effect of differe

Det mänskliga och det organisatoriska: Human Resources - en tudelad roll

HR-yrket är i ständig förändring och upplever i dagsläget ett stort intresse från organisationer runt om i landet för deras många kompetensområden. Med detta i åtanke är det av vikt att HR-funktionen bemöts på rätt sätt och har de verktyg som behövs för att kunna prestera. Denna studie ämnar därför att besvara två frågor: vilka krav och förväntningar existerar på HR-praktiker från olika sidor av o

Development of an Improved Demand Planning Process - A Case Study at KåKå

Background: Operations planning and control has undergone an extensive shift from an individual company focus to a complete supply chain focus which has required a new common approach for supply chain planning and control to evolve. Increasing competition and globalization has created complexity in supply chain planning and integration since it requires a new cross-functional approach. To handle s

The Meridian S03E03 : Planetary systems beyond our own

Judith Korth joins the podcast this week and tell us about how she found her way into astronomy research, how she ended up here at Lund University and how she now studies distant worlds far beyond our own Solar System.In this third season we are also including some Cosmic Curiosities. These are some ideas, events or trivia from astronomic history that Ross, Victor and Lucian feel are worth bringin

Building Energy Modelling Workflows for Swedish Certification Assessments

Environmental Building Certification (EBC) assessments are often time-consuming and challenging, as they encompass a lengthy process that includes modelling, simulation, proofing, credit calculation, and report writing. Hence, there is a growing need to streamline this process. The objective of this thesis is to examine existing Building Energy Modelling (BEM) workflows and evaluate their abilit

Digital Product Passports: Exploring Product information and its role in fostering the Circular Economy

The Circular Economy (CE) came into existence due to the increasing environmental concerns produced by the legacy linear economy which consumes too many resources and generates a lot of waste. The CE is initiated on the ideas of reducing, reusing, and recycling resources by utilising the product information. Thus, this study investigates the product information which is to be carried by Digital Pr

Artificial Intelligence and Motivation in Distributed Software Development teams

Distributed software development (DSD) teams have become increasingly popular among organizations. While the distributed teams come with certain benefits such as reduced costs, availability of remote workforce and a bigger skill base, they also come with challenges. One of the main challenges in DSD teams is keeping the employees motivated while working in a virtual environment. As motivation in D

Rättsliga spänningsförhållanden i arbete med samarbetssamtal

The aim of this study has been to investigate and analyze legal tensions in work with family law regarding mediation with a focus on consensual solutions and the will of the child as a legal and normative ideal. The method used in the study was semi-structured individual interviews with eight social workers, who work within the municipal social service with family law issues. The respondents work

Lokalisering av framtidens stålproduktion

Stålindustrin är den industrisektor som har högst utsläpp i världen. Ståltillverkning tillskrivs cirka 8 % av världens totala C02-utsläpp. Från den utgångspunkten är behovet av djup avkarbonisering av stålindustrin är uppenbart. Det mest gynnsamma alternativet för att fasa ut fossila bränslen från produktionen av stål är att övergå till ståltillverkning från grönt väte. I denna rapport undersöks kThe steel industry is the most emitting industry sector in the world. Steelmaking attributes to around 8 % of the world’s total CO2 emissions. From that standpoint the need for deep decarbonization in the steel industry is evident. The most viable option for removing fossil fuels from the production of steel is to move to steelmaking from green hydrogen. In this report comparative advantages for g

The digital economy and its implications: does the OECD’s Pillar One Proposal challenge the principles of law within International and EU tax law?

Change is the only constant; yet, as we step into the brave new world of taxing the digital economy, it might seem like the need and development of principles and rules for adequate profit allocation has only begun. This thesis discusses the profit allocation rules under the Unified Approach of the OECD Pillar One Proposal Amount A in relation to three identified principles of law in international

Företagsnytta i praktiken - det bortglömda syskonet

Företagsnytta är en del av influensregeln i 4 kap. 2 § expropriationslagen (ExL). Influensregeln innebär ett undantag från grundregeln i ersättningsreglerna i 4 kap. ExL som säger att fastighetens marknadsvärdeminskning ska ersättas. Regeln innebär att i de fall expropriationsföretaget föranlett en värdeförändring av någon betydelse ska värderingen av fastigheten göras utan beaktning av influensenThis report aims to investigate how the legislation regarding the positive effect from an enterprise for the conduct of which a property unit is expropriated, in chapter 4 section 2 of the Swedish Expropriation Act, is used in practice. The rule is an exception to the main compensation rules, which means that a landowner should be fully compensated in the event of expropriation. The rule has prove

An innovative Superconducting Recoil Separator for HIE-ISOLDE

The ISOLDE Scientific Infrastructure at CERN offers a unique range of post-accelerated radioactive beams. The scientific program can be improved with the “Isolde Superconducting Recoil Separator” (ISRS), an innovative spectrometer able to deliver unprecedented (A, Z) resolution. In this paper we present an overview of the physics and ongoing technical developments.

Landet lagom åberopar landet lagför

Problem/Bakgrund: Det svenska högerregeringsskiftet 2022 och medföljande Tidöavtal stadgade förslag på kriminalpolitiska åtgärder innefattande bland annat stora straffskärpningar och utökade polisiära befogenheter. Dessa motioner tycktes mottas med en viss oro vid Frivården i Göteborg, då många anställda utifrån sin behandlingsinriktade arbetspraxis verkade tveksamma till dessa skärpningars effek

The voice of unheard : Chai Khana and the importance of independent media in encouraging diversity and inclusion

“The voice of unheard: Chai Khana and the importance of independent media in encouraging diversity and inclusion” is a master thesis focusing on the case study of Chai Khana, an independent media platform located in the South Caucasus and covering the gender-related stories from the region, and how it represents the voices of gender oppression and marginalisation. Through adopting a methods triang

“Oh Villanelle, My Baby…”: The serial engagement of Killing Eve digital queer female fans

The present thesis conducts a case study that focuses on the complex TV drama Killing Eve and digital queer female fans of Killing Eve regarding their understanding of identities and queer relations represented in the series and their (dis)engagement with the series. This study draws on the tripartite frameworks of complex TV drama, LGBTQ+/queer studies, and digital fandom. The main objective of t