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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Energy flows and potential energy development strategies in RoRo ports: A study based on the Port of Trelleborg

The recent push for decarbonization in the maritime sector presents an opportunity for ports to strengthen their position as energy hubs. This work studies the existing energy flows in the Port of Trelleborg, one of Europe's biggest roll-on, roll-off ports, and proposes some energy-related development strategies. The current energy flows directly concerning the port are for the most part elect

Introducing Trace as an Embodied Approach to the Novel in English

Trace is a versatile concept with a wide spectrum of applications beyond detective fiction. Indeed, trace offers a key for gauging novel reading experiences. The collected articles exemplify that the qualities of trace, as conceptualised by Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutical phenomenology, help to unfold the relation of embodiment and the novel. The essays examine the manner in which trace inside the no

Structural and Functional Characterisation of the Human Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier

The metabolism of pyruvate in the cell is abnormally regulated in several human diseases, such as type-II diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, in which the human mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (HuMPC) sits at a pivotal point. It transports pyruvate across the inner mitochondrial membrane and consists of two proteins, MPC1 and MPC2, and is a potential drug target against these diseases

Ultra-strong diffusion-weighted MRI reveals cerebellar grey matter abnormalities in movement disorders

Structural brain MRI has proven invaluable in understanding movement disorder pathophysiology. However, most work has focused on grey/white matter volumetric (macrostructural) and white matter microstructural effects, limiting understanding of frequently implicated grey matter microstructural differences. Using ultra-strong spherical tensor encoding diffusion-weighted MRI, a persistent MRI signal

Coregistered histology sections with diffusion tensor imaging data at 200 µm resolution in meningioma tumors

A significant problem in diffusion MRI (dMRI) is the lack of understanding regarding which microstructural features account for the variability in the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) parameters observed in meningioma tumors. A common assumption is that mean diffusivity (MD) and fractional anisotropy (FA) from DTI are inversely proportional to cell density and proportional to tissue anisotropy, resp

Drug prescriptions preceding opioid-related deaths – a register study in forensic autopsy patients

Background/AimOpioid overdose deaths have increased in Sweden and other developed countries in recent decades, despite increased treatment efforts and harm-reduction interventions. Further knowledge in this field is needed if this trend is to be reversed. Previous research suggests that mental health and patterns of prescription of opioids and other prescription drugs are associated with increased

Fundamental studies of gas sorption within mesopores situated amidst an inter-connected, irregular network

There has been little, or no, direct testing of theories of gas sorption within particular pores situated amidst a highly inter-connected pore network. The concept of thermodynamically independent pores within networks has also been challenged. In this work, a novel integrated nitrogen sorption and mercury porosimetry technique has been used to deconvolve the condensation and evaporation processes

Direct observation of large-area strain propagation on free-standing nanomembranes

Investigations on epitaxial nanostructures with size of tens of nanometers have been a challenging issue for techniques that present high strain sensitivity but restricted spatial resolution. This is the case of recently developed x-ray nanoprobe techniques. Despite its inherent nondestructive character, submicron x-ray spots have only been successfully applied to the study of individual nanostruc

The Revolution of Skill Acquisition in Sports: Comparing Linear and Non-Linear Pedagogical Methods to Teach Adolescents the Wide Receiver Stance and Start in American Football

In the last decade, the philosophy behind deliberate practice and traditional learning methods have received criticism for the limitations as a learning method. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of linear and non-linear pedagogical methods for teaching the wide receiver stance and start to adolescents. Pre- and post-test of five-, 10- and 20-meter sprints from a wide receiver st

Effects of mixed surfactant system on chemical and physical stability of human growth hormone

In protein formulation, addition of surfactants is commonly executed to enhance product stability and shelf-life. The reason is that surfactants can protect proteins against surface-induced aggregation. However, the interaction between surfactant and protein depends on the type of surfactant used. Anionic surfactants can unfold proteins and form complexes in equilibrium manner. The complex structu

Utkontraktering, ny lagercentral eller fortsatt drift på befintlig lagercentral? - En fallstudie på ett svenskt lantbrukskooperativ

Titel: Utkontraktering, ny lagercentral eller fortsatt drift på befintlig lagercentral? En fallstudie på ett svenskt lantbrukskooperativ. Författare: Carl Kilström och Emil Nordgren Handledare: Joakim Kembro, Avdelningen för Teknisk Logistik, Institutionen för Maskinvetenskaper. Thomas Nordström, Transportchef Företag Alfa. Problemformulering: Företag Alfa är verksamma inom lantbruksindust

Choosing the Perfect Spot - An exploratory study of the underlying factors behind companies' location decisions

Over time, different trends have been spotted in how companies decide to locate their businesses. From the gradual rise of more offshoring of operations, to the recent increase in popularity of returning business domestically again. The topic has also received much recognition academically, with focus often placed on the factors that lead to locational competitive advantages - attributes that diff

Verisium Drone - PinDown ML-Debug Visualisation Tool

I samarbete med Cadence har detta examensarbete skapat ett webbaserat gränssnitt vilket kommer att visualisera stora mängder data på ett mer läsbart sätt för människor. Cadence är ett företag med inriktning på elektronisk system design och erbjuder andra företag lösningar för silikon design skapande, simulation, implementation och signoff för analoga och digitala kretsar och mycket mer. Detta gränIn collaboration with Cadence this thesis work has created a web based interface which aims to visualise large sets of data in a more human readable way. Cadence is a company specialising in electronic system design and is offering other companies solutions for silicon design creation, simulation, implementation and signoff of analog and digital circuits and a lot more. This interface will also be

"Vet du ens vad offsideregeln är?" - Kvinnors avvikarkarriär och delade upplevelser i fotbollssupporterkulturen

Kvinnor är en relativt outforskad grupp inom sportsociologin och forskning om fotbollssupporterskap. Denna studie ämnar att fylla de kunskapsluckor som idag finns genom att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av supporterkulturen. I fortsättning av en tidigare skriven uppsats nyttjas en teoretisk modell om kvinnors avvikarkarriär i supporterkulturen för att vidare förstå kvinnans väg in i supporterskap

Small-angle neutron scattering studies on the mesoporous molecular sieve MCM-41

A pure silica MCM-41 preparation with high crystalline order perpendicular to the channels has been examined using small-angle neutron scattering and the contrast variation method in both the calcined and template-containing forms. This defines various structural features such as template and water distributions and content, local silica density, and surface properties. Adsorption isotherm data, N

Solnedgång över Energistadgefördraget - Ändamål som helgar medlen eller urholkning av internationell rätt?

Mot bakgrund av de globala klimatambitionerna har den folkrättsliga traktaten Energistadgefördraget (ECT) kommit att ifrågasättas med ökande intensitet. I synnerhet anses Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mekanismen i artikel 26 ECT inskränka staters rätt att lagstifta och därigenom bromsa utfasningen av fossila energislag (regulatory chill). En ISDS-mekanism är vanligt förekommande i gränAgainst the backdrop of global climate ambitions, the international treaty known as the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) has come under increasing scrutiny. In particular, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism in Article 26 ECT is seen as restricting states' right to legislate and thereby slow-ing down the phasing out of fossil fuels (regulatory chill). ISDS is a common mechanism

Climate Change Denial and Right-Wing Populism: The Mediating Role of (Mis)Trust in Climate Science

Climate change denial tends to be prevalent among right-wing populists, but the underlying reasons for this remain unclear. Given that persistent climate change denial among the public could impede efforts to address the negative consequences of anthropogenic climate change, it is important to identify the psychological correlates of these attitudes. This thesis aimed to investigate the hypothesis

Quality Assurance of Recycled HDPE in the Plastic Packaging Industry

The recycling of plastic has the potential to support circular material use, thus decreasing the need for virgin plastics. However, there is an existing issue with assuring quality of recycled plastic materials, causing finished products to perform with poorer properties and unexpected deviations. Based on a thermoformed plastic packaging product, Product Y, made of recycled high density polyethyl