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Europaperspektiv 2000
Att bedöma barns språk och kommunikation
Macrocyclic Carbohydrate/Amino Acid Hybrid Molecules - Synthesis and Evaluation as Artificial Receptors
Methods were developed for the synthesis of three different types of macrocyclic carbohydrate/amino acid hybrid molecules. In the synthesis of the first type of macrocycles, a glucosamine derivative was oxidized at C6 and the obtained sugar amino acid was coupled to tripeptides. The resulting hybrids were transformed into dimers and cyclized in a macrolactamization step to obtain C2-symmetric macr
Cykeln och resvanorna
WALCYNG Attitudes towards walking and cycling instead of using a car. Internal report of Work Package No. 6. Report I: No. 6 WALCYNG How to enhance WALking and CYcliNG instead of shorter car trips and to make these modes safer. A research project within the EU Fourth Framework Programme
Effektivisering av Medicinska fakultetens organisation och administration
Nano-solceller - supereffektiv solteknik från Lund
Utanförskapets pris - effekter av långvarig arbetslöshet och bidragsberoende i Malmö
From School to Patriarchate: Aspects on the Christianisation of Alexandria
Quantitative Ventilation/Perfusion SPECT (QV/PSPECT): A primary Method for Diagnosis of Pulmonary embolism.
Capital Shares and Income Inequality: Evidence from the Long Run
This paper investigates the relationship between the capital share in national income and personal income inequality over the long run. Using a new historical cross-country database on capital shares in 19 countries and data from the World Wealth and Income Database, we find strong long-run links between the aggregate role of capital in the economy and the size distribution of income. Over time, t
Den olycklige korsaren
Essä som behandlar Viktor Rydberg dikt "Korsaren".
Productivity comparisons, are they possible or even desirable?
Increased productivity is of societal good and efforts to achieve this should be a relevant task for all businesses. However, the concept of productivity is not clear as to what is to be measured. This becomes a problem especially when statements are made that the development of productivity in the construction industry is not as good as other sectors of industry. It is not clear if this compariso
Rättegången som en mänsklig rättighet
Artikeln behandlar rättegångsprocessen som en del av de mänskliga rättigheterna, dess centrala beståndsdelar och dess funktion ur såväl teoretisk som praktisk synvinkel.
Sverige och efterlevnaden av EU:s regelverk: ett samarbetsdilemma
Abstract is not available
Sparse Semi-Parametric Chirp Estimator
In this work, we present a method for estimating the parameters detailing an unknown number of linear chirp signals, using an iterative sparse reconstruction framework. The proposed method is initiated by a re-weighted Lasso approach, and then use an iterative relaxation-based refining step to allow for high resolution estimates. The resulting estimates are found to be statistically efficient, ach
Perceived workplace safety culture among Swedish electricians
Accidents and injuries caused by electricity are work environment risks for electricians. About a 100 cases are reported annually to the Swedish Work Environment Authority. The safety culture at the electricians’ workplaces can affect the successfulness of safety management and the prevention of injuries. This paper presents preliminary questionnaire and interview findings on the perceived workpla
The Role of International Organisations in Global Environmental Governance
The organisational network of global environmental governance (GEG) mirrors the complexity of the planet's manifold and overlapping ecosystems. Bursting onto the international stage in the 1970s, environmental issues began to be addressed by a series of new international organisations, most of them affiliated with the United Nations. Some of them, such as the United Nations Environment Programme (