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Structural basis of Cfr-mediated antimicrobial resistance and mechanisms to evade it

The bacterial ribosome is an essential drug target as many clinically important antibiotics bind and inhibit its functional centers. The catalytic peptidyl transferase center (PTC) is targeted by the broadest array of inhibitors belonging to several chemical classes. One of the most abundant and clinically prevalent resistance mechanisms to PTC-acting drugs in Gram-positive bacteria is C8-methylat

Polygon Detection for Room Layout Estimation using Heterogeneous Graphs and Wireframes

This paper presents a neural network based semantic plane detection method utilizing polygon representations. The method can for example be used to solve room layout estimations tasks and is built on, combines and further develops several different modules from previous research. The network takes an RGB image and estimates a wireframe as well as a feature space using an hourglass backbone. From t

Neighbourhood socioeconomic status and pain among older adults—A cross-sectional study

Background: Pain is associated with falls, disability and a poor quality of life among older adults. It is highly prevalent in many societies, and studies have shown that pain could be preventable or managed more effectively at the population level. However, few studies have investigated who is at higher risk of pain in the general population, which is important for development of effective interv

NATO or Not

Using a framework for analyzing security policy consisting of a synthesis of the Multiple Streams Framework by Kingdon (2014) and Securitization theory as described by Balzacq (2010), this study aims to explain the process of Sweden’s national security policy between 2014 and 2022. Such an investigation has relevance particularly for studies of peace, security and policy processes, since it relate

Effekter av statisk stretching på muskelstyrka - En litteraturstudie

Denna litteraturstudie visar att statisk stretching har olika utfall på muskelstyrkan beroende på vilken typ av effekt som undersöks men även val av stretching intervention. Akuta effekter på muskelstyrkan är mer undersökt än långsiktiga effekter. Flertalet studier i denna litteraturstudie visar att långvarig statisk stretching innan träning (akuta effekter) påverkar muskelstyrkan negativt. I kont

Colorimetric Detection of Furfural with Enhanced Visible Absorption of Furfural-DNPH in Basic Conditions

Furfural is an intermediary toxic aldehyde compound produced during heat-induced food processing and storage. Furfural is also formed by the degradation of cellulosic insulation in oil-immersed electric potential transformers, whose level is an important indicator of aging for replacement. In this study, we report a new means to detect the trace level of furfural in a colorimetric manner. Furfural

Groundwater Modelling in southeast Cambodia - Facing irrigation and groundwater level changes during a pandemic

In the Mekong region, sustainable water resource management is a significant challenge for all countries involved. In Cambodia, where rice production is crucial for household food security and export, groundwater is increasingly used for irrigation during the dry season, leading to higher rice yields. However, this unplanned and unregulated use of groundwater is causing depleting groundwater level

Can the presence of specialized addiction staff in primary health care increase the number of alcohol-related medical consultations – A controlled intervention study

Background: Few individuals with alcohol use disorders receive treatment. Primary care has been suggested as an arena for early treatment for these disorders. Aim: To evaluate whether the presence of a specialized addiction nurse can increase alcohol-related physician consultations in a primary care setting. Method: This controlled intervention study included one intervention and one control prima

Large-Eddy Simulations of Separated Flow and Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Channel

Ribbed channel flows are encountered in numerous engineering applications to promote turbulence and enhance heat transfer in various cooling passages, e.g., in turbine blades and at combustor walls. Numerical simulations have become an increasingly useful tool for studying the behavior of fluids in rib-roughened channels to provide insights into the complex turbulence structures and flow separatio

Resilience to economic shrinking: reinterpreting the Asian economic miracle in a comparative perspective, 1964–2018

The successful economic performance of Pacific Asia is often held as a source of inspiration for aspiring catching-up countries. Notwithstanding, recent literature suggests that a key to the understanding of successful long-term economic performance lies not only in the ability to generate economic growth, but in limiting incidences of economic shrinking. Such analyses to explain the Asian economiThe successful economic performance of Pacific Asia is often held as a source of inspiration for aspiring catching-up countries. Notwithstanding, recent literature suggests that a key to the understanding of successful long-term economic performance lies not only in the ability to generate economic growth, but in limiting incidences of economic shrinking. Such analyses to explain the Asian economi

Flood Risk Assessment Based on Hydrodynamic Model—A Case of the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor

Under global warming, flooding has become one of the most destructive natural disasters along the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which significantly jeopardizes the construction and ongoing stability of the CPEC. The assessment of regional flood potential is, therefore, crucial for effective flood prevention and relief measures. In light of this, our study applied MIKE 11 hydrodynamic mo

Sex-limited experimental evolution drives transcriptomic divergence in a hermaphrodite

The evolution of gonochorism from hermaphroditism is linked with the formation of sex chromosomes, as well as the evolution of sex-biased and sex-specific gene expression to allow both sexes to reach their fitness optimum. There is evidence that sexual selection drives the evolution of male-biased gene expression in particular. However, previous research in this area in animals comes from either t

Risk of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias in Persons with Glaucoma : A National Cohort Study

Purpose: Glaucoma is a heterogeneous group of optic neuropathies that potentially may be associated with other cerebral neurodegenerative processes leading to dementia. However, prior studies have been inconsistent. We examined dementia risks after glaucoma diagnosis in a large population-based cohort. Design: National matched cohort study. Participants: A total of 324 730 persons diagnosed with g

Application of Fourier Transforms to time-resolved ambient pressure spectroscopy operando studies of CO oxidation over Pt(111)

The study of heterogeneous catalysis has important implications in increasing the efficiency of industrial processes and in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases from sources such as automobiles. A reaction with high industrial relevance is the oxidation of CO on noble metal catalysts. In this work I apply Fourier Transformations to Ambient Pressure X-ray and Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectr

Populism i Sverige: En textanalys av populismens förekomst och skepnad i Vänsterpartiet och Sverigedemokraterna

Populism is an ambiguous concept in contemporary politics as it is multifaceted in its nature and expression. However, the fundamental characteristic of a populist actor is their adherence to the will of the people and their opposition to an adverse elite. In Swedish political discourse, the socialist Left Party and nationalist Sweden Democrats have been described as populist. By using an ideation

Jämkning av kommersiella avtal mellan jämbördiga parter - reflektioner kring 36 § avtalslagen utifrån några aktuella rättsliga avgöranden

Denna artikel förmedlar några iakttagelser från den allmänna avtalsrätten. Det handlar om tillämpningen på senare tid av den ständigt aktuella 36 § i lagen (1915:218) om avtal och andra rättshandlingar på förmögenhetsrättens område (avtalslagen alternativt AvtL) i kommersiella avtalsrelationer. Mina iakttagelser leder till slutsatsen att den starka restriktivitet i tillämpningen som förarbetena ti

Fysiologiska effekter vid relativ energibrist och låg energitillgänglighet hos idrottande kvinnor - En semi-systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Många aktiva kvinnor har ett eller flera symtom på den kvinnliga idrottstriaden, som ätstörningar, amenorré och- eller osteoporos. Även låg energitillgänglighet (LEA), med eller utan ätstörningsproblem, menstruationsrubbningar och låg bentäthet är tillstånd som medför hälsorisker. Den kvinnliga idrottstriaden formulerades om av internationella olympiska kommittén till, relativ energibris