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A passive neutron dosemeter for measurements in mixed neutron-photon radiation fields

The project combines the highly sensitive salt(NaCl) dosemeter for photon radiation with a neutronphotonconverter in the form of thin gadolinium foilsenclosing the salt. Using an identical salt dosemeter butwithout gadolinium cover determines the primaryphoton contribution. With these twin dosemeters placedin a polyethylene sphere, both photon and neutron dosecontributions can be estimated. This p

Severe extraarticular manifestations in a community based cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis : Risk factors and incidence in relation to treatment with tumor necrosis factor inhibitors

Objective. The aims of this study were to evaluate whether treatment with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) affects the risk of developing severe extraarticular rheumatoid arthritis (ExRA) manifestations and to investigate potential predictors for developing ExRA. Methods. A dynamic community-based cohort of patients with RA was studied (n = 1977). C

Estimating burden of influenza-associated influenza-like illness and severe acute respiratory infection at public healthcare facilities in Romania during the 2011/12-2015/16 influenza seasons

Background: Influenza is responsible for substantial morbidity and mortality, but there is limited information on reliable disease burden estimates, especially from middle-income countries in the WHO European Region. Objectives: To estimate the incidence of medically attended influenza-associated influenza-like illness (ILI) and hospitalizations due to severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) pre

Type and frequency of side effects during PC6 acupuncture : observations from therapists and patients participating in clinical efficacy trials of acupuncture

BACKGROUND: Many therapists practise PC6 acupuncture for emesis (nausea and vomiting) during pregnancy, different cancer therapies, palliative care, after surgery, or to induce relaxing effects in general. Knowledge of side effects is central to shared decision-making.AIM: To describe the type and frequency of side effects and the level of needle-induced pain during PC6 acupuncture.METHODS: We inc

Cultural adaptation and validation of the Swedish VEINES-QOL/Sym in patients with venous insufficiency

Objectives: To translate and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Venous Insufficiency Epidemiological and Economic Studies (VEINES) questionnaire, divided into two subscales; symptoms (VEINES-Sym) and quality of life (VEINES-QOL), in a Swedish cohort of patients with venous disease. Methods: The original questionnaire was translated into Swedish with forward–backward translation and admini

Three unreported cases of TMEM199-CDG, a rare genetic liver disease with abnormal glycosylation

Background: TMEM199 deficiency was recently shown in four patients to cause liver disease with steatosis, elevated serum transaminases, cholesterol and alkaline phosphatase and abnormal protein glycosylation. There is no information on the long-term outcome in this disorder. Results: We here present three novel patients with TMEM199-CDG. All three patients carried the same set of mutations (c.13-1

Pollinators and Insect Pollination in Changing Agricultural Landscapes

Svensk sammanfattningKraftiga förluster av pollinerare är oroande och det har talats om risken för att en pollineringskris ska uppstå, med konsekvenser för både människor och miljö. De flesta blommande växter och tre av fyra odlade grödor är nämligen insektspollinerade (Box 1). Minskningarna hänger ihop med det moderna jordbrukets utveckling. Många gamla hagmarker och ängsmarker där bin och fjärilAgricultural intensification and associated loss of semi-natural grasslands, has resulted in reduced landscape heterogeneity. A concomitant loss of forage and nest sites for pollinating insects has driven declines across several pollinator taxa. Because 75% of the cultivated crops and more than 85% of the flowering plant species are insectpollinated, concerns have been raised that the pollinator d

Risk of nitrous oxide emissions and potential of bioaugmentation when treating digester supernatant via nitrification-denitrification

This thesis examines two different impacts of sidestream treatment of digester supernatant via nitrification-denitrification in a sequenced batch reactor (SBR). One of the impacts is the detrimental formation of nitrous oxide, and the other is the positive boosting of nitrifiers to the mainstream process through bioaugmentation. The studies have been carried out in a full-scale wastewater treatmenThis thesis examines two different impacts of sidestream treatment of digester supernatant via nitrification-denitrification in a sequenced batch reactor (SBR). One of the impacts is the detrimental formation of nitrous oxide, and the other is the positive boosting of nitrifiers to the mainstream process through bioaugmentation. The studies have been carried out in a full-scale wastewater treatmen