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Your search for "*" yielded 528139 hits

Be Aware of the Indoor Air. Physicochemical Characterization of Airborne Fine Particles in Occupied Homes : Physicochemical Characterization of Airborne Fine Particles in Occupied Homes

Negative health effects of exposure to particles of outdoor origin have been confirmed by epidemiological studies. In developed countries, we spend on average 65% of our time in our homes. Thus, the properties of airborne particles indoors need to be understood. The aim of this PhD thesis was to investigate the differences in physicochemical and toxicological characteristics of fine particles (PM2.5

Lose pain, lose weight, and lose both : A cohort study of patients with chronic pain and obesity using a national quality registry

Background: It is known that chronic pain makes it difficult to lose weight, but it is unknown whether obese patients (body mass index ≥30 kg/m2) who experience significant pain relief after interdisciplinary multimodal pain rehabilitation (IMMPR) lose weight. Objective: This study investigated whether obese patients with chronic pain lost weight after completing IMMPR in specialist pain units. Th

CRISPR editing of the PPARGC1A Gly482ser (rs8192678) polymorphism in human white adipose cells shows differential effects on mitochondrial function and adipogenesis.

Background and aims: PPARGC1A encodes PGC-1α (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1-α), a central regulator of energy metabolism and mitochondrial function. A common polymorphism in PPARGC1A (rs8192678, C/T, Gly482Ser) has been associated with obesity and related metabolic disorders, but no published functional studies have investigated direct allele-specific effects in adipoc

An extended charge-current formulation of the electromagnetic transmission problem

A boundary integral equation formulation is presented for the electromagnetic transmission problem where an incident electromagnetic wave is scattered from a bounded dielectric object. The formulation provides unique solutions for all wavenumbers in the closed upper half-plane belonging to argument sets for which Maxwell's equations have unique solutions. This includes the challenging combination

Microscopic fungi of lithobiont communities of Argentine Islands Region : Data from the 22nd Ukrainian Antarctic expedition

The identification of the diversity of microscopic fungi of lithobiont communities of the Argentine Islands in specimens collected during the 22nd Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition was the purpose of this work. Samples of rock, soil, mosses and lichens of rock micro-habitats of “Crustose lichen sub-formation and fruticose lichen and moss cushion sub-formation” were used in the work. These samples wer

The BAyesian STellar algorithm (BASTA) : A fitting tool for stellar studies, asteroseismology, exoplanets, and Galactic archaeology

We introduce the public version of the BAyesian STellar Algorithm (BASTA), an open-source code written in Python to determine stellar properties based on a set of astrophysical observables. BASTA has been specifically designed to robustly combine large data sets that include asteroseismology, spectroscopy, photometry, and astrometry. We describe the large number of asteroseismic observations that

Taleändring efter utslag eller tredskodom

Ett praktiskt problem som kan uppstå är att en kärande vill lägga till ett yrkande på väsentligen samma grund som ett tidigare framställt yrkande efter det att ett utslag i mål om betalningsföreläggande eller en tredskodom i tvistemål meddelats mot svaranden och denne begärt återvinning. Då gäller i vissa avseenden reglerna för överrättsprocess, men i andra avseenden ut­gör målet en (fortsatt) tin

Scoping review of intervention strategies for improving coverage and uptake of maternal nutrition services in southeast asia

Maternal undernutrition can lead to protein-energy malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, or anemia during pregnancy or after birth. It remains a major problem, despite evidence-based maternal-nutrition interventions happening on ground. We conducted a scoping review to under-stand different strategies and delivery mechanisms to improve maternal nutrition, as well as how interventions have impr

Site Characteristics Mediate the Relationship Between Forest Productivity and Satellite Measured Solar Induced Fluorescence

Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) can provide key information about the state of photosynthesis and offers the prospect of defining remote sensing-based estimation of Gross Primary Production (GPP). There is strong theoretical support for the link between SIF and GPP and this relationship has been empirically demonstrated using ground-based, airborne, and satellite-based SIF observation

What is Wrong with Solidarity in EU Asylum and Migration Law?

In this article, we explore why solidarity has not worked according to expectation in EU migration and asylum law, and why it is unlikely to work in the future. First, we explore discourses of burden-sharing and solidarity in EU law from the 1990s up to the Lisbon treaty in 2009 to identify emergent path dependencies. This period saw the introduction of primary law provisions on solidarity, such a

Enhancing teachers’ classroom communication skills – Measuring the effect of a continued professional development programme for mainstream school teachers

Continued professional development (CPD), tailored to teachers’ needs and expectations, is required for updated skills and knowledge. In this study, twenty-five teachers working with first and second grade students participated in an 11-week programme focusing on enhancing classroom communication. The participating teachers were randomly assigned to either a direct intervention track (intervention

Unveiling Center-Type Topological Defects on Rosettes of Lead Zirconate Titanate Associated to Oxygen Vacancies

Understanding the formation of topological defects in ferroelectric materials can provide access to their unusual physics, invaluable for possible applications of domain engineering in nanoelectronics. The present study shows the spontaneous formation of center-type topological defects in lead zirconate titanate (PZT) films, characterized by a strong in-plane radial electromechanical response on r