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Corrosion crack growth in a bi-material system
Bi-materials composed of thin layers ideally bonded to large substrates are considered. Cracksemerging from an almost flat surface and propagating through the bi-materials are studied.The cracks acquire realistic geometrical shapes, where the tips are integral parts of the cracksurfaces. Crack propagation is related to surface evolution resulting from material loss due tocorrosion. Controlling mecBi-materials composed of thin layers ideally bonded to large substrates are considered. Cracks emerging from an almost flat surface and propagating through the bi-materials are studied. The cracks acquire realistic geometrical shapes, where the tips are integral parts of the crack surfaces. Crack propagation is related to surface evolution resulting from material loss due to corrosion. Controlling
Prediction of shear crack growth direction under compressive loading and plane strain conditions
A directional crack growth prediction in a compressed homogenous elastic isotropic material under plane strain conditions is considered. The conditions at the parent crack tip are evaluated for a straight stationary crack. Remote load is a combined biaxial compressive normal stress and pure shear. Crack surfaces are assumed to be frictionless and to remain closed during the kink formation whereforA directional crack growth prediction in a compressed homogenous elastic isotropic material under plane strain conditions is considered. The conditions at the parent crack tip are evaluated for a straight stationary crack. Remote load is a combined biaxial compressive normal stress and pure shear. Crack surfaces are assumed to be frictionless and to remain closed during the kink formation wherefor
Neuropsychological outcome after cardiac arrest: Rationale and description of a sub-study of The Target Temperature Management 2 Trial
Vår närmaste stjärna: Solen
Vår stjärna, Solen, uppehåller livet här på vår planet och utan den vore vi inte här. Solen sitter i solsystemets centrum och innehåller mestadelen av solsystemets massa. Men nu när vårt samhälle litar sig mer och mer på teknologi måste vi hålla ett vakande öga på solen. Solstormar och rymdväder kan slå ut våra satelliter och även elförsörjningen här på marken.Vi tittar tillbaka och pratar om hur Our star, the Sun, supports all life on this planet and without it we would not be here. The Sun is the heart of our Solar System. But now that our society becomes more and more technological dependent we do need to monitor it closely because solar storms and space weather can affect our satellites in space and even our electronics here on the ground. Travel back to the beginning of time and exper
The meaning of social adaptation after solid organ transplantation
The aim of this study was to investigate the meaning of social adaptation among solid organ transplant recipients one year after transplantation. We analysed in-depth interviews from 16 solid organ transplant recipients by means of phenomenological hermeneutics. The informants comprised 11 men and five women with a mean age of 54 years, who had received a kidney, a liver or a heart. We found the o
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There are directions of interpretation with which some researchers may disagree. But it would be difficult for someone to point to rigidities, idiosyncracies or dangerous arguments. In fact, the demonstrations of Ion Pop meet the conditions for verifying the degree of science stated by an epistemologist such as Karl Popper. Any hypothesis has to be checked but also contradicted. Any theoretical en
Recension: Ulla Tervahauta, Ivan Miroshnikov, Outi Lehtipuu and Ismo Dunderberg (red.), Women and Knowledge in Early Christianity
Utdelningen av sprutor till narkomaner i Malmö och Lund : en utvärdering ur socialtjänsten/narkomanvårdens perspektiv
A crack tip energy release rate caused by T-stress - Discussion of fracture paper #18
Opportunities and Challenges of Research Collaboration between Police Authorities and University Organizations
Peter Asplund ”Aspiration” feat. Jacob Christoffersen, Flamman Pub & Disco, Linköping
On the cutaneous receptors contributing to withdrawal reflex pathways in the rat.
Peter Asplund ”Aspiration” feat Lars Jansson, Ljungskile Jazzfestival, Ljungskile
Extensive reinnervation of the hippocampus by embryonic basal forebrain cholinergic neurons grafted into the septum of neonatal rats with selective cholinergic lesions
Reconstruction of the septohippocampal pathways by axons extending from embryonic cholinergic neuroblasts grafted into the neuron-depleted septum has been explored in the neonatal rat by using a novel lesioning and grafting protocol. Neonatal ablation of the basal forebrain cholinergic projection neurons, accompanied by extensive bilateral cholinergic denervation of the hippocampus and neocortex,
Distal respiratory tract viral infections in young children trigger a marked increase in alveolar mast cells
Viral infections predispose to the development of childhood asthma, a disease associated with increased lung mast cells (MCs). This study investigated whether viral lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) can already evoke a MC response during childhood. Lung tissue from young children who died following LRTIs were processed for immunohistochemical identification of MCs. Children who died from
We will meet in the blind spot - a solo exhibition by Maj Hasager
Fantom Salon at Glasgow International 2016
Molecular insight into carboxylic acid-alkali metal cations interactions : Reversed affinities and ion-pair formation revealed by non-linear optics and simulations
Specific interactions between the carboxylic acid moiety and the monovalent salts CsCl, NaCl, and LiCl, have been investigated in Langmuir monolayers using vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy (VSFS) and complemented with coarse grained and all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. By exploiting VSFS's intrinsic surface specificity, an emphasis was made on targeting headgroup vibrations of both i