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The overall aim of the present work was to develop a conceptual framework for managing radiation dose in diagnostic radiology with the intention to support optimisation. An optimisation process was first derived. The framework for managing radiation dose, based on the derived optimisation process, was then outlined. The outset of the optimisation process is four stages: providing equipment, establ
Special Transportation Service in Sweden – Involvement of Private Operators.
Since 1979, every municipality in Sweden has been able to offerits inhabitants Special Transportation Service (STS). STS has afirm primary-municipality connection and organization. Themunicipality, however, receives a national subsidy, which todayamounts to a maximum of 35 percent of a municipality'soverall costs for STS. In 1986, 5 percent of the Swedish populationwas entitled to Special Transpor
Prevalence of Car Ownership and Car Driving Among Elderly in Sweden.
In a mail survey of about 900 men and women above the age of 65 living in one small and large city in Sweden and also in a longitudinal and cohort comparison population study of people between the ages of 70 to 79, living in another large city, questions were asked about car-driving and the possession of a driver's license and of a car. In the age-group 65-74 half of the households owned a car, wh
How can we measure the utlity and spendings on good mobility for the elderly generation?
Översättning som strategi : Den svenska översättningen av brittisk reformlitteratur under 1800-talet
Pain and Pain Medication among Older People with Intellectual Disabilities in Comparison with the General Population
Little is known about pain and pain treatment among people with intellectual disabilities (IDs). We aimed to describe pain and pain medications among older people with ID compared to the general population. Data on diagnoses and prescriptions were collected from national registers for the period between 2006 and 2012 for 7936 people with an ID and a referent cohort from the general population. IDs
Britta Gröndahl
Impact of diet-induced obesity on the mouse brain phosphoproteome
Obesity is closely associated to several diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hepatic steatosis, airway disease, neurodegeneration, biliary diseases and certain cancers. It is, therefore, of importance to assess the role of nutrition in disease prevention as well as its effect in the course of such pathologies. In the present study, we addressed the impact of the exposure to d
Effects of harvesting and drought on CO2 and H2O fluxes in an aspen-dominated western boreal plain forest : early chronosequence recovery
This study examines the hydrological recovery of two regenerating boreal trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) dominated stands and the sensitivity of that regeneration to drought within the first 5 years of establishment. The results indicate that evapotranspiration fluxes and water-use efficiency rebounded quickly as a result of new vegetation foliage growth and wet conditions found withi
Food patterns in relation to weight change and incidence of type 2 diabetes, coronary events and stroke in the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort
Purpose: We examined if data-driven food-patterns associate with weight change, incidence of type 2 diabetes (T2D), coronary events (CE) and stroke. Methods: The study included 20,487 individuals (61% women) from the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort, 45–74 years, without diabetes and CVD at baseline (1991–1996) and who did not report dietary changes. Diet was measured with a modified diet history meth
Minimum energy performance standards for the 1.5 °C target: an effective complement to carbon pricing
Radical energy efficiency improvements are needed to keep global warming within 1.5 °C until the end of the century. Minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) are a widely applied policy instrument to improve the energy efficiency of appliances and reduce CO2 emissions, but they are criticized as redundant if an overarching carbon pricing scheme is in place. In order to better understand how MEP
Den nya islamiska popmusiken och Maher Zain
A geometric study on shell side heat transfer and flow resistance of a six-start spirally corrugated tube
Heat transfer enhancement is of great importance for energy efficiency improvement. The utilization of spirally corrugated tubes is one of the efficient ways to strengthen heat transfer. In this article, based on a validated numerical model, the effects of geometric parameters of a six-start spirally corrugated tube, including the pitch p and the corrugation depth e, on the shell side heat transfe
Derivation and application of dose reduction factors for protective eyewear worn in interventional radiology and cardiology
Doses to the eyes of interventional radiologists and cardiologists could exceed the annual limit of 20 mSv proposed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. Lead glasses of various designs are available to provide protection, but standard eye dosemeters will not take account of the protection they provide. The aim of this study has been to derive dose reduction factors (DRFs) eq
Underrättelseutbildning - en kvalitetssäkring
Arbetet med avslutande rapport har genomförts på uppdrag av en myndighet. Kvalitetssäkringen består i att ett omfattande, på myndigheten internt, utbildningsunderlag vetenskapligt förankrats genom en "process tracing". Resultatet medför en kvalitativt säkrare och mer robust utbildning, och ligger till grund för den framtida utvecklingen av ämnet.
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Digitala verktyg som pedagogiska hjälpmedel i föreläsningsrummet
Som ett led i vår egen fortbildning inom blended learning (blandade lärmiljöer), har vi valt att utveckla nya digitala verktyg inom en kurs som heter ”Introduktions- kurs i service management” (15 högskolepoäng, cirka 300 studenter). Målet med att införa nya digitala verktygen är att underlätta för studenterna att skapa förståelse för kurslitteraturen (teorier, begrepp och modeller) på kursens för
Att (icke) dana präster till läkare : Lunds universitets femte fakultet och prästmedicinen
En artikel om den "Mediko-teologiska fakulteten" vid Lunds universitet och den pastoralmedicinska utbildningen (en propedeutisk kurs i medicin för landsbygdspräster) 1811-1841.