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Effects of systematic exposure assessment errors in partially ecologic case-control studies.

BACKGROUND: In ecologic studies, group-level rather than individual-level exposure data are used. When using group-level exposure data, established by sufficiently large samples of individual exposure assessments, the bias of the effect estimate due to sampling errors or random assessment errors at the individual-level is generally negligible. In contrast, systematic assessment errors may produce

Fibre type composition of rabbit tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus muscles

Rabbit tibialis anterior (TA) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles are used extensively in studies of stimulation-induced fibre type transformation, but the proportions and sizes of the 2 main fibre types, and the way in which they are distributed within the muscles, have never been described in any detail. In this study, transverse sections were processed by enzyme histochemical and immuno

Effects of a supplementary diet with specially processed cereals in patients with short bowel syndrome

Objective Short bowel syndrome patients frequently experience impaired health-related quality of life. This syndrome is also associated with increased costs for the individuals concerned and the community. Intake of specially processed cereals has been demonstrated to decrease intestinal secretion. This study evaluates the effect of a supplementary diet with specially processed cereals compared wi

Fermentation performance of engineered and evolved xylose-fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains

Lignocellulose hydrolysate is an abundant substrate for bioethanol production. The ideal microorganism for such a fermentation process should combine rapid and efficient conversion of the available carbon sources to ethanol with high tolerance to ethanol and to inhibitory components in the hydrolysate. A particular biological problem are the pentoses, which are not naturally metabolized by the mai

Src family kinases are involved in the differential signaling from two splice-forms of c-Kit.

In both mice and humans alternate splicing results in isoforms of c-Kit characterized by the presence or the absence of a tetrapeptide sequence, GNNK, in the juxtamembrane region of the extracellular domain. Dramatic differences in the kinetics and magnitude of activation of the intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of c-Kit between the GNNK and GNNK+ isoforms has previously been shown. Here we repor

Reproducibility of ultrasonic fetal volume blood flow measurements

The intraobserver reproducibility of ultrasonic volume blood flow measurements in the human fetus was evaluated in this study. A new approach, simultaneous measurement of the vessel diameter and the flow velocity with a pulsed-wave Doppler ultrasound synchronized with a real-time ultrasound phase-locked echo-tracking system, was used to estimate volume blood flow (VBF) in the fetal descending aort

The timed 'Up & Go' is dependent on chair type

Introduction: The timed 'Up & Go' (TUG) is a performance test identifying problems in functional mobility. More knowledge on how the type of chair used influences test results is needed. Objective: To investigate inter-rater agreement on the time score and to assess if chair type used influenced the performance of the test. Setting: (1) Inter-rater agreement investigation on the time score was

Electron-Hole Duality and Vortex Rings in Quantum Dots

In a quantum-mechanical system, particle-hole duality implies that instead of studying particles, we can get equivalent information by studying the missing particles, the so-called holes. Using this duality picture for fermions in a rotating trap the vortices appear as holes in the Fermi sea. Here we predict that the formation of vortices in quantum dots at high magnetic fields causes oscillations

Palms tracking climate change

Aim Many species are currently expanding their ranges in response to climate change, but the mechanisms underlying these range expansions are in many cases poorly understood. In this paper we explore potential climatic factors governing the recent establishment of new palm populations far to the north of any other viable palm population in the world. Location Southern Switzerland, Europe, Asia and

Language development in hearing-impaired children - Establishment of a reference material for a 'Language test for hearing-impaired children', LATHIC

Objective: In Sweden, there has previously been no normalised test material for the evaluation of language development in individual hearing-impaired children, and for the assessment of various methods of auditory habilitation. The purpose of the present study was to compose, apply and evaluate a test for language development in hearing-impaired children, and to establish the first set of referenc

Exacerbations of COPD: quantifying the patient's perspective using discrete choice modelling

Patient-centred care is the current vogue in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but it is only recently that robust techniques have become available to determine patients' values and preferences. In this international cross-sectional study, patients' concerns and expectations regarding COPD exacerbations were explored using discrete choice modelling. A fractional factorial design was us

MHC diversity in two Acrocephalus species: the outbred Great reed warbler and the inbred Seychelles warbler

The Great reed warbler (GRW) and the Seychelles warbler (SW) are congeners with markedly different demographic histories. The GRW is a normal outbred bird species while the SW population remains isolated and inbred after undergoing a severe population bottleneck. We examined variation at Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class I exon 3 using restriction fragment length polymorphism, denaturin

The C4b-binding protein-protein S complex inhibits the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells.

The phagocytosis of apoptotic cells is a complex process involving numerous interactions between the target cell and the macrophage. We have examined a role of the major soluble inhibitor of the classic and lectin complement pathways, C4b-binding protein (C4BP), in the clearance of apoptotic cells. The major form of C4BP present in blood is composed of seven alpha-chains and one beta-chain, which

Polarizability and optical rotation calculated from the approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles CC2 linear response theory using Cholesky decompositions

A new implementation of the approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles CC2 linear response model using Cholesky decomposition of the two-electron integrals is presented. Significantly reducing storage demands and computational effort without sacrificing accuracy compared to the conventional model, the algorithm is well suited for large-scale applications. Extensive basis set convergence studi

Dysregulation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase 1 (PKG-1) impairs erectile function in diabetic rats: influence of in vivo gene therapy of PKG1 alpha

To investigate the expression of cGMP-dependent protein kinase 1 (PKG1)alpha and PKG1 beta in the corpus cavernosum, and to evaluate the effect of adenoviral gene transfer of PKG1 alpha to the erectile compartment on erectile function in a rat model of diabetes. Diabetic (DM; induced by streptozotocin) male Sprague Dawley rats were transfected with adenoviruses (AdCMV beta gal or AdCMVPKG1 alpha,

Fast noniterative orbital localization for large molecules

We use Cholesky decomposition of the density matrix in atomic orbital basis to define a new set of occupied molecular orbital coefficients. Analysis of the resulting orbitals ("Cholesky molecular orbitals") demonstrates their localized character inherited from the sparsity of the density matrix. Comparison with the results of traditional iterative localization schemes shows minor differences with

Developmental learning in a pain-related system: Evidence for a cross-modality mechanism

The nociceptive spinal reflex system performs highly precise sensorimotor transformations that require functionally specified synaptic strengths. The specification is gradually attained during early development and appears to be learning dependent. Here we determine the time course of this specification for heat-nociceptive tail withdrawal reflexes and analyze which types of primary afferents are