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Your search for "*" yielded 529927 hits

Horizontal Europeanisation in Contextual Perspective : What drives cross-border activities within the European Union?

In the current discourse it is frequently stated that in the course of European integration and globalisation we witness more intensified and more frequent transactions spanning across national borders. These assumptions relate not only to transactions in the economic sphere or to forms of political co-operation, but to the individual lifeworlds as well. Yet concerning the latter dimension, resear

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The article explores the extent to which the German population is involved in transnational networks of personal relationships. It is argued that ongoing processes of globalization have weakened the social cohesion of nation-states and engendered more and more border-crossing transactions. In the paper, key empirical indicators are presented to demonstrate the increased transnational interdependen

A Time-Warping Transformation for Time-Optimal Movement in Differentially Flat Systems

The notion of warping the rate of time is explored in the context of differentially flat systems to enable time-optimal motion by convex optimisation. Examples are given with systems configured on the special Euclidean groups SE(2) and SE(3), with and without differential constraints. The proposed method complements classical methods of motion planning, may be used in a real-time context with guar

Spatially resolved spectroscopy across stellar surfaces : III. Photospheric FeI lines across HD 189733A (K1 V)

Context. Spectroscopy across spatially resolved stellar surfaces reveals spectral line profiles free from rotational broadening, whose gradual changes from disk center toward the stellar limb reflect an atmospheric fine structure that is possible to model by 3D hydrodynamics. Aims. Previous studies of photospheric spectral lines across stellar disks exist for the Sun and HD 209458 (G0 V) and are n

Applications and prospects of membrane technology in the bioethanol industry

IntroductionDuring 2008, the oil price climbed from one peak to the next. Despite the fact that high grain and sugar prices – the main feed stocks for bioethanol plant – are currently causing a slow down in the realisation of bioethanol projects, the interest for renewable fuels is still increasing. In the Nordic countries, Sweden and Finland are leading the development of bioethanol production, w

Ett liv utan jämförelse?

Artikeln behandlar hur Karl XIV Johan visuellt skapade band med alla skikt av sitt nya lands befolkning genom att förknippa sig med ärorika föregångare i ämbetet. Detta uttrycktes medvetet i porträtt och monument, men även inredningar, arkitektur och ceremonier. Hans son förde vidare denna strategi genom att bygga upp monument över sin far. Detta ingick i ett brett spektrum av traditionella och ny

A climatology of strong large-scale ocean evaporation events. Part II : Relevance for the deuterium excess signature of the evaporation flux

This paper discusses the relevance of transient events of strong large-scale ocean evaporation (SLOE) for the deuteriumexcess of marine boundary layer vapor d using a theoretical framework that invokes the closure assumption. We argue that during SLOE events, d is essentially determined by the evaporation flux signature. Distinct high d during SLOE with global-mean values in the range of 12‰-23‰ d

Carbohydrate composition and content of organic acids in fresh and stored apples

The contents of low-molecular-weight carbohydrates (LMWC; sorbitol, glucose, fructose and sucrose), starch, dietary fibre and organic acids were determined in seven apple cultivars at the start and end of the consumption interval. The cultivars included were Summered, Aroma, Ingrid Marie, Cox Orange, Mutzu, Belle de Boskoop and Jonagold. The total content of LMWG ranged between 615 and 716 g kg-1

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In the current public discourse the phenomenon of insecurity is widely discussed since various kinds of social risks are becoming more widespread throughout European societies threatening biographical stability and status security. Given this there is a quest for a realignment of statEinterventions aiming at the (re-)production of stability and security. It is assumed that institutional arrangemen

Healthcare, health and inequality in health in the Nordic countries

All five Nordic countries emphasize equal and easy access to healthcare, assuming that increased access to healthcare leads to increased health. It is the purpose of the present study to explore to which extent the populations of these countries have reached good health and a high degree of socio-economic equality in health. Each of the five countries has established extensive public health progra

Channel Hardening in Massive MIMO-A Measurement Based Analysis

Wireless-controlled robots, cars and other critical applications are in need of technologies that offer high reliability and low latency. Massive MIMO, Multiple-Input Multiple-Output, is a key technology for the upcoming 5G systems and is one part of the solution to increase the reliability of wireless systems. More specifically, when increasing the number of base station antennas in a massive MIM

A longitudinal analysis of the relationships of physical activity and body fat with nerve growth factor and brain-derived neural factor in children

Background: Nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neural factor (BDNF) are important for brain function and detectable in the blood. This study explored the longitudinal associations of physical activity and body fat with serum NGF and BDNF in children. Methods: Two waves of measurements were performed 2 years apart in 8- to 11-year-old children, including physical activity using the ActiGra

Impact of diagnostic ECG-to-wire delay in STEMI patients treated with primary PCI : A DANAMI-3 substudy

Aims: We aimed to evaluate the impact of delay from diagnostic pre-hospital electrocardiogram (ECG) to wiring of the infarct-related vessel (ECG-to-wire) >120 minutes on cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) markers of reperfusion success and clinical outcome in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Methods and results: We included 1,492 patients in the analyses of cl

Diagnostic and model dependent uncertainty of simulated Tibetan permafrost area

We perform a land-surface model intercomparison to investigate how the simulation of permafrost area on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) varies among six modern stand-alone land-surface models (CLM4.5, CoLM, ISBA, JULES, LPJ-GUESS, UVic). We also examine the variability in simulated permafrost area and distribution introduced by five different methods of diagnosing permafrost (from modeled monthly ground

New Membrane process synergies for the food industry

Over the last two decades the market for membrane technology in the food industry increased to a market volume of approx. € 50 million and is now the second largest industrial market for membranes after municipal water treatment in Germany. The key membrane technologies in the food industry are the pressure driven membrane processes; microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osm