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Grönskans kvaliteter och barns hälsa : Kunskapsunderlag om barns hälsa och utveckling vid vistelse i gröna miljöer med fokus på ekosystemtjänster

Denna rapport är en del av Folkhälsomyndighetens uppdrag om att sprida kunskapinom miljörelaterad hälsa för att främja en miljö som bidrar till en god och jämlikhälsa i befolkningen. Rapporten riktar sig främst till beslutsfattare och handläggaresom arbetar med miljörelaterad hälsa på nationell, regional och lokal nivå. Denutgör ett viktigt beslutsunderlag för prioriteringar och åtgärder inom detm

Banal religion and national identity in hybrid media : “heating” the debate on values and veiling in Sweden

Religion has become a hot topic in Sweden, often perceived as the most secularized corner of the world. This article analyzes how Islam and Lutheran Christianity come to be used in the construction of national identity, through discourse analysis of an opinion piece by the Christian Democrats in 2021 on banning veils in elementary schools, and the following discussion on Twitter1. The concept “ban

Informationsgivning vid andelsbaserad gräsrotsfinansiering i privata aktiebolag - En utredning av regleringsbehovet

Andelsbaserad gräsrotsfinansiering i privata aktiebolag saknar för närvarande en reglering som ställer krav på informationsgivning i svensk rätt, då befintlig reglering endast omfattar publika aktiebolag. Då det inte ställs krav på informationsgivning finns det få incitament för det kapitalsökande bolaget och investeringsplattformen att vid gräsrotsfinansiering dela med sig av information som riskEquity crowdfunding in private limited liability companies currently lacks a regulation on information obligations in Swedish law, as the existing regulation only covers public limited liability companies. Since there are no information-sharing requirements among these companies, there are practically no incentives for either the capital-seeking company or the investment platform to share informat

Två sidor av ett mynt - kontroll i ett tillitsbaserat ledarskap

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Två sidor av ett mynt - kontroll i ett tillitsbaserat ledarskap Seminariedatum: 11 januari 2024 Kurs: FEKH49 - Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Anna Depui Ekdal, Beatrice Jensen och Alba Aliu Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde Nyckelord: Tillit, kontroll, tillitsbaserat ledarskap, distansarbete, chefskap Forskningsfrågor: “Abstract Title: Two sides of the same coin - control in trust-based leadership. Seminar date: January 11th 2024 Course: FEKH49 - Bachelor’s degree thesis in Management and Organization, 15 credits Authors: Anna Depui Ekdal, Beatrice Jensen och Alba Aliu Supervisors: Nadja Sörgärde Keywords: Trust, control, trust-based leadership, remote work, managerial work. Research question: “How do manage

”De rikas konsumtion föröder naturen” : REPLIK

Det är den minoritet av världens befolkning som är rik som främst påverkar statusen för jordens livsuppehållande system genom sin konsumtion. Det skriver två forskare i en replik.This is a response to another article that argues that population growth is the main problem. Jennifer and her co-authors write: "In the environmental debate, it is often said that the issue of population growth is taboo. We disagree. In most of the contexts in which we operate, the population issue is discussed. The reason why it is not emphasized more is that the statistics speak for themselves:

Improved lipid saponification for chromatographic quantification of fatty acids in porcine erythrocytes - an important lipidomic biomarker of the effectiveness of dietary fat supplementation in pigs as a large animal model for human studies

The objectives of our study were to enhance and evaluate an improved saponification method for the quantification of fatty acids (FA), with a specific focus on highly-unsaturated long-chain polyunsaturated FA (LPUFA) that are easily peroxidised in pig erythrocytes. These erythrocytes serve as a valuable large animal model for human studies. We implemented a modified saponification procedure, invol

Prognostic nomogram for acute-on-chronic hepatitis B liver failure

BACKGROUND & AIMS: To establish an effective prognostic nomogram for acute-on-chronic hepatitis B liver failure (ACHBLF).MATERIALS AND METHODS: The nomogram was based on clinical data of 203 ACHBLF patients who admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University from 2009 to 2014. The area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC) and calibration curve were car

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INTRODUCTION: Few individuals have access to mental health services due in part to underdetection. As it is more likely to consult for medical conditions, primary care may be a useful gateway for early detection of mental health problems.OBJECTIVE: Detection of the frequency of mental health problems in four hospital services at the Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá: Outpatient unit, hospitalization, e

Ideology, Identity, and Impact: Understanding the Organizational Configuration of the Nordic Resistance Movement in Scandinavia

Based on social movement theory and a multi-level analysis, this thesis explores the Nordic Resistance Movement’s (NRM) organizational configuration, transnational character, and ideological foundations through a comparative case study of the NRM in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. The NRM uses a combination of decentralized structures, hierarchies, and symbols, contributing to their unique dual natio

Perceptual-Cognitive Processes in Basketball—Individual and Team Aspects

The role of psychological processes in team sports has been studied extensively. The chapter focuses on the psychological factors that are unique to basketball. These factors include the following: (a) free throw shooting—examining the role of gaze behavior in enhancing shooting percentages, (b) “the hot hand”—the underlying mechanisms leading to a “hot streak,” (c) clutch performance under pressu

Italian adaptation and psychometric validation of the Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS) and its modified versions in adults with multiple sclerosis : a Rasch analysis study

Purpose: Several outcome measures are available to assess the severity of fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). The aim of this study was to adapt the Italian version of the Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS-40) and its modified versions: a 21-item Modified scale (MFIS-21), its 5-item short version (MFIS-5), and an 8-item version for daily use (DFIS-8) and investigate their measurement properti

Evaluation of CINA® LVO artificial intelligence software for detection of large vessel occlusion in brain CT angiography

Objective: To systematically evaluate the ability of the CINA® LVO software to detect large vessel occlusions eligible for mechanical thrombectomy on CTA using conventional neuroradiological assessment as gold standard. Methods: Retrospectively, two hundred consecutive patients referred for a brain CTA and two hundred patients that had been subject for endovascular thrombectomy, with an accessible

Should Tinnitus Patients with Subclinical Hearing Impairment Be Offered Hearing Aids? A Comparison of Tinnitus Mitigation Following 3 Months Hearing Aid Use in Individuals with and without Clinical Hearing Impairment

There is a consensus among tinnitus experts to not recommend hearing aids for tinnitus patients with subclinical hearing impairment. However, this notion is arbitrary, as no previous study has compared the treatment effect of hearing aids on tinnitus distress in patients with and without clinical hearing impairment. In this article, we investigate whether tinnitus patients with clinical and subcli

Were the most important election pledges fulfilled? An empirical investigation of the Swedish government’s pledge fulfillment after the 2014 parliamentary election

This thesis provides an account of the pledge-making and eventual pledge fulfilment of the Swedish government of 2014, which consisted of the Social Democratic Party and the Green Party. It is grounded in the theoretical approaches of the mandate model of representation and promissory representation. It explores whether the pledges these two parties made within issue areas that their voters identi