Making and breaking the bonds of play and ritual
Panel på SIEFs 15:e congress “Breaking the rules” - Power, Participation, Trangression”. Helsinki, Finland 19-24 juni 2021.
Panel på SIEFs 15:e congress “Breaking the rules” - Power, Participation, Trangression”. Helsinki, Finland 19-24 juni 2021.
The passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)signified a new era of mobility for elderly and disabled passengers.There have been many debates about fixed-route versus door-todoordemand-responsive services. While the United States hasbeen discussing the issue, Sweden has been experimenting since1983 with a concept called service routes. Madison Metro (inWiscon_sin) is very close
First measurements of balance functions (BFs) of all combinations of identified charged hadron (π,K,p) pairs in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV recorded by the ALICE detector are presented. The BF measurements are carried out as two-dimensional differential correlators versus the relative rapidity (Δy) and azimuthal angle (Δφ) of hadron pairs, and studied as a function of collision centrality. Th
To identify new susceptibility loci to lung cancer among diverse populations, we performed cross-ancestry genome-wide association studies in European, East Asian and African populations and discovered five loci that have not been previously reported. We replicated 26 signals and identified 10 new lead associations from previously reported loci. Rare-variant associations tended to be specific to po
Postoperative endophthalmitis is a dreaded complication of intraocular surgery. Acute presentations need prompt management and good knowledge of differential diagnoses. In the last 10 years, progress in direct microbial detection and identification from intraocular samples included the use of blood culture systems and, more recently, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass
Importance: Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy is a standard staging procedure for cutaneous melanoma. Regional disease control is a clinically important therapeutic goal of surgical intervention, including nodal surgery. Objective: To determine how frequently SLN biopsy without completion lymph node dissection (CLND) results in long-term regional nodal disease control in patients with SLN metastase
Introduction: A decrease in ischemic stroke (IS) incidence has been observed in high income countries during the last decades. Whether this has influenced the occurrence of aphasia in IS is uncertain. We therefore examined the incidence rate and potentially related determinants of aphasia in IS. Methods: We prospectively examined consecutive patients admitted to hospital with first-ever acute IS b
Paper på SIEFs 13:e kongress Ways of Dwelling: Crisis - Craft – Creativity, International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), Georg-August Universität, Göttingen 26-30 mars 2017The notion of 'affect' have long been a key concept in the study of fandom, and the term has been used to explicate fandom "affective investments" (Grossberg 1992), "affective play" (Hills 2001) and "affective space" (Lamerichs 2014). The turn, in recent years, to ethnographic study within fandom-studies has led to increasing discussion on researcher/field issues; specifically on self-reflexivity
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BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidence suggests a survival benefit after curative oesophageal cancer surgery in women compared with men. The aim of this study was to explore sex disparities in survival after surgery with curative intent in patients with oesophageal cancer.METHODS: This was a population-based cohort study, including all patients with oesophageal or gastric cancer who underwent surgery w
In the same way that the practice of cardiology has evolved over the years, so too has the way cardiology fellows in training (FITs) are trained. Propelled by recent advances in technology-catalysed by COVID-19-and the requirement to adapt age-old methods of both teaching and healthcare delivery, many aspects, or 'domains', of learning have changed. These include the environments in which FITs wor
Introduction: In Sweden, partner's presence during childbirth is generally recommended. However, cultural values and norms in some immigrant societies can be an obstacle to this. Objective: To examine the experiences of Cameroonian fathers during their women's labour and childbirth in Sweden. Design: An exploratory qualitative study with semi-structured interviews were used for data collection and
To improve the power handling capability at ground stations of a 5.8-GHz solar space power satellite using microwave power transmission, a power charge-pump meta-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MESFET)-based rectifier is presented in this article. Unlike conventional microwave Schottky diodes, diode-connected MESFETs, whose nonlinear characteristics help them to have a unique current&#x
Protandry is a widespread life-history phenomenon describing how males precede females at the site or state of reproduction. In migratory birds, protandry has an important influence on individual fitness, the migratory syndrome, and phenological response to climate change. Despite its significance, accurate analyses on the dynamics of protandry using data sets collected at the breeding site, are l
Nickel (Ni)-promoted Molybdenum (Mo)-based catalysts are used for hydrotreatment processes in the chemical industry where the catalysts are exposed to high-pressure H2 at elevated temperature. In this environment, the catalyst transforms into the active phase, which involves the reduction of the oxide. Here, we report on the first in situ study on the reduction of alumina supported Ni- and Mo-base
Multi-objective optimization is a crucial matter in computer systems design space exploration because real-world applications often rely on a trade-off between several objectives. Derivatives are usually not available or impractical to compute and the feasibility of an experiment can not always be determined in advance. These problems are particularly difficult when the feasible region is relative