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Gaia Early Data Release 3 : Modelling and calibration of Gaia 's point and line spread functions

Context. The unprecedented astrometric precision of the Gaia mission relies on accurate estimates of the locations of sources in the Gaia data stream. This is ultimately performed by point spread function (PSF) fitting, which in turn requires an accurate reconstruction of the PSF, including calibrations of all the major dependences. These include a strong colour dependence due to Gaia's broad G ba

Rigorous Upper Bound for the Discrete Bak–Sneppen Model

Fix some p∈ [0 , 1] and a positive integer n. The discrete Bak–Sneppen model is a Markov chain on the space of zero-one sequences of length n with periodic boundary conditions. At each moment of time a minimum element (typically, zero) is chosen with equal probability, and it is then replaced alongside both its neighbours by independent Bernoulli(p) random variables. Let ν(n)(p) be the probability

Developing Novel Robust Models to Improve the Accuracy of Daily Streamflow Modeling

Streamflow plays a major role in the optimal management and allocation of available water resources in each region. Reliable techniques are therefore needed to be developed for streamflow modeling. In the present study, the performance of streamflow modeling is improved via developing novel boosted models. The daily streamflows of four hydrometric stations comprising of the Brantford and Galt stat

Evaluation of image quality for 7 iterative reconstruction algorithms in chest computed tomography imaging : A phantom study

Objectives This study aimed to evaluate the image quality of 7 iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithms in comparison to filtered back-projection (FBP) algorithm. Methods An anthropomorphic chest phantom was scanned on 4 computed tomography scanners and reconstructed with FBP and IR algorithms. Image quality of anatomical details - large/medium-sized pulmonary vessels, small pulmonary vessels, tho

Runtime Modeling and Analysis of IoT Systems

Internet-of-things systems are difficult to understand and debug due to their distributed nature and weak connectivity. We address this problem by using relational reference attribute grammars to model and analyze IoT systems with unreachable parts. A transitive device-dependency analysis is given as an example.

What Price Equality? : The Academic Cost of Government Supervised Gender Mainstreaming at Swedish Universities

This article is focused on gender mainstreaming at Swedish universities in the period from 2016–2019. Our research questions are: (a) In what form was gender mainstreaming introduced and did the form itself affect scholar’s academic rights? (b) Was the process in question compatible with international standards of institutional autonomy? (c) What effect did gender mainstreaming have on scholars’ a

Modelling land–atmosphere daily exchanges of NO, NH3, and CO2 in a semi-arid grazed ecosystem in Senegal

Three different models (STEP–GENDEC–NOflux, Zhang2010, and Surfatm) are used to simulateNO, CO2, and NH3 fluxes at the daily scale for 2 years(2012–2013) in a semi-arid grazed ecosystem at Dahra(152401000 N, 152505600W, Senegal, Sahel). Model resultsare evaluated against experimental results acquired duringthree field campaigns. At the end of the dry season, when thefirst rains re-wet the dry soilThree different models (STEP–GENDEC–NOflux, Zhang2010, and Surfatm) are used to simulate NO, CO2, and NH3 fluxes at the daily scale for 2 years (2012–2013) in a semi-arid grazed ecosystem at Dahra (15∘24′10′′ N, 15∘25′56′′ W, Senegal, Sahel). Model results are evaluated against experimental results acquired during three field campaigns. At the end of the dry season, when the first rains re-wet the

Measurements and analysis of primary ship waves in the Stockholm Archipelago, Sweden

Primary ship waves generated by conventional marine vessels were investigated in the Furusund fairway located in the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden. Continuous water level measurements at two locations in the fairway were analyzed. In total, 466 such events were extracted during two months of measurements. The collected data were used to evaluate 13 existing predictive equations for drawdown height

Illuminating a Blind Spot in Digitalization - Software Development in Sweden's Private and Public Sector

As Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen famously remarked in 2011, software is eating the world - becoming a pervasive invisible critical infrastructure. Data on the distribution of software use and development in society is scarce, but we compile results from two novel surveys to provide a fuller picture of the role software plays in the public and private sectors in Sweden, respectively. Three ou

Second-trimester transvaginal ultrasound measurement of cervical length for prediction of preterm birth : a blinded prospective multicentre diagnostic accuracy study

Objective: To estimate the diagnostic performance of sonographic cervical length for the prediction of preterm birth (PTB). Design: Prospective observational multicentre study. Setting: Seven Swedish ultrasound centres. Sample: A cohort of 11 456 asymptomatic women with a singleton pregnancy. Methods: Cervical length was measured with transvaginal ultrasound at 18–20 weeks of gestation (C×1) and a

A high-repetition rate attosecond light source for time-resolved coincidence spectroscopy

Attosecond pulses, produced through high-order harmonic generation in gases, have been successfully used for observing ultrafast, subfemtosecond electron dynamics in atoms, molecules and solid state systems. Today's typical attosecond sources, however, are often impaired by their low repetition rate and the resulting insufficient statistics, especially when the number of detectable events per shot

Asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation coupled to surface plasmon resonance detection for analysis of therapeutic proteins in blood serum

Coupling of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) detection to asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) offers the possibility to study active fractions of bio-separations on real samples, such as serum and saliva, including the assessment of activity of possibly aggregated species. The coupling of SPR with AF4 requires the possibility to select fractions from a fractogram and redirect them to the

Experimental study and analysis of radiation heat fluxes received by a floor beneath an inclined ceiling

This study experimentally investigates the radiation heat flux distribution received on the floor due to fire plume impinging upon an inclined ceiling, which has not been quantified previously. The radiation heat fluxes were measured on the floor for 160 experimental conditions, involving various fire source heat release rates, source-ceiling heights, angles of ceiling inclination and dimensions (

Meditation, exceptional psychophysiological control, and parapsychology

Contemplative traditions have posited that exceptional abilities can occur in conjunction with meditation. These claims have been often dismissed as mere fantasies, but some have been evaluated experimentally. This chapter reviews historical accounts from Asian and Western traditions about such abilities and summarizes the research on the relation of meditation with exceptional psychophysiological

Funkisregi : Ingmar Bergman & Malmö stadsteater 1952-1958

Det finns ett före och ett efter Malmö för Ingmar Bergman, men också ett före och ett efter Bergman för Malmö. Malmöperioden 1952-1958 markerar skillnaden mellan en ung, lovande men också rotlös och laborerande regissör i trettioårsåldern och en etablerad regissör som precis fyllt 40, som hittat sitt specifika uttryck och följt upp sina genombrottsfilmer och iscensättningarna på stadsteatrarna i H

The journey to my student identity: A grounded theory study on supported education for young adults with mental health problems

Support for developing a work identity hasbeen shown to be essential for the recovery process ofyoung adults with mental health problems. Sinceresearch shows that the development of a student roleduring the educational years for these young adultsmay be interrupted, this time period may be relevant toexplore in order to support career development and thecritical transition to adulthood for this ta

Insulin regulates Nedd4-2 via a PKB-dependent mechanism in HEI-OC1 auditory cells-crosstalks with sphingolipid and cAMP signaling

BACKGROUND: The mechanisms of association between diabetes and inner ear dysfunction are unknown, although endolymphatic hydrops may be involved. We have previously shown that insulin signaling components are expressed in human saccule and that insulin signaling takes place in HEI-OC1 auditory cells.AIM: To explore Nedd4-2 as a target for insulin signaling.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Effects of insulin

Molekylär patologi – nyckeln till målinriktad cancerbehandling

Molekylär kunskap om tumörutveckling leder till allt fler målinriktade cancerbehandlingar.Heltäckande molekylär tumörkarakterisering ger möjlighet att undersöka samtliga behandlingsalternativ med en analys.Arbetsutskottet för solida tumörer inom Genomic Medicine Sweden samarbetar för att etablera regional och nationell infrastruktur för storskalig tumörsekvensering och kopplad dataanalys i sjukvårRapidly expanding knowledge of the molecular landscape of cancers has resulted in the implementation of an increasing number of specific therapies targeted at tumors with specific molecular aberrations. In response to this development, new tools for predictive testing for molecular targets need to be implemented in routine health care. To achieve robust future molecular diagnostic pathology, and e